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ACT 也要改进

Evolving ACT           June 6, 2014              By    Scott Jaschik

ACT is today unveiling a series of changes — most involving the addition of new scores — to its college admissions test.

The changes to the test itself are relatively minor, such that ACT officials predict that a student taking the exam this year (under the current system) and next year (under the new one) might not notice the difference during the test itself. But the score report will have a series of additions to the 1-36 scores students now receive for each section (English, mathematics, reading and science) and as a composite score of those four. Continue reading


If you have taken Algebra 2/Trigonometry or Math Analysis, you can take this Pre-Calculus Honors class at SpringLight Education.  上过AlgII/Trig 的同学可以上Pre-Calculus。

Benefit of this class:

1. SAT subject test: After this class, you just need to do several practice tests, then you will be ready to take SAT math test subject in fall.

完成并掌握了Pre-Calculus的同学,做几套练习SAT II数学的练习,就可以考SAT II数学,并容易取得好的成绩。春晖教育已经有很多学生得到了800分的成绩。

2. Lynbrook High School students can take the challenge test on August 5th at 8:30am. and then next school year direct take AP Calculus BC with strong foundation.

Lynbrook高中的学生可以预备好在8月5日的challenge test,通过的学生可以直接上AP Calculus BC 课。去年在春晖教育上了Pre-Calculus的同学是所有考生中考分最高的。每个学生的SAT数学取得了好成绩。

3. Prepare to take Calculus in the next school year.

4. It will improve your GPA at next school year.



他上课活泼,生动,风趣。每个学生都喜欢他。除了教学,他还很擅长和teenagers 青少年沟通。不少和父母沟通有问题的学生经过他一段教学,亲子沟通也好了。还有,他能挖掘您孩子对学数学的兴趣。


他将在春晖教育学院教Pre-Calculus Honors。

Where: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. suite 202, San Jose, CA 95129

When:  6/17 to 8/2 1:00 to 3:00 pm M/ W /F

Registration: call 408-366-2204,408-480-7547 or email spring.light.edu@gmail.com


Discount: Sibling Discount: 5% for each additional child; Multiple Session Discount: 5%; Returning students: 5%.

(total max 15% discount.)

Referral Credit: Refer-a-Friend – each save $20

Exceptional Instructor Accelerating Performance in School

Doumer Liu has a BA in Mathematics from San Jose State University.  He has helped numerous students with their math scores and with SAT prep for the last 9 years.  He’s been teaching Algebra, Geometry and Advanced Mathematics for Pioneer Family Academy in Campbell, CA.  For these classes he maintains web blogs to distribute class notes and assignment schedules.  He also utilizes a digital pad computer to teach his lessons as well as create notes when tutoring.  Mr. Liu is well liked by his students and is able to address young people with a friendly and approachable teaching style.

He is very organized and he shares his class notes at his blogs everyday for his group classes.

高分的成绩, 艰难的课程, 哪一个比较重要呢?

class 2

多年来,我们遇到无数的家长和学生在高中选课期间询问: 我到底应该选择简单的课程保证高分还是挑战艰难的课程呢? Continue reading

谈谈AP US History的学习

APUSH (AP 美国历史)是美国高中课程中颇具份量的课,它涵盖了从哥伦布发现新大陆到奥巴马时代的美国政治、经济和社会的历史。在课上,学生们通过对历史文件的分析,用自己的判断性思维,并利用分析性写作来理解美国的发展历程。

这是一门不容易学好的课,它需要花大量时间阅读,写作和讨论,在其他功课也需要顾及的情况下,往往给它的时间就不够了。特别是APUSH的写作和普通的英文写作很不同,需要比较强的逻辑性。 Continue reading


根据5月14日哈佛大学招生与助学金部门主任威廉·菲茨西蒙斯(William R. Fitzsimmons)给校友面试官的邮件,哈佛将不再强制要求所有本科申请者提供SAT学科考试的成绩。  Continue reading

中国学生与 SAT 2016新考试大纲

这次考试大纲的主旨,被解读为更偏重学生的成绩而非资质。 学生、教师、家长、记者、培训机构、招生办公室以及各相关人士众说纷纭,都在猜测“考试”这一环节在大学录取过程中将怎样转变角色。 Continue reading

USAPhO semi-finalist 2014结果终于公布了。

星期三, 02/26/2014 – 17:58 — 春晖教育




其中在春晖教育上USAPhO 课的学生一共有 8位。
感谢DR HUO。没有你,春晖教育不会有这样的成绩

感谢Dr Ho。是你,给春晖教育今天的成绩打下了基础。

您何時得為孩子考SAT I作計劃

很多孩子是在11年級考SAT I。所以您理所當然地假設考SAT I的準備是在11年級。不能說您這是錯的。但您打算送孩子去好大學,那您真的以此而行,風險是很大的。為什麼? Continue reading

谁该上AIME 课?

3 月19日就是AIME 考试了。即使一些有数学天分的人,没有受过数学竞赛的特殊训练,几乎不太可能能够通过。能够通过AIME 而qualify USAMO,等于已经迈进了美国名校的半个门槛。您的孩子已经ready 了吗?需要加强吗?
不少学生说,等cutoff 线出来,我知道有资格考AIME时再上吧。

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2014 AIME 数学竞赛班 名师小班开课

了解谁该上AIME 课,请看这里

教授的AMC 10/12中收到了学生和老师的一致好评(家长可以和学生一起听课)。大家都说邹老师的教学,教的是解题思路,思考问题和解决问题 的方法。虽然班上每个学生的自身素质和天分不同,但他都能激发起学生对数学的热情,帮助他们掌握数学思维的方法,让学生能够面对任何题型都有创造性的解题的能力。

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