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Competition Math for Middle School Students


Every student can compete in math contests. AMC 8 and Mathcounts require no more than middle school math. Taking part in contests will help students develop problem solving skills that last through all of life.

The teacher, Matthew, is excellent at inspiring and motivating young students toward math. All of his students last year liked him and enjoyed his class a lot!

Register for this Spring’s class today!

Time: 10:00-12:00 pm on Saturday, from 1/30/16 to 5/28/16

Place: 1340 S De Anza Blvd., #204, San Jose, CA 95129

Tuition: $850.00/16 sessions (We take credit card or Paypal)

Registration: https://goo.gl/n28Dw3


1. Rates, Proportions, and Percentages
2. Linear Equations and Systems of Equations
3. Algebraic Factorization and Quadratics
4. Sequences and Series and Substitution
5. Basic Counting Principles, Venn Diagrams, and Handshakes
6. Casework and Complementary Counting
7. Factorials, Permutations, and Combinations
8. Sticks and Stones and Pascal’s Triangle
9. Basic Probabilistic Principles
10. Geometric Probability and Expected Value
11. Divisibility and Factorization
12. Bases, the Units Digit, and Fractions
13. Modular Arithmetic
14. Basic Geometric Principles
15. Pythagorean Theorem and Area
16. 3D Geometry and Similar Figures
The classes 1-4, 5-10, 11-13, and 14-16 are separate from each other, so students could definitely join later on (the first is algebra, the second is combinatorics, the third is number theory, and the fourth is geometry)

Instructor:  Matthew Hase-Liu

Math Achievement/Award (Summery) American Regions Mathematics League (ARML), 1st Place Team Nationally

Math Kangaroo International Competition in Mathematics, 1st place in California, 1st Place Nationally

USA Junior Mathematical Olympiad (USAJMO) Qualifier 

American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME) Qualifier

American Mathematics Competition (AMC)

  • AMC 12B (Honor Roll 2014, Distinguished Honor Roll 2015)
  • AMC 10A (Distinguished Honor Roll 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012) *School winner for three consecutive years (2012, 2013, 2014)
  • AMC 10B (Honor Roll 2013, Distinguished Honor Roll 2012)
  • AMC 8 (Perfect Score 2013)

The Santa Clara Valley Mathematics Association (SCVMA) Math Field Day

  • 3rd Place in Statistics (2015), 1st Place in Calculus (2014), 1st Place in Geometry (2013), 1st Place in Algebra (2012)

The USA Mathematical Talent Search (USAMTS), Gold Winner (2015, 2014)

California Mathematics League (CAML), 1st Place (perfect score on all six rounds)

Mathleague.org Bay Area Championship (2013), 1st Place Individual in 8th grade, 1st Place Team

A celebration of Harrison Chen’s life Harrison Chen

A celebration of Harrison’s life will be held this Saturday December 12th, 2015 at The Lord’s Grace Christian Church from 10am-12pm. The address is 1101 San Antonio Road, Mountain View.
Anyone who wishes to say final good-bye to Harrison, there will be viewing afterwards to be held at Cusimano Family Colonial Mortuary from 12pm-4pm. The address is 96 W El Camino Real, Mountain View.

感恩节那天,Harrison Chen突发脑溢血。一个14岁的生命,突然间,他走了。

十几年前Harrison 的父母洁云一家和我们一个团契慕道。我们看着Harrison和他弟弟长大。他总是那么可爱,那么聪颖。依然记得他读书,做功课,编程的样子。上周五我还在看到他均匀的呼吸安然睡着的样子,还抚摸着他热乎乎的手,一直期待奇迹的出现。从此,再也听不到他说再见的声音,看不到他的身影。只有等待天家我们再见。


下面是Harrison当助教的数学老师Mr. G 写给学生的信。

Dear TA’s,

I write this email with a heavy heart.

While vacationing with his family in Monterey during Thanksgiving, Harrison felt a sudden pressure behind his eyes.

One of the blood vessels in his brain had ruptured.  He died the next day.

His mom emailed on Sunday while she and Harrison’s dad were keeping vigil at the hospital.  I met up with them at 1:00 Monday morning, then again at 1:30 Wednesday afternoon and once more at 10:30Wednesday night, doing what I could to console them in their time of grief.

I cannot imagine the anguish a parent goes through losing a child, particularly a 14-year-old in excellent health.

Harrison’s parents asked me to write something about their son which would be given to the families that would be receiving his donated organs.  I have included that note below.

I would also like to share with you what I said to Harrison’s class last night, as that message applies to all of you as well:

Parents: do not take your children for granted.  Tell them that you love them and are proud of them, not because of their grades, or their success at sports, or their abilities in music, but simply because they are your kids.

Students: do not take your parents for granted.  Tell them that you love them and are thankful for them.  Tell them that you appreciate them for providing a place for you to live, a safe environment for you to learn, and a loving home for you to thrive.  Remember that many kids do not enjoy these same advantages.  Indeed, many kids do not even have parents.

Parents and Students: remember that tomorrow is not guaranteed.  If you have something good to say to someone, don’t wait until the next day: you may not get another chance.

I will be working with Harrison’s family in the coming weeks to help with whatever they need.  If there is to be a public memorial service, I will definitely let you know, and I hope you will be able to attend and stand in solidarity with his family.  I am devastated — physically and emotionally spent — but my suffering is inconsequential compared to Harrison’s family.

Please share this message with your parents.  They need to know too.  Thank you for doing so.


Mr. G.

Remembrances of Harrison

Quiet leadership.

If I were to summarize the life of Harrison Chen in two words, it would be just that: quiet leadership.

It didn’t matter what he was doing.  Harrison’s gentle, caring, and observant spirit was prevalent in his interactions with all people: adults and children, classmates and family members, long time friends and people he had just met.

Harrison loved math.  He devoured math contests as if they were an extra meal, scoring so consistently high that he earned a Teaching Assistant position in Math Olympiads class.  As a TA he positively impacted the learning process of the students whose papers he dutifully corrected.

Harrison led by example.  When the Students trailed the Parents in the final round of Games Day II, Harrison calmly walked up to take his shot with the ping pong ball, and deftly bounced it into the Instant Winner box, sending the Students team into wild celebration.  He remains the only student to have accomplished this feat in the history of the event.  You wouldn’t know by talking to him, though: when asked about the experience, he would simply shrug his shoulders and explain that it wasn’t that hard of a shot.

He probably felt the same way after the 2014 Simultaneous Chess Exhibition, when he was the only student out of 25 participants to defeat Mr. G.

Now, as Harrison enters the next phase of his life journey, his influence will continue to be felt.  You won’t hear him talking loudly.  You won’t see him raising his arms in the air shouting at other people.  You won’t see him in person.  But make no mistake: Harrison Chen will be as alive in the hearts of his students, family, and friends — as well as physically alive in the bodies of fellow men and women who will owe their lives to his generosity — as if he were in the classroom himself.

Quiet leadership.  Harrison wouldn’t have it any other way.

2016 Spring Physics Classes

SpringLight students achieved great result for SAT II physics, AP physics, USAPhO, Physics Bowl.
We have great students and great teachers.

Register our physics classes, click HERE: https://goo.gl/rCvg1o
Any questions, contact 408-366-2204, spring.light.edu@gmail.com
Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129
Physics H / AP 1: 
No physics background required. Students must have been taking Algebra II/Trig
Goal: Physics AP exam and foundation for SAT II Physics

Physics H/AP 2: For the students who have mechanics background, and who are taking physics at high school, and/or who has finished Eduard’s AP physics I class.

Physics AP C E&M: For the students who have mechanics background and knows calculus. Physics for Middle School: No requirement. Instructor: Eduard. F.

SAT Physics II: For the students who are learning physics AP I/II or physics honor.
Physics Research project: By request.


All level physics private lesson $80/hr by appointment available days
USAPhO Boot Camp 1 12/26/15 to 12/30/15 1:30-6:30pm $700 Sat. to Wed. 5 days
USAPhO F=ma Boot Camp 2 12/19/15 to 1/3/16 1:30-6:30pm $1,200 12 days
USAPhO Semi Final Camp 12/19/15 to 1/3/16 9:00am-12:00pm $1,080 12 days
USAPhO Semifinal Class 1/3/16 to 3/7/16 6:30-9:30pm $950/10 sessions Sundays
Physics Honor /AP 2 1/16/16 to 4/30/16 3:30-6:00pm $1100/16 sessions Saturdays
Physics AP C E&M 1/17/16 to 05/01/16 6:30-9:00pm $1100/16 sessions Sundays
Physics for Middle School 1/16/16 to 4/30/16 4:30-6:00pm $600/16 sessions Saturdays
Physics SAT II 3/12/16 to 5/28/16 9:30 to 11:30am $700/12 sessions Saturdays




这个夏天您为自己做点什么?是不是大学有关的事? 你有否感谢2015年夏天时的自己,那时的努力使您现在的学习生活变得更容易? 现在的您需要保持冷静及集中精神。 3个主要的方法帮助您成功申请大学是:1)保持头脑清醒,2)仔细计画,还有3)真的,真的要规划好你的时间——包括抽出时间恢复理智!





2. 规划,规划,再规划:你的进攻计划!


有一大堆的网站可以帮助你与适合的学校“配对”。比如说:College Niche, Unigo, College Factual等等。关键要找出大学的整体录取率,并且确定你是处于平均水准的上方还是下方。这将帮助推测你有多大机会进入(或无法进入)大学——然后进行上调或下调,具体取决于你相对于平均线的“位置”。另外,你的大学名单要实事求是,这点非常关键。我告诉我的学生,申请大学如同耕种:秋天播种,春天收获——而且不是所有的幼苗都能成活,所以要因地制宜!


确保你真的理解学费的意义,你实际上“得到的是什么”?该校的师生比例如何?你如何获得实习许可、合作办学或造研究的机会?当你毕业时,除了一张纸——你还能得到什么? “College Navigator(学校导航)”是一个很不错的网站,在这里你可以看到很多关键资讯,如“毕业率与留校率”,这样你就能知道同龄人中有多少在4年、6年或8年之后毕业,以及“总体违约率”是多少——而这个值会告诉你这里的毕业生是否能及时还清自己的助学贷款!这才是重要资讯,难道不是吗?多数时候,人们忘了……大学只是个开始……它还意味着别的东西,而它本身并不是终点。这就是说你至少应该有一个模糊的想法,那就是在四年之后这里的学生能“得到什么”。选择一所你确信能够为你的将来铺路的学校!










AP Psychology 保证班10/16 开课


AP Psychology 既可以帮助你的记忆,增进人际关系,也能让你的学校成绩更亮眼,别再等,赶快来上春晖开的 AP Psychology.

Time: 10/16 to 4/29, Friday, 5:00-7:00 pm

Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd, Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

Contact: 408-366-2204, spring.light.edu@gmail.com

Registration: https://goo.gl/500XHw

Fee:$ 1,200.00

For the students whose ACT’s English and Reading scores are over 25, if they do all of the teacher’s assignments, we will guanrantee they get AP exam score at 4 or 5. Otherwise we will refund the full tuition fee.

The benefit of  taking AP Psychology in high school:

  • Gain understanding of the minds and behaviors of your friends, family, and yourself.
  • Take AP Psychology will help your memory more effectively.
  • AP Psychology grade will look good on college and scholarship applications.
  • Passing the AP exam will save you money on tuition and books.
  • Through academic rigor, you will develop excellent study skills.

AP Psychology is an excellent choice for students who are interested in obtaining college credits while in high school. Introductory psychology classes are often part of the core class requirements at many colleges and universities, so taking AP Psychology is a great way to get a jump start on your college education.
Syllabus :
10/16, History of psychology, philosophy of science
10/23,10/30-Research methods and design
11/6, 11/13-Neuroscience
11/20,12/4-Perception and consciousness
1/8,1/15-Learning and memory
1/22,1/29-Cognitive and effective psychology
2/5,2/12-Developmental psychology
2/19,2/26-Personality and individuality
3/4,3/11-Clinical psychology
3/18,3/25-Social psychology
4/1,4/8,4/15,4/22,4/29 Test Preparation Classes

Homework every week:

  1. Review the design and methodology of an assigned research article and email a short report to the teacher–1-1.5 hours
  1. Multiple choice questions from the Barron’s textbook and Learnerator–1 hour
  1. 2 free response questions from the Barron’s textbook and Learnerator–1 hour
  1. Occasional online videos to supplement class material–30 minutes
  1. Occasional challenge questions from teacher–30 minutes

General structure of each class session:

20 minutes of discussion about articles, 20 minutes of reviewing multiple choice answers, 20 minutes of discussing short-answer questions, and 60 minutes of class lecture.  Students will be expected to engage each other in discussion and will regularly lead short presentations on class topics.

After each class, the instructor will send a summary of the key topics covered in class as well as the weekly homework to parents and students.

Classes will occasionally begin with a short quiz or test.

Individual class performance:
Class performance on homework questions and participation will be tracked from week to week for each student. It will be addressed as needed with parents and students.

Instructor Edward Zhang received his B.A in Psychology and Biology from Swarthmore College. He has conducted neuroscience research with Stanford University and is now working on a number of cognitive enhancement studies for the augmentation of learning and memory. He is passionate about increasing one’s capacity for learning through both sound pedagogy and techniques supported by new cutting-edge literature.

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