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AMC 10 Contest Preparation Class

         The American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) consist of a series of increasingly difficult tests — the AMC 8, the AMC 10/12, the AIME, and the USA(J)MO — for students from middle school and high school designed to challenge bright students beyond their normal mathematical curriculum and build critical thinking and problem solving skills that will help them throughout their academic career and their lives. The AMC 10 — a 25-question multiple choice contest — serves as most students’ first exposure to high school-level math contests.

      Good AMC scores will also enhance admission opportunities for students to elite colleges.

Time: 1:30 to 3:30pm, Saturday, 9/3 to 12/10 (No class on 11/26.)

Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129
Contact: 408-366-2204spring.light.edu@gmail.com
Registration: http://goo.gl/zba9J0

Fee: $800 (14 sessions)


Instructor: Nelson Niu

SpringLight’s 4 years experienced AMC teacher

MOSP Qualifier, ’15

~50 top students from USA are invited to Math Olympiad Summer Program (MOSP)

USAMO Qualifier, ’15

USA(J)MO Qualifier, ’14

AIME Qualifier, ’12-’16

Contest Math Teaching Assistant, ’11-’16

Contest Math Teacher, ’13-’16

Nelson is a junior at Monta Vista High School who has been involved in math contests since elementary school. He was a perfect scorer on the MOEMS contest in fifth grade and a two-year member of Kennedy Middle School’s MathCounts team, helping the team place second in the State division in eighth grade. He has consistently scored high scores on the AMC contest series, having first qualified for AIME in seventh grade and USAJMO in ninth grade. He has been teaching math to elementary and middle school students for more than three years, having served as a teaching assistant for an immensely popular MOEMS class at Quinlan Community Center in addition to teaching and tutoring competition math at SpringLight. In addition to his interests in math and teaching, Nelson enjoys reading, acting, and writing.

Students should be comfortable with regular school math up to and including Algebra I and Geometry. No previous contest experience is necessary.

AMC10 数学竞赛培训班招生

  AMC是American Mathematics Competition是美国数学竞赛的缩写,是一系列面向初高中学生的,由简至难的数学比赛,包括AMC8,AMC10/12, AIME(美国数学邀请赛)和USA(J)MO(美国数学奥林匹克赛和美国少年数学奥林匹克赛)。


      高中数学竞赛10年级组(AMC10)由25道选择题组成, 是为10年级以下高中学生和爱好数学的中学生开设的数学竞赛。



培训时间: 9/3- 12/10/2015 周六下午 1:30-3:30, 11/26 无课

上课地点: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

联系电话: 408-898-5021

电子邮箱:  spring.light.edu@gmail.com

报名链接:  http://goo.gl/zba9J0

学费:         $800 (14 次课)

申请人资格: 报名学生能胜任学校数学学习,包括代数1 (Algebra 1) 和 几何(Geometry), 不需要有参加数学比赛经验。

执教人: Nelson Niu








AMC 8 training class will start soon. 初中数学竞赛训练班

The AMC 8 contest is for students in the sixth through eighth grade, although accelerated fourth and fifth graders can also take part.

AMC 8 is 25 questions in length, and is multiple-choice with no penalty for guessing. The contest takes 40 minutes. A student’s score is the number of problems correctly solved.

Why participate in AMC-8 (quoted from AMC-8 website)

A special purpose of the AMC 8 is to demonstrate the broad range of topics available for the junior high school mathematics curriculum.

Additional purposes of the AMC 8 are to promote excitement, enthusiasm and positive attitudes towards mathematics and to stimulate interest in continuing the study of mathematics beyond the minimum required for high school graduation. Developmentally, junior high school students are at a point where attitudes toward school and learning, and perceptions of themselves as learners of mathematics are solidified. It is important that they be provided opportunities that foster the development of positive attitudes towards mathematics and positive perceptions of themselves as learners of mathematics. The AMC 8 provides one such opportunity.

Test date: 11/17/2016

Register SpringLight’s AMC 8 class today!

AMC 8 Preparation Class

Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm, Saturday , 09/10-11/12 (10 classes)

Location: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

Contact: spring.light.edu@gmail.com408-898-5021408-480-7547

Fee: $600

Registeration: https://goo.gl/bNx44s

Instructor: Matthew Hase-Liu

SpringLight’s experienced math contest training teacher

  • MIT Primes (2016)
  • President of Lynbrook Math Club (2016-2017)
  • Student Chair of Santa Clara Valley Mathematics Association (SCVMA) (2015-2016)
  • The Santa Clara Valley Mathematics Association (SCVMA), Outstanding Student of the year (2016)
  • USA (Junior) Math Olympiad (USAjMO and USAMO) Qualifier (2013, 2014, 2016)
  • American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME) Qualifier (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016)
  • AMC 8 (Perfect Score 2013)
  • USA Physics Olympiad Semifinalist (Silver Medal) (2016)
  • American Regional Math League (ARML), SFBA A1 team National Champion (2015, 2016), 2nd place (2014)
  • The USA Mathematical Talent Search (USAMTS), Gold Winner (2014, 2015, 2016), Silver Winner (2013), Bronze Winner (2012)
  • Berkeley Math Tournament (BMT), 3rd Place Individual in Analysis (2015, 2016)
  • A Star Math Tournament (ASMT) (2015, 2016), 1st Place in Calculus (2015), 4th Place in Calculus (2016)
  • USACO (USA Computing Olympiad), Gold Division (Dec 2015)
  • Math Kangaroo International Competition in Mathematics,1st place in California, 1st Place Nationally 
  • California Mathematics League (CAML),1st Place (perfect score on all six rounds)
  • Mathleague.org Bay Area Championship (2013),1st Place Individual in 8th grade, 1st Place Team


The American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) is the oldest and most prestigious nationwide mathematics competition in the United States. It started in 1950 and it is and has been the exclusive pathway for a student to advance to the USA Mathematical Olympiad.

Activities like the American Mathematics competitions organized by the Mathematical Association of America allow and encourage students to excel in an academic sphere. The contest is a rewarding experience where mathematical curiosity and skill are stimulated.  AMC is designed to inspire an interest in mathematics that will lead to academic success, scholarship and a rewarding career.

Many well-known colleges and universities request scores from AMC contests at the higher grade levels and use them for recruiting and admissions.  


怎样考好AMC?或 AMC该怎么复习?

2016 Fall Contest Math Classes (AMC8/10/12, AIME) Starting Soon! Register Now!

The American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) consist of a series of increasingly difficult tests for grades 6-12. Good AMC scores will enhance admission opportunities for students to elite colleges. Its mission is to help students increase interest in math and to develop critical thinking & problem-solving skills in Math. Our students always improve significantly each year and successfully become an AIME qualifier.

Registration: http://goo.gl/zba9J0

SpringLight Education Institute is accredited by Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Transcript could be provided if required.

Website: www.springlighteducation.com

Contact: (408)898-5021, spring.light.edu@gmail.com

Address: 1340 S. De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129



Nelson Niu, Kevin Chang and Matthew HL are all experienced teachers and tutors who have worked as tutors for many years.

Nelson, Matthew and Kevin are all USAMO qualifier and MIT Primes. Nelson and Kevin got into MOSP, Matthew got into PROMYS.

All of them have received many other amazing national level awards, too.

教授數學課的三位年青人Nelson,Kevin和Matthew都很優秀,并富有教學經驗(Kevin在A star和春暉教过暑期班,Nelson和Matthew在春暉教育有數年的教學經驗)。Nelson和Kevin进了美国国家数学奥赛集训队(MOSP,全美50人)。三位都进了MIT Primes(全美17人)和USAMO,还得過许多其他国家级的竞赛大奖。Matthew進了(PROMYS,80人)


数学竞赛 Math Contest training camp starts from next week

Counting and Probability 与Number Theory 是各种数学竞赛的必要知识。而且这些都是学校数学没有包括进来的。在暑期修好这两门课,可以为以后的数学竞赛学习打下良好基础。

教授这两门课的两位优秀年青人Nelson和Kevin 不仅自己都进了美国国家数学奥赛集训队(MOSP,全美50人),和MIT Primes(全美17人),还都有其他国家级的竞赛大奖。他们都富有教学经验。(Kevin在A star 教过暑期班,Nelson在春晖教育有数年的教学经验。)

Counting and Probability

A topic ranging from the number of digits used to number the pages in a 100 page book, to the probability of rolling doubles on two dice. This topic is prevalent in middle and high school competitions, including Mathcounts and AMC, as well as being a part of high school Algebra 2/Trigonometry and Pre-Calculus courses. After taking the class students will have mastered and will be able to solve commonly found problems on these competitions.

Number Theory

A topic rarely covered in high school, from divisibility rules to prime numbers, this topic appears on Mathcounts and AMC problems quite often. Mastering this often helps with understanding more abstract math concepts in high school and college, such as in Calculus and beyond. This also will touch on several proof methods, such as proof by contradiction and induction, which are essential for proof-level mathematics competitions such as BAMO or USA(J)MO.

AMC foundation-Number Theory 7/25-8/5 10-12pm $500/10 days M to F
AMC foundation-Counting & Probability 7/11-7/22 10-12pm $500/10 days M to F

Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

Contact: 408-480-7547, spring.light.edu@gmail.com

Registration: https://goo.gl/cOSKOA

For middle school and high school students.

We will prepare text book for the students.


Nelson Niu and Kevin Chang

Both of them are MOSP qualifier and MIT Primes.

They are experienced teachers and tutors.

Both of them also received several other amazing national level awards.

凡上了Kevin Lei 数学课的学生,一定会爱上数学的!3/1开课.

Algebra 1 不仅是传统数学学习的关键学科,也是数学竞赛的关键基础环节。上Kevin 的数学课,相信一定会激发您孩子对数学的学习兴趣,以及思路,思维。为孩子在初高中数学以及科学的学习的学习兴趣以及知识上奠定基础

Kevin Lei 自2012年10月开始在春晖教育学院教课,得到了每位学生的好评。

一个9年级的高中生说:He’s the best teacher ever. Kevin Lei, Kevin Lei, he’s awesome, Kevin Lei. “

一位6年级的初中生说:This place is a good education facility. Especially Kevin Lei. He is totally 100% better than most (not all, so don’t be insulted of you are a teacher) other teachers! He’s awesome and is an excellent teacher.    

一位妈妈给Kevin说:My son is very interested in your class, and he came home saying how much he enjoyed your teaching.

无论是JAVA,Computer Science, 还是AIME,Counting & Probability, 还有Number Theory 等他教的每一门课,Kevin讲课时都驾轻就熟。教科书只是他的教学大纲,教的内容都在他脑子里,他可以把复杂枯燥的概念解释得非常清楚,课堂生动活泼。他甚至能调动起每一个学生争先恐后到台上演示自己的解题思路(他的课堂上没有害羞的学生)

目前 Kevin 在9月前都在湾区休假。在他返校前,抓住时机,报名Kevin的Algebra 1 class。

Address:1340 S De Anza Blvd, Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

Time:Tuesday 7-8:30 and Saturday 7-8:30pm; March 1st to April 18th.

Contact408-366-2204; spring.light.edu@gmail.com

Tuition: $620 (for total 14 lessons)

Registration: https://goo.gl/t6pBRg

Student may do a self diagnosis check to see if they are ready: https://goo.gl/kOjguA


Kevin Lei:

USAMO Qualifier (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013)

AMC 8 & 10 Perfect Score

Math Kangaroo National Winner

MathCounts Northern California State Winner

+Numerous regional & state awards

SpringLight Contest Math and Java teacher in 2012-2013

Student of Mathematics and Computer Science major in University of Oxford


Algebra session 1 preliminary lesson plan.

Lesson 1  Follow the Rules

Lesson 2 Fractional Exponents and Radicals

Lesson 3 Expressions and Variables (Part 1)

Lesson 4 Expressions and Variables (Part 2)

Lesson 5 Linear Equations

Lesson 6 More Variables

Lesson 7 Linear Equations with Two Variables

Lesson 8 Word Problems and Linear Equations with Several Variables

Lesson 9 Ratio

Lesson 10 Percents and Proportion

Lesson 11 Proportion and Rate Problems

Lesson 12  Common Errors and Challenging Problems

Lesson 13    Introduction to Graphing Lines

Lesson 14  Using Slope and Finding Equations

Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus & SAT Math II classes


2/27/16 to 5/28/16
10:00-12:00pm, Saturdays
$840/14 sessions

AP Calculus AB/BC (Prepare for the AP test on 5/5)
2/26/16 to 4/29/16
6:30-8:30pm ,Fridays
$600/10 sessions

2/27/16 to 4/30/16
1:00-3:00pm, Saturdays
$600/10 sessions

Teacher of  Pre-Calculus, AP Calculcus AB/BC and SAT Math II :

 Yujie Zhang

  • Oklahoma State University PH.D in Applied Mathematics
  • Strong background in mathematics, algorithm design and advanced skills in programming
  • 6 years experience in research using programming language C++
  • 4 years experience in teaching college-level courses
  • First Prize in China Undergraduates Mathematics Contest in Modeling (CUMCM)
  • Honorable Award in Mathematics Contest in Modeling (MCM)

Middle School Contest Math (The student can join any sessions)
1/30/16 to 5/28/16
10:00-12:00pm, Saturdays
$850/16 sessions
Teacher: Matthew Has-Liu

Address : 1340 S De Anza Blvd., #204, San Jose, CA 95129

Contact: 408-366-2204, SpringLightoffice@gmail.com

Registration : https://goo.gl/LihxoK




标准化考试是令人非常紧张的事,比如SAT 1推理考试和ACT考试,学生都想尽量避免这些考试。考试时间长达几小时,虽说在漫长的折磨中会有些短暂休息。选择适合的考场会非常有助于你少分心,因而可把更多精力集中在考试上。一般来说,最好的考场就是你感觉最舒服的那个地方。以下五点可以帮你理解什么样的是好考场。






3. 啊,不!你又来考了!


4. 带些零食




Competition Math for Middle School Students


Every student can compete in math contests. AMC 8 and Mathcounts require no more than middle school math. Taking part in contests will help students develop problem solving skills that last through all of life.

The teacher, Matthew, is excellent at inspiring and motivating young students toward math. All of his students last year liked him and enjoyed his class a lot!

Register for this Spring’s class today!

Time: 10:00-12:00 pm on Saturday, from 1/30/16 to 5/28/16

Place: 1340 S De Anza Blvd., #204, San Jose, CA 95129

Tuition: $850.00/16 sessions (We take credit card or Paypal)

Registration: https://goo.gl/n28Dw3


1. Rates, Proportions, and Percentages
2. Linear Equations and Systems of Equations
3. Algebraic Factorization and Quadratics
4. Sequences and Series and Substitution
5. Basic Counting Principles, Venn Diagrams, and Handshakes
6. Casework and Complementary Counting
7. Factorials, Permutations, and Combinations
8. Sticks and Stones and Pascal’s Triangle
9. Basic Probabilistic Principles
10. Geometric Probability and Expected Value
11. Divisibility and Factorization
12. Bases, the Units Digit, and Fractions
13. Modular Arithmetic
14. Basic Geometric Principles
15. Pythagorean Theorem and Area
16. 3D Geometry and Similar Figures
The classes 1-4, 5-10, 11-13, and 14-16 are separate from each other, so students could definitely join later on (the first is algebra, the second is combinatorics, the third is number theory, and the fourth is geometry)

Instructor:  Matthew Hase-Liu

Math Achievement/Award (Summery) American Regions Mathematics League (ARML), 1st Place Team Nationally

Math Kangaroo International Competition in Mathematics, 1st place in California, 1st Place Nationally

USA Junior Mathematical Olympiad (USAJMO) Qualifier 

American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME) Qualifier

American Mathematics Competition (AMC)

  • AMC 12B (Honor Roll 2014, Distinguished Honor Roll 2015)
  • AMC 10A (Distinguished Honor Roll 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012) *School winner for three consecutive years (2012, 2013, 2014)
  • AMC 10B (Honor Roll 2013, Distinguished Honor Roll 2012)
  • AMC 8 (Perfect Score 2013)

The Santa Clara Valley Mathematics Association (SCVMA) Math Field Day

  • 3rd Place in Statistics (2015), 1st Place in Calculus (2014), 1st Place in Geometry (2013), 1st Place in Algebra (2012)

The USA Mathematical Talent Search (USAMTS), Gold Winner (2015, 2014)

California Mathematics League (CAML), 1st Place (perfect score on all six rounds)

Mathleague.org Bay Area Championship (2013), 1st Place Individual in 8th grade, 1st Place Team

AIME Class from 1/9/2016 to 3/12/2016

AIME test date: March 17, 2016

AMC 10/12练习了不少,总是差一些(差不多到了100分?已经qualify AIME 想要冲刺USA(J)MO/USAMO ?

我们特别邀请进入国家奥数集训队MOSP 和 MIT PRIMES,并在春晖教育有3年半教学经验的 Nelson Niu 教AIME课。

座位有限, 今天就报名吧。

Time:1:30-4:30 pm, Saturday, 1/9/16-3/12/16 (10 sessions)
Address:1340 S De Anza Blvd.,#204,San Jose, CA 95129

Contact : 408-366-2204,  Spring.Light.Edu@gmail.com

Tuition:$750.00(We take Credit card or Paypal payment)


Instructor: Nelson Niu

2016 MIT PRIMES student

MOSP Qualifier, ’15

50 top students from USA are invited to Math Olympiad Summer Program (MOSP)

USAMO Qualifier, ’15

USA(J)MO Qualifier, ’14

AIME Qualifier, ’12-’15

USABO Boot Camp 12/19/15-1/3/16

The next USABO Open exam will be from Feb. 2nd to Feb. 12th, 2016
Semifinal Exam will be from March 14 to 18, 2016.

USABO 的考期越來越逼近,你們的小孩準備好要考試了嗎?今年是春暉第三年籌辦USABO的训练,累積過去兩年的經驗和學生的努力相信今年我們的成績將會更亮眼。春暉第一年有一半以上參加USABO训练的學生進入了semifinalists,其中有一名更進入了finalist。去年有更多的學生進入semifinalists。 USABO Boot Camp特 為你的孩子預備了考前密集複習,聘請認真負責的老師來訓練學生。春暉往年得獎的學生將會把他們的經驗分享在他們設計的考題上,利用這些考題和解題的方式來訓練學生,讓他們可以獲取好的成績。座位有限,請早報名。

Time:12/19-1/3/16, 9:30am-12:30pm (12/24,25 and 12/31,1/1/16 no class)
Address: 1340 S.De Anza Blvd., #204, San Jose, CA 95129
Tuition:$900.00(12 Lessons)


Course Description

Each 3-hour course will cover 2 of the main topics that will be covered in the USABO open exam. Topics will be distributed according to their weight on the exam, so some topics will appear in more lessons than others. Lessons will emphasize working and explaining questions from past exams, but will also include teaching and reinforcing important concepts using the AP Biology book, materials from Stanford biology courses, and other resources.


Jack Takahashi is a Junior studying Biology at Stanford University. He has completed courses in Molecular Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology, Animal Physiology, Pulmonology/Respiration, Ecology & Evolution, Plant Biology, Organic chemistry & Biochemistry, and Biostatistics with a >4.0 GPA. Jack has experience tutoring students in AP Biology, as well as tutoring physics and chemistry. In 2013, Jack was selected as an Intel Science Talent Search Finalist in the Health & Medicine Category, and in 2015 published his research on lung disease at Stanford as first author. Jack is on track to take the MCAT in January 2016 and apply to medical school in the spring. Jack loves explaining scientific concepts to others and loves to teach.

Course outline:  ~12 lesson
Lesson 1:
Genetics and Evolution
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Lesson 2:
Animal Anatomy & Physiology

Lesson 3:
Plant Anatomy & Physiology
Cell Biology

Lesson 4:
Genetics and Evolution

Lesson 5:
Animal Anatomy & Physiology
Cell Biology

Lesson 6:
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Lesson 7:
Cell Biology

Lesson 8:
Plant Anatomy & Physiology
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Lesson 9:
Animal Anatomy & Physiology
Genetics and Evolution

Lesson 10:
Cell Biology

Lesson 11:
Genetics and Evolution
Animal Anatomy & Physiology

Lesson 12:
Plant Anatomy & Physiology
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

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