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芝加哥大学正在准备125周年校庆,我们对此充满怀旧情怀。125年 来,很多事情有所改变——游泳已经不再是毕业要求了,而且学校在经济学、政治学、以及分子工程方面的前沿研究正为新进杰出机构所支持。但不足为奇的是学校 很多传统依然一如既往——我们对于无畏探索的支持、提出涉及大方向的重要问题、以及我们的“奇葩”招生作文选题。每一年,申请者从若干个招生作文选题中选 择其一作答,这些选题无一与传统的大学申请作文模式吻合。请以此为契机,运用你的知识,以及一点点的幽默,进行创造性思考。让你的想象力引领你享受这个探 索之旅。

以下芝大在其官网上最新发布的2015-2016年度本科申请作文选题,其中第一题为必选题,第二题为可选题。此外申请人还须在七个思维拓展作文选题中选择回答其中之一。 Continue reading

$500 High School Achievement Scholarship

JobApplicationGuide’s Inaugural Scholarship Program

JobApplicationGuide is pleased to announce our first annual scholarship program. As our online reputation continues to grow, it is our goal to give back to the community of people seeking higher education. Effective immediately JobApplicationGuide will be giving away a minimum of $1000 in scholarships annually. It is our goal to grow this annual scholarship fund as we continue to grow as an organization. Continue reading

Science Fair 和Science Bowl的差别

本周末要开始Science Fair 和Science Bowl的训练课了。最近经常有父母打电话来问他们的差别。

以下是我们的Coach,James Ma的解释:

Science Bowl and Science Fair are two very different competitions, both of which are great opportunities for students to achieve in science and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering , and Math) fields. 

Science Bowl is first and foremost a team competition, and is generally coordinated through your school. It is open to both middle school and high school students, and tests students’ knowledge of various subjects, including math, physics, biology and chemistry. Students who excel in Science Bowl are quick thinkers who have great curiosity for science. This course aims to establish fundamental skills for students to use which are applicable not only towards Science Bowl but also in various other settings. These include leadership, teamwork, time management, and strong study habits

Science Fair is a much more individual competition, and is not always coordinated through your school. While projects can be done in small groups, they are most commonly done by a single student. Projects can be in almost any STEM field, or a combination of multiple. Students conduct original scientific research, designing and performing experiments, interpreting results, and formulating conclusions. However, research is only one portion of this competition, as Science Fair generally requires students to present and communicate the importance of their work. As such, students who excel in Science Fair are highly inquisitive, passionate, and hardworking. This course will teach students the skills needed to succeed at Science Fair, which are highly valuable in other areas as well. These include research, experimental design, data analysis, and presentation skills. 

It is entirely possible for students to take on both competitions at once. It is often seen that the most successful students are able to excel in both Science Bowl and Science Fair. Both of these competitions have a steep learning curve, and thus it is crucially important to begin early. As a result, these courses are designed for middle school students, in order to nurture their growth and give them tools for success.

Register the science fair and science bowl training class at 

2015 Summer Science Fair Training Class

2015 Summer science bowl training will start from 6/7/2015 Sunday

暑期科学杯science bowl training本周日6/7日开始

science bowl James ma问:什么是科学杯?为什么要参加sciecne bowl科学杯?
科学杯竞赛由美国能源部(Department of Energy)于1991年创办,旨在鼓励中学生在数学和科学领域的学习和探索,是全美最大型的科学竞赛之一。在过去的22年中,已有超过22万美国学生参加了该比赛。预计2016年有超过9000名高中生及4500名初中生参加地区比赛,争夺华府决赛资格。
参加科学杯的训练,不仅仅在于参加比赛,更主要的是可以提高学生对科学的兴趣,扩展学生的眼界,推动他们对科学自学及研究的能力,并加深他们对科学的理解与认识, 为他们在以后的学习打下基础。

zt:  内部视角–常青藤的“平权运动”实际是怎么样的

终于,亚裔美国人受够了 — 他们厌倦了越来越努力的工作,实现越来越多的学术成就,然后在试图在进入这个国家最优秀的大学以达成他们对教育的梦想时受到越来越多的反对与阻碍。 从要进入顶级私人学校如哈佛,或最好的公立学校如北卡罗莱纳州教堂山大学的角度来看,谁也没有做到比华裔,日裔或韩裔美国人做的更好。但 为了给非裔,拉丁裔,以及。。。是 的, 白人学生腾出空间,优秀的亚裔美国人被推到一边。而现在他们已经厌倦了这个情况。原文作者:David French Continue reading

週六5/2免费讲座 : 就讀美國大學財務規劃面面觀– 您不能不知道美國大學財務資助的陷阱及對策

       親愛的朋友,您現在是否面臨著或者將要面臨子女上大學所帶來的困惑? 孩子進入理想的大學是每一位父母的願望,但是美國年年上漲的高昂學費對每個家庭財務產生了無形的壓力。因此,如何更好應用聯邦政府及各大學“按需分配”的政策,盡早對家庭資產進行調整、優化, 以減輕因大學教育造成的家庭財務困難,如何合理合法的規劃好家庭財務是每位升學家長的必修功課。 Continue reading


哈佛是何等尊贵神圣的学府,她在天上,遥不可及,引人向往。她是世界人民心中不可动摇的学术标杆。各种世界名校排名,无论是美国的,欧洲的,中国的还是其他地方,无论使用什么标准,哈佛始终是天字第一号,很多排名是以哈佛的满分(100),来给其他学府打分排座次,往往是大幅度拉开第二名的得分,以彰显哈佛的完美。 Continue reading

MIT 掠影


麻省理工的校园建筑远没有哈佛散发出的旧大陆的古色古香,缺少世界超一流学府的雅致和幽深。当然,巨柱支撑的主楼依然堂皇气派,标示着这个理工航空母舰的牛气和宏大。这也是我们当年做留学梦时从MIT索取的校园资料的招牌封面,印象中不亚于斯坦福建筑给人的震撼。 Continue reading


Screen Shot 2015-04-16 at 10.35.39 AM


去年春晖教育请了一位被斯坦福录取的学生分享,她是一个没有得到任何奖的人,看起来很平常。但她对照斯坦福的录取准则,样样符合。这次我们请来了的Jenny 看起来也很平常,是不是也符合斯坦福的录取原则呢?还是她就是一个幸运儿?Jenny 有个和硅谷的大多中国人一样的工程师家庭,她没有得到任何学业上的奖。她到底是一个什么样的人?她高中这几年都做了什么?斯坦福在录取她的信上告诉了Jenny是什么因素让她进入了今年的5.05%?


请来参加本周六的讲座。Jenny 将详细为您分享她高中的生活以及申请斯坦福大学的过程。有问必答。


Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129
Time: April 18th, Saturday 7:00-9:00pm.
Fee: $30/person. $50/two family members
Contact: 408-366-2204, spring.light.edu@gmail.com
Registration: CLICK HERE.

What she will be covering:

  • Her experiences in high school; the extra-curricular activities that she pursued 
  • What internships/activities she did outside of school
  • What was useful and what didn’t work
  • Her thoughts on what colleges like Stanford are looking for in an application

Biography: Jenny Han was accepted regular decision to the Stanford University Class of 2019. In high school, some of the activities she pursued include

* President of Fremont High School’s National Honor Society
* Section Leader of the Fremont High School Wind Ensemble clarinet section
* Founding member and current secretary of the Fremont High Speech and Debate team
* Outreach work as a tutor in local schools
* A summer internship at UC Santa Cruz
* Being a teenager

AP 课转大学学分

College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Chart 2014-15

Effective for Undergraduates Matriculating 2014-15

A maximum of 45 quarter units of transfer and test credit may be applied toward the undergraduate degree. Subjects not listed on the AP chart are not eligible for AP credit. Students continuing in the subject should enroll in the placement course for the corresponding AP subject. If Stanford courses are taken below the level of the placement course, the corresponding AP units will be removed as these are considered duplicating courses. Scores of 4 or 5 on language AP exams fulfill the language requirement.


Calculus AB (or AB subscore) 5 MATH 51 10 MATH 19, 20, 21, 41, 42
4 MATH 42 5 MATH 19, 20, 41
Calculus BC 4,5 MATH 51 10 MATH 19, 20, 21, 41, 42
3 MATH 42 5 MATH 19, 20, 41
Chemistry 5 CHEM 33 or above 5 CHEM 30, 31, 31A, 31B, 31X
Chinese Language & Culture* 5 Take placement exam if continuing in this language 10 CHINLANG 1, 2, 3
Computer Science A 4,5 CS 106B or CS 106X 5 CS 105, 106A
Computer Science AB 4,5 CS 106B, CS 106X, or CS 107 5 CS 105, 106A
French Language* 5 Take placement exam if continuing in this language 10 FRENLANG 1, 2, 3
German Language* 5 Take placement exam if continuing in this language 10 GERLANG 1, 2, 3
Japanese Language & Culture* 5 Take placement exam if continuing in this language 10 JAPANLNG 1, 2, 3
Latin (Literature or Vergil)* 5 Take placement exam if continuing in this language 10 LATIN 1, 2, 3,
Physics B 5 PHYSICS 25 8 PHYS 21, 23
4 PHYSICS 23 and 25 4 PHYS 21
Physics C – Mechanics 4,5 PHYSICS 43 and 45; or PHYSICS 23 and 25 5 PHYS 21, 41
3 PHYSICS 41, 43, and 45; or PHYSICS 23 and 25 4 PHYS 21
Physics C – Electricity and Magnetism 4,5 PHYSICS 41 and 45; or PHYSICS 21 and 25 5 PHYS 23,  43
3 PHYSICS 41, 43, and 45; or PHYSICS 21 and 25 4 PHYS 23
Physics C – Both 4,5 PHYSICS 45; or PHYSICS 25 10 PHYS 21, 23, 41, 43
3 PHYSICS 41, 43, and 45; or PHYSICS 25 8 PHYS 21, 23
Spanish (Language)* 5 Take placement exam if continuing in this language 10 SPAN 1, 2, 3
* A score of 4 or 5 on this test fulfills the Language Requirement. A score of 5 is required to receive 10 quarter units of credit.

UC grants credit for College Board Advanced Placement examinations on which a student scores 3 or higher.

Elective units awarded may be applied to UC graduation requirements for specific subjects and/or for general education/breadth requirements, as determined by each campus.

For transfer students, AP exams can also be used to meet the minimum transfer admission subject requirements in English (UC-E), Math (UC-M) and 4 other courses chosen from the humanities (UC- H), behavioral/social sciences (UC-B) and biological/physical sciences (UC-S).

Although the College Board reports all AP tests results to us, students should be aware AP test scores lower than 3 will not adversely affect their chances for admission.

Units granted for AP tests are not counted toward the maximum number of credits required for formal declaration of a major or the maximum number of units a student may accumulate prior to graduation. Students who enter UC with AP credit do not have to declare a major earlier than other students, nor are they required to graduate earlier.

Credit granted for AP exams

(Credit is expressed in quarter units. For Berkeley and Merced, divide total quarter units by 1.5 to convert to semester units.)

Art, Studio
  • 2-D Design: 8
  • 3-D Design: 8
  • Drawing: 8

(8-unit maximum for all three exams)

Art History (UC-H)
  • 8
Biology (UC-S)
  • 8
Chemistry (UC-S)
  • 8
Computer Science
  • Computer Science A: 2

(4-unit maximum; Computer Science AB no longer offered)

Economics (UC-B)
  • Microeconomics: 4
  • Macroeconomics: 4
  • Language and Composition (UC-E): 8
  • Literature and Composition (UC-E/H): 8

(8-unit maximum for both exams)

Environmental Science (UC-S)
  • 4
Government and Politics (UC-B)
  • United States: 4
  • Comparative: 4
History (UC-B/H)
  • United States History: 8
  • European History: 8
  • World History: 8
Human Geography (UC-B)
  • 4
Language Other than English (UC-H)
  • Chinese Language and Culture: 8
  • French Language and Culture: 8
  • German Language and Culture: 8
  • Italian Language and Culture: 8
  • Latin: 4
  • Japanese Language and Culture: 8
  • Spanish Language and Culture: 8
  • Spanish Literature and Culture: 8

(Spanish Language no longer offered)

Latin (UC-H)
  • 4
Mathematics (UC-M)
  • Calculus AB: 4
  • Calculus BC: 8

(8-unit maximum for both exams)

Music Theory (UC-H)
  • 8

(Listening and Literature no longer offered)

Physics (UC-S)
  • Physics B: 8
  • Physics 1*: 8
  • Physics 2*: 8
  • Physics C Mechanics: 4
  • Physics C Electricity and Magnetism: 4

(8-unit maximum for all tests)

*Physics B is being replaced by Physics 1 & 2 – 2014-15

Psychology (UC-B)
  • 4
Statistics (UC-M)
  • 4

AB subscore on Calculus BC examination

Students who take the Calculus BC examination and earn a subscore of 3 or higher on the Calculus AB portion will receive credit for the Calculus AB examination, even if they do not receive a score of 3 or higher on the BC examination (note that the maximum credit awarded is 8 quarter units).

Music Theory subscore

We grant credit for the full Music Theory exam. Students who earn only a subscore will not receive exam credit.

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