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USACO Bronze 计算机奥赛铜级培训班

不像其他奥赛一年只有一次竞赛,学生们往往需要从最初级开始往上层层突破,美国计算机奥赛USACO 一年共有4次比赛,参与即被认定为铜级,一旦升级至银, 金,白金等任何一级,就可以一直保持继续向前考,甚至连续升级。而且,USACO比赛人数也较少,每次全美都只有一两千人左右;不像其他奥赛通常有10%的过线的限制,USACO只要达到一定的分数线,就都可以出线,相对得奖比例和几率都很高。


春晖教育自2013年开始USACO 各级的培训,我们大多数的学生都晋级到银,金,白金以及finalist。不少学生得到满分1000分。


对学过初步的Java 或者 C++ ,有心要加强programming的能力,并参加USACO bronze 计算机奥赛

时间:5月20日起, 每周六下午 2:30 to 5:00pm。

学费:$800/10 次课

地点:online at online.springlighteducation.com or 20432 Silverado Ave Ste.7, Cupertino, CA 95014

联系:408-480-7547, spring.light.edu@gmail.com


要求:有初步的JAVA与 c++ 基础。请查看 https://goo.gl/VWZLxY

https://goo.gl/09DoXw是对是否能上 Silver 的问卷。

秦老师有着丰富的programming,AP CS 和USACO计算机奥赛的教学经验,并取得了显著的教学成果:去年夏天开始跟秦老师从USACO最初级铜级(Bronze)在USACO竞赛中取得了最高级白金级(Platinum)。而且不少同学满分晋级银级Silver和金级Gold和白金级Platinum,以及正在努力finalist。秦老师将他丰富的教学及竞赛经验结合生动的例子整理出了一堂堂干货”满满的系统性教学来帮助学生夯实基础,详解算法,解题技巧,逻辑思考,开拓思路。

AP biology 生物备考课

还有两个月,College Board 主办的一年一度的AP考试就要登场了。你们准备好了吗?

在近40门的AP考试中,AP 生物课是非常重要也是比较难取得满分的一门。为此,春晖特为今年五月参加考试的学生开设了一堂AP生物备考课


春晖的生物老师Mrs. Webster 在注重教育的传统犹太家庭中长大,大学主修生物,后获得生物硕士学位。 幽默风趣的Mrs. Webster在帮助学生准备生物AP考试方面非常有经验,她的学生们都以优异的成绩通过了AP生物考试拿到了5分和4分,其中不少还只是9年级的学生。




看免费生物讲座 Watch the Video of FREE biology-prep seminar: How to navigate biology classes, competitions, and exams to best achieve your goals on Feb. 11 2017.


SpringLight Education was accredited by ACS WASC ( Accrediting Commission for Schools Western Association of Schools and Colleges). We offer high quality education services for you.

Spring AP Biology exam Prep class 2017

Are you ready for the AP Biology exam on May 5th?

By reviewing essential concepts, giving you detailed FRQ essay feedback, and providing only the most relevant, up to date multiple-choice practices, our course will prepare you for this tough exam.

Many schools teach either too little or too much information for the NEW AP Biology test. Spring Light’s test-prep class reviews only the essential material, thoroughly, with an emphasis on those topics YOU need help with.

(The class is appropriate for students who are completing an AP Biology course or self-studying for the AP Bio exam. Students with no biology experience should talk to teacher before registering. SpringLight offers AP biology online materials video+reading guide + homework with extra fee.)

ALL past students have passed the exam, with most receiving a 4 or a 5 (even 9th graders and self-studiers).


Location: 20432 Silverado, Cupertino, suite 7. CA 95014

Contact: 408-892-5959, 408-480-7547, spring.light.edu@gmail.com

Registration: goo.gl/kXTsk8





Class Day



AP Biology exam prep



$900/10 lessons, or $95 each lesson


Mrs. Webster

SAT II Biology



$850/12 lessons or $75 each lesson


Mrs. Webster

Honor biology



$600/14 lessons


Mrs. Webster




$1575/15 sessions


Mrs. Webster

AP Biology



$900/15 lessons, or $65 each lesson


Mrs. Webster

For class less than 4 students

by request


USABO $100/hr

AP, SAT II, H $80/hr


$50/hr for each student


$40/hr for each student

We can also offer online live class if you can’t come in person.


SAT II Biology Prep class, Spring 2017

Are you ready for the August 26th SAT II Biology exam?

This class will help you prepare by reviewing every single subject necessary for the exam (as per the College Board).  We will also complete and discuss >5 practice exams before test date.

Note: practice exams are homework, though students are welcome to complete them at our learning center before or after class.

Recommended text books: Campbell biology (9th edition) and Barons SATII Biology test prep.

(A biology background such as Freshman Biology is highly recommended for all students.)


Honor Biology class is for Students without any biology background, this class will serve as an enriching introduction to the subject.

We will cover biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, and physiology to form a strong foundation for future leaning (be it eh science bowl, Science Olympiad, or AP biology).

Students will conduct experiments with plants, enzymes, microscopes… even an optional pig dissection day at the end of the semester.


Mrs. Webster, SpringLight’s current USABO, AP biology teacher. 15 years tutoring and teaching experience. MS in Basic Medical Science (with a focus in Neuroscience), University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Know more about SpringLight Education’s biology classes,visit http://springlighteducation.com/courses/biology/

USACO bronze,silver; Java, C++ classes

“Everyone should know coding”

“Everybody in this country should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.”

                                        -Steve Jobs

Computer programming is rapidly increasing in popularity and importance, and has a wide variety of practical applications. Learning such an important skill will exponentially expand your employment opportunities as well as provide an impressive addition to your college applications. SpringLight Education Institute provides a variety of computer programming courses, covering the most popular languages from a beginner’s level to a competition level.

SpringLight Education has been professionally teaching Java programming for 4 years and has had exceptional reception among the community. Our class covers the content found in a first year introductory course to Java programming, and requires no prior experience.

Our AP Computer Science class has achieved excellent results – 80% of our students received a score of 5.

SpringLight has also been providing USACO preparation classes for 4 years with amazing results. Many of our students have received awards at the Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Finalist levels. As long as students can understand the condensed content and do the homework, they will quickly be on their way to the upper levels.

C++ Programming

by request

Java programming

9/10 – 12/3


$900 (12 sessions)


AP CS (pre-requist Java) (5/2/17 test)

1/22/17 to 4/30/17


$980 (15 sessions)


AP CS/USACO Bronze Online

9/18 – 12/4


$900 (12 sessions)


AP CS/USACO Silver/Gold

9/17 – 12/3


$900 (12 sessions)



9/16 – 12/2


$900 (12 sessions)


Registration: http://goo.gl/sc57Ro

Contact: (408) 898-5021spring.light.edu@gmail.com

Address: 1340 S. De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

SpringLight Education Institute is accredited by Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Transcripts can be provided if required.

Website: www.springlighteducation.com


C++ programming, Java programming: for students who have learned algebra 1.
USACO bronze/silver: JAVA  or C++ programming
USACO silver/gold: USACO silver score above 300


Jessica Zheng, the instructor for USACO Bronze, has experience with multiple computer programming languages, including C, C++, Java, and more. Since 2013, she has been actively involved in the USA Computing Olympiad, where she reached Platinum level and finished as one of the top 26 finalists of the nation. She also has plenty of teaching experience at SpringLight and is helping various educational nonprofit organizations teach science and computer programming.

William Hu, the instructor for USACO Silver

– USACO Finalist 2014, 2016
– USAJMO/USAMO qualifier 2013-2015, 2016
– AIME qualifier 2012-2016
– Who Wants to Be Mathematician perfect score in 2014 round
– Lynbrook Math Club Officer 2015, 2016

Li Qin, the instructor for USACO Bronze online.

Experienced teacher for SpringLight in JAVA/C++ programming and USACO Bronze/Silver/Gold. Top programming contest winner when he was in high school in China.

Peter Tang, the instructor for Java programming and APCS.

Computer Science Minor from the University of Chicago and a software engineer. He graduated from Lynbrook High School and scored 5 on the AP Computer Science A test.

Peter is known as one of the best teachers at SpringLight. Peter’s teaching reflects his clear understanding of his students as well as Computer Science. He has a seven-year teaching experience of tutoring groups and individuals.

Physics Classes in 2016 Fall

The summer physics classes are very successful. All of the student enjoyed all of their physics classes. If you want to register a class and want to watch a sample physics class that the two teachers taught before, I can send you a video.
All of this Fall’s physics classes will be taught by two instructors, Dr. Chunlai Yang and Mr. Eduard F. Both of them have very strong profile (details below). Dr. Yang will teach the class online, and Eduard will teach the classes onsite at SpringLight.
Address: 1340 S. De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129
If you take the class online, we will email you the online class instruction after you register.
Physics Registration: https://goo.gl/w4ZpFX
Physics H/AP 1 8/27 – 12/10 7:00-9:00 pm $850/15 Sessions Saturday
Physics H/AP 2 8/28 – 12/11 1:30-3:30pm $850/15 Sessions Sunday
AP Physics C Mechanics 8/28 – 12/11 7:00-9:00 pm $900/15 Sessions Sunday
AP Physics C E&M 8/26 – 12/9 1:30-4:00pm $900/15 Sessions Friday
Conceptual Physics 8/28 – 12/11 4:30-6:00pm $675/15 Sessions Sunday
SAT Physics 7/23 to 9/24 10:00-12:30pm $700/10 sessions Saturday
USAPhO F=ma 10/8 to 12/10 10:00-12:30pm $800/10 sessions Saturday
USAPhO Camp 12/19 to 12/30 1:00-6:00pm $1000/10 sessions M to F
Private lesson by request $80/hr $750/10 hours.
Thank you card received from the student and parent:
 Dr. Chunlai Yang graduated from Peking University (B.S. and M.S. in physics) and Boston College (Ph.D. in Physics).  He has taught in the Physics departments of Peking University and Boston College.  When Dr. Yang taught physics at Peking University, he received the ”Excellent Young Teacher Award”.  While working at Boston College, Dr. Yang received the “Teaching Excellence Award”, and also co-authored the textbook: << INTRODUCTORY PHYSICS LABORATORY MANUAL >> by George Goldsmith and Chunlai Yang.  In recent years, Dr. Yang has devoted himself full time to tutoring high school students.  He teaches many kinds of math and physics competition training classes, and also instructs students in various math and physics courses.  His teaching is lucid: concepts are clearly identified and easily understood, with strong logicality. Many of Dr. Yang’s students have made distinguished performances in math and physics competitions, and have achieved excellence in their school courses, which has effectively promoted the opportunities for these students to be admitted into top universities.  His own child was accepted into the U.S. Olympiad Physics Team, was admitted to Harvard, Princeton and other top universities, has graduated from Harvard University and is now continuing at Stanford Medical School.

杨春来博士毕业于北京大学(物理学学士和硕士)和 Boston College (物理学博士), 并曾任教于北京大学物理系和Boston College 物理系。在北大物理系任教期间,曾获北京大学优秀青年教师奖。在Boston College 物理系工作期间,曾获Boston College 优秀教学奖,并与George Goldsmith 教授合写了教科书: << INTRODUCTORY PHYSICS LABORATORY MANUAL >>。
​       近年来,杨春来博士全职致力于高中学生的课外辅导工作,教授多种数学竞赛和物理竞赛培训课,并辅导多种数学和物理课程。杨春来博士的教学概念清晰,深入浅出,逻辑性强,深受学生们的喜爱。他教过的许多学生在各种竞赛中表现出色,在学校课程上成绩优秀,有效地促进了学生们进入名牌大学的机会。他自己的孩子就曾进入美国奥林匹克物理队,曾被哈佛,普林斯顿等名牌大学录取,现已从哈佛大学毕业,并继续在斯坦福大学读医学院。

Eduard F. has M.S. degree in Mathematical Physics from Physics department of the St.Petersburg State University  in Russia. When he was in high school, he participated in a number of Soviet Math and Physics Olympiads at the regional and national levels. He was a member of the Soviet and Russian National Teams in the 1980-90s at many international competitions. Most of his USAPhO students qualified as semifinalists. This year seven of his eight private and group students qualified for the semifinal competition.

2016 Fall AP biology and USABO classes will start soon!

SpringLight Education was accredited by ACS WASC ( Accrediting Commission for Schools Western Association of Schools and Colleges). We offer high quality education services for you.

Mrs. Webster will give two biology classes: USABO, AP Biology this fall.

She is one of the most popular teachers at SpringLight. Read the students’ review for her below.

Watch her sample class video at https://youtu.be/qUoAU59Losg.

Register the biology classes at https://goo.gl/F7uO7p.

We offer one trial class, and if you are not satisfied after one class, you may cancel and are not required to pay tuition for that class.
bio pic 2016
Our address is 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129
AP Biology class

Meeting every weekend throughout the fall semester, this class will cover the entire AP Biology course as laid out by the College Board.
(The class is appropriate for students who are currently taking AP Biology or who are self-studying for the exam.)
Students will gain a complete, in-depth understanding of all required AP Biology concepts, as well as plenty of practice and feedback.
All past students have scored well on their exams, even 9th graders and self-studiers.

USABO class
This class is for highly motivated USABO competition students (including the USABO students who started over the summer).
As recommended by the USABO organization, we will be covering every single chapter in the Campbellbiology book (the official book of the competition).  This means students may need to read and review up to 5 chapters a week.
(SpringLight will also offer an in-depth “taking all the exams from previous years” class in Jan-Feb, 2017.)
Our previous students have been extremely successful:
*all our students scored above 20 on the regional (the cutoff for nationals was 23.88)
*50% of our students made it to semifinals
*2 of our students have made it to finals (top 20 in the US)

NEW HOT TOPIC! Add NACLO on your application! Take our class to prepare for next year’s contest!

Computational Linguistics plays a more and more important role in modern technology. It also weighs more in college admission no matter if you want to study computer science or linguistics.

The North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad (NACLO) is a contest in which high-school students solve linguistic puzzles. By solving these puzzles, students learn about the diversity and consistency of language, while exercising logic skills. No prior knowledge of linguistics or second languages is necessary: even the hardest problems require only your logical ability, patient work, and willingness to think outside the box.

The number of students who participate in NACLO every year from the U.S. and Canada is less than 2000, which leaves a strong chance for students to enter the semi-final round.

NACLO is as important as USAMO, USACO, USABO, USAPhO and USNCO, although it is still not widely known by the students and parents.

Feel free to watch Nelson’s video introduction of IOL and NACLO: http://goo.gl/e6UPJD

 Registration: http://goo.gl/k7XO9J
Class schedule: 9/2 to 12/9, 6:00-8:00pm, Fridays
Tuition: $700 (14 sessions)
Contact: (408)898-5021, spring.light.office@gmail.com
Address: 1340 S. De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129
SpringLight Education Institute is accredited by Western Association of Schools and Colleges. A transcript can be provided if required.
Website: www.springlighteducation.com


Nelson Niu is NACLO Finalist [top 4 in the nation, red team in the US team]. He won an individual silver medal and was a US team gold medalist in ILO this summer. He also was accepted into MOSP and MIT Prime, and has been an experienced teacher and tutor in SpringLight for many years.

Come to take our class and prepare for the NACLO! Register today!


教授這門課的Nelson Niu 進入過NACLO的全美國前四名,并代表美國隊红队參加IOL國際比賽,獲得個人銀獎,團體金獎。他還獲得過多項數學競賽大獎,並有豐富的教學經驗。

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