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AP Human Geography 保证班10/11开课

想要在众多的大学申请书中突顯出来吗?招生官对学生有没有人文方面AP课的成绩越来越重视。对许多申请理工的学生,多一门人文方面的AP不仅可以给自己加分许多,更有助于自己成为一个思想有深度的人。AP Human Geography 是一简单易学入门的人文AP课。春晖教育中心 将于10/11 开课,座位有限,请抓紧时间报名。

Time: 10/11 to 5/8, Sunday, 2:00-4:00 pm

Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd, Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

Contact: 408-366-2204, spring.light.edu@gmail.com

Fee: $1,300 (26 sessions)(If students pay the full tuition at the first class can get $100.00 discount.)
Registration: https://goo.gl/JW8qOk

For the students whose ACT’s English and Reading scores are over 25, if they do all of the teacher’s assignments, we will guanrantee they get AP exam score at 4 or 5. Otherwise we will refund the full tuition fee.
What’s the AP Human Geography course and exam?
APHG is a social studies course to introduce students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth’s surface. Students learn to employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine human socioeconomic organization and its environmental consequences.
APHG Exam consists of two sections. The first section consists of 75 multiple choice questions and the second section consists of 3 free-response questions. The sections are 60 and 75 minutes long, respectively. It is not necessary to answer the free-response questions in essay form; instead, points are awarded on certain key words, examples, and other vital aspects.

How many students take AP Human Geography each year in US?
Since its inception in 2001, the number of students taking AP Human Geography has grown considerably, from 97,762 in 2002 to 191,773 in 2012, making it one of the fastest growing courses. Many  students select it to get exposed to college-level work while they are in high school.

Why Human Geography?
The greatest benefit is that students who enroll in APHG course tend to perform better in their later AP courses. The benefits of taking the exam ranged from an increased performance on the AP World History exam to a belief among students that they were more prepared for the rigor and expectations of high school.
The fact that we allow students to gain AP experience at a younger age, allowing the students to focus on only one AP course during their first AP experience. At that time, it was expected that Honors/AP students take two AP courses, AP US History and AP English. Students who are first exposed to AP with two concurrent courses will often fall behind at the onset and spend the rest of the year playing “catch up.”

Is AP Human Geography really as easy as people say?
It is the easiest of the humanities AP Exams. Just read The World Is Flat, study the AP Barron’s book, and watch a lot of FRONTLINE videos. Apart from the memorization of vocabulary words in the Barron’s book, you need to learn a few concepts like the Demographic Transition model, the Von Thunen model, etc… these are not just things you memorize, but that you understand why they are. And that’s pretty much it. You should be able to pass easily. Maybe put some more effort if you want a 4 or a 5.
10/11 History and Philosophy of Human Geography (Norton ch. 1)
10/18,10/25 Environmental Geography (Norton ch. 2 and 3, Barron’s ch. 1)
11/1,11/8 Population Geography (Norton ch. 4, Barron’s ch. 2)
11/15,11/22 Geography of Inequality (Norton ch. 5, Barron’s ch. 3)
12/6,1/10 Geography of Culture (Norton ch.6, Barron’s ch.4)
1/17,1/24 Geography of Social Structures (Norton ch. 7, Barron’s ch.5)
1/31,2/7 Political Geography (Norton ch.8, Barron’s ch.5)
2/14,2/21 Globalization (Norton ch.9, Barron’s ch.6)
2/28 Rural Geography (Norton ch.10, Barron’s ch.7)
3/6,3/13 Urbanization (Norton ch.11, Barron’s ch. 8)
3/20,3/27 Industrialization (Norton ch.12, Barron’s ch.8)
4/3,4/10,4/17,4/24,5/1,5/8,(6) test preparation classes
Test Date: Friday May 13

各种物理课程开始报名Physics H/AP Physics 1, AP Physics C//USAPhO F=ma 等开课



 We have the best Physics teachers and Physics Classes。

The instructors are national physics Olympiad top winners, top college graduated and experienced.

Physics H/AP 1是对从来没学过物理的同学,或者学过regular 物理的同学。
要求学过Alg II/Trig. 完成该课程可以参加AP physics 1 考试,以及2016年一月底的物理奥林匹克USAPhO第一轮F=ma的比赛。
(明年春的Physics H/AP 2 学完后可以参加AP Physics 2 以及SAT Physics 比赛。)
AP Physics C/USAPhO F=ma 是学过 Physics H,以及PreCalculus,最好正在学,或者已经学过Calculus的同学。
完成该课程可以参加AP Physics C 以及2016年一月底的物理奥林匹克USAPhO第一轮F=ma的比赛。(经过12月及1月2月的训练后可以参加USAPhO第二轮的比赛。)
Conceptual Physics 对数学和物理基础都没有要求。
Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd, Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129
Registration: https://goo.gl/6Gcd53
介绍一个新学生,双方各得$25 credit。
We may adjust our schedule by request. 我们可以根据需求调整时间。请先网上报名。第一次上课付费。谢谢。
Physics H/AP 1 9/19 – 12/5 6:30-9:00 pm $850 (12 Sessions) Saturday
Physics H/AP 2 9/20 – 12/6 3:30-6:00pm $850 (12 Sessions) Sunday
AP Physics C Mechanics /USAPhO F=ma 9/20 – 12/6 6:30-9:00 pm $900(12 Sessions) Sunday
AP Physics C E&M 9/19 – 12/4 1:30-4:00pm $900(12 Sessions) Saturday
Conceptual Physics 9/19 – 12/5 4:30-6:00pm $500(12 Sessions) Saturday
Modern & Thermo physics 9/20 – 11/15 4:00-6:00pm $600(10 sessions) Sunday
SAT Physics By Request


许多高中的9年级通常是上生物,10 年级上化学。如果11年级上AP 化学的话,物理要么等到12年级,要么就没有机会学了。事实上,在一些私立高中,也有不少公立高中,物理是9年级就可以上。其实,无论在台湾还是中国大 陆,都是先学物理,后学化学的。对数学程度好的孩子,8年级完全可以开始学物理。

美国物理奥林匹克USAPhO的比赛内容基本上是物理的AP 的内容,没有偏和怪的题型。虽然每个高中生都有资格参加比赛,全国每年参赛的学生都不多。如果要准备并希望得到名次,尽早学习物理就很重要了。机会都在自己手里掌握着。


我们特地开基础物理班,内容主要概括Honor Physics 和 AP Physics B。招收没有物理基础的学生。

It is a concern for many parents with regards to the limitation of taking science classes at public high schools including some private high schools.

Due to the restriction that a student can only take one science class per school year, students would typically take Biology at 9th grade and Chemistry at 10th grade. If they take AP Chemistry at 11th grade then there are only two options left for the Physics course: either taking Physics at 12th grade or simply do not take any Physics course at their high school. Physics is one of the required courses when student entering a College and majoring in Engineering or Science, therefore, many high students are seeking outside help for taking Physics class.

This is not the case in many private high schools or a few public high schools. In those schools, students can take Physics even at 9th grade. As matter of fact, education system in Mainland China and in Taiwan believes that taking Physics at earlier high school years will strongly enhance the student’s Mathematic skills as well as provide good science discipline training. Therefore, students in Mainland China and in Taiwan always take Physics first before taking Chemistry or Biology.

One of the high school Physics competitions is the America Olympiad competition (USAPhO). Most of the content of the USAPhO are based on Physics AP content. Very good understandings of basic concepts enables students achieve higher performance on USAPhO. However, not many student sign up for the USAPhO competition even though it is open to all the high school students. It is important to start early, take the Physics course as soon as you are ready. Study and prepare for the once a year USAPhO!

We, Spring Light Education, offer a fundamental Physics class. It is equivalent to Honor Physics and AP Physics B. For those students who want to participate next years USAPhO, we will offer USAPhO competition class after two sessions of the fundamental physics class. And for those students who are not interested in participating USAPhO, the fundamental will prepare you for the AP Physics or SAT II Physics subject test.

Registration: https://goo.gl/6Gcd53


Java and C++ Programming Classes will start soon

    Computer programming的课程的需求越来越大。但是能够提供这样的课的学校并不多。即使有的学校提供这门课,很多学生还是很难选得上。
有了Computer Programming 的基础,对找Summer intern 以及以后上大学后的学习都会有很大的帮助。
在数理化奥林匹克竞赛都越来越白热化的时候,USACO (USA Computing Olympiad)的参赛者不过一两千人。能够出线得到奖牌的比例非常的高。

Computer Programming class is very popular now, but our high school didn’t provide much of   Computer programming classes. And even school has Computer Programming class, it’s very hard to have the class.  If students has more knowledge of Computer programming they get more chances to pursue summer intern jobs and in the future will help their collage applications. Besides,One of the high school computer science competitions is the USACO (USA Computing Olympiad), now the competitors isn’t over two thousand , students can have a great chance to win a medal.

SpringLight provides  Computer programming classes and experienced teachers teach different level of students. Right now we provide those classes:

C++ – weekday 9/14 – 11/30 6:30-9:30pm $600 (12 sessions) Mondays
Java programming 9/19 – 12/12 9:30-12:30pm $600 (12 sessions) Saturdays

Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129



Ms.L.Lee received her bachelor’s degree from University of California, Berkeley with a major in mathematics. She is a lab instructor for Java and C++ courses in the Northwestern Polytechnic University. She is interested in math, data structure and algorithms.

Mrs. Y. Li, Oracle software engineer. Experienced SpringLight Java and AP CS teacher.

不要单纯参加托福考试 – 征服托福:得分制胜战略


在我教授国际学生的四年中,我知道了很多他们与英语的斗争,理解了研究写作和作文的概念,以及英语语法和标点的问题。當他们更多地听取我的意见和修改,使他们的英语和写作更好,他们变得越来越驾轻就熟。当然,学生们最关心的是那些在课程结束的时候能取得最好的成绩,并且可以写出看上去很像地道的美国研究生写出的文章的学生们。 Continue reading

认识你的角色 – 在申请大学时学生与家长的关系












现在这个时候,我的那些高中学生们多数都压力山大。他们奋力保持有竞争力的在校成绩,复习ACT或是SAT和SAT Subject,完成各种学校实践任务以及小测试和重要考试,奔走于他们的社区志愿服务,同时还要准备意向学校的申请。要在这样繁重的日程表里做到不慌不忙井井有条,对于很多学生来说都是个挑战。


贴士1 – 短途散步


贴士2 – 深呼吸


貼士3 – 吃一些健康的零食


贴士4 – 音乐


贴士5 – 大笑



这段时间研读《联合国世界人权宣言》,发现国内强调的社会主义核心价值24字真言与《人权宣言》几乎完美吻合(只有“爱国”和“敬业”这两项阙如)。可见人同此心,无论中外。 Continue reading


从小学马克思的共产主义学说,就对这个概念很熟悉:在理想社会中,个性的自由发展是每个人自然的生活状态,没有人需要为五斗米折腰。个性的自由发展往往带来特别的创造性,成就了自我,也推动了社会 (也可能毁灭一个社会,或使社会大踏步倒退,如果是不受制约的独裁者所处的时代)。 Continue reading

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