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All about Me

My name is XX. I’m eleven years old and am going to the sixth grade. After [reading] this [essay] (the reader does not know what “this” is), you will know a lot about me.

*These are the things I like to do.* (Not necessary: Delete) I like to play [games] on my computer. *I play a game called* [In] Counter-Strike [insert comma here] *and* you get points by shooting other players. *There is another game called* Diablo 2 *and* [allows] you [to] click on a monster to attack it. *Another one is called* [In] Little Fighter 2 [insert comma here] *and* you move with arrow keys and use button combinations to do special attacks. (Above text corrected to remove redundancy.)

I can type really fast on the computer. I have been typing since I was seven! I was inspired to use computers from my brother. He types really fast and doesn’t make mistakes. I can type about six letters per second but I mess up sometimes.

I also like to play outside. My cousin and I go to our friend’s house to jump on his trampoline! We made up games to play on it [insert semicolon here] that is really fun. *It’s* [“It” is] (“It’s” is confusing because here “it” refers to a noun, not a pronoun. Quote “it” in order to distinguish this fact) a game where whoever is IT has to close his eyes, get on his knees, and try to tag someone. *I jump over him a lot!* (The reader cannot distinguish who “him” is, and thus the sentence is of no relevance.)

I like to go to the pool a lot. My cousin has to bring me because I am too young to get a pool pass into our community pool. Even though he has a pool pass, he only [insert “attends] (lack of verb in sentence) once a week! *But* [However,] (“but” cannot begin a sentence) it’s fun when he goes. I can swim in the deep end really well. I’m able to swim really fast [insert comma here] but I’ll get tired and have to rest for a few seconds. If I did have my own pool pass, I would go to the pool almost every day of summer!

I like to read and write sometimes. I only read Harry Potter and The Series of Unfortunate Events. Harry Potter has six books out in the bookstores, and The Series of Unfortunate Events has eleven. *As you know,* (the reader doesn’t know) [In addition,] I wrote a story called “The Unholy Magic.” It is a fantasy story about some heroes trying to save the world. I am nearly done with my second story.

These are *the* (not necessary: “the” is used when the reader knows what is being referred to) things I don’t like to do. Shopping is not my thing. We have to get in the car for twenty minutes and all I do is get carsick. Then, I just follow my mom around for half an hour and give my feet blisters. After that, we go to a different store [insert comma here] and all I do is run into the magazine section and read comics.

I also don’t like going to my Chinese school. I go there for three hours every Saturday. The whole lesson is so boring. All my class and I do is read a book in Chinese, do a match-it game, and then *does* (not necessary) a word scavenger hunt.

I want to become a surgeon when I grow up. In fifth grade, I got to dissect a frog. I had a person who handed me tools and another partner who wrote down what I did, but I was the one who dissected the frog. I had gotten a female frog because I saw the eggs inside of her body. That was really fun.

Now you know me, how fun I am, how I’m not good at being boring, and how really weird and freaky I am.


This is a deive essay about the personal life of the writer.


1) The essay is coherent and focuses on the main topic. Each paragraph has an appropriate topic sentence, a good practice. No sentences unrelated to any of the paragraphs or the whole story are observed.

2) The essay is very deive and vivid in detail, painting a clear image in the eyes of the reader.

3) The conclusion is very humorous, lively, and lasting to the reader.


1) There are quite a few grammatical errors, including redundancy and run-on sentences. Suggestion: work on some 7th grade grammar workbooks.

Another suggestion to raise the quality of the essay beyond the current grade level is to describe some personal “thoughts” and “viewpoints” regarding various topics. This will give a deeper perception of the writer’s true character.

For a rising 6th grader, this essay is very deive, authentic, and well-written. The only hope for the essay is to work on gramma in the future.


*This indicates words to be deleted.*
[This indicates corrected words to be inserted.]
(This indicates an explanation to the correction.)

Here is the original copy of the essay:


All about Me

My name is XX. I’m eleven years old and am going to the sixth grade. After this, you will know a lot about me.

These are the things I like to do. I like to play on my computer. I play a game called Counter-Strike and you get points by shooting other players. There is another game called Diablo 2 and you click on a monster to attack it. Another one is called Little Fighter 2 and you move with arrow keys and use button combinations to do special attacks.

I can type really fast on the computer. I have been typing since I was seven! I was inspired to use computers from my brother. He types really fast and doesn’t make mistakes. I can type about six letters per second but I mess up sometimes.

I also like to play outside. My cousin and I go to our friend’s house to jump on his trampoline! We made up games to play on it that is really fun. It’s a game where whoever is IT has to close his eyes, get on his knees, and try to tag someone. I jump over him a lot!
I like to go to the pool a lot. My cousin has to bring me because I am too young to get a pool pass into our community pool. Even though he has a pool pass, he only once a week! But it’s fun when he goes. I can swim in the deep end really well. I’m able to swim really fast but I’ll get tired and have to rest for a few seconds. If I did have my own pool pass, I would go to the pool almost every day of summer!

I like to read and write sometimes. I only read Harry Potter and The Series of Unfortunate Events. Harry Potter has six books out in the bookstores, and The Series of Unfortunate Events has eleven. As you know, I wrote a story called “The Unholy Magic.” It is a fantasy story about some heroes trying to save the world. I am nearly done with my second story.

These are the things I don’t like to do. Shopping is not my thing. We have to get in the car for twenty minutes and all I do is get carsick. Then, I just follow my mom around for half an hour and give my feet blisters. After that, we go to a different store and all I do is run into the magazine section and read comics.
I also don’t like going to my Chinese school. I go there for three hours every Saturday. The whole lesson is so boring. All my class and I do is read a book in Chinese, do a match-it game, and then does a word scavenger hunt.

I want to become a surgeon when I grow up. In fifth grade, I got to dissect a frog. I had a person who handed me tools and another partner who wrote down what I did, but I was the one who dissected the frog. I had gotten a female frog because I saw the eggs inside of her body. That was really fun.

Now you know me, how fun I am, how I’m not good at being boring, and how really weird and freaky I am.


感谢所有的妈妈们(各国妈妈们)的努力,使CountryLane 小学 (Moreland School Distric)的2010年国际博览会(International Fair)取得圆满成功。

在母亲节前的星期五下午,CountryLane 小学举办了学校的第三届国际博览会,展位有12个至多,代表了学校来自捷克共和国,几内亚,以色列,葡萄牙,到中国,美国 及印度等12个国家的学生。还真没想到在一个小学包含有这么多国家!真是体会到美国的多民族多元化的文化背景。每个展位前都人斗臜现,加上小朋友的精彩得表演,相信孩子们都学到了很多东西!

我和另外二个妈妈代表中国报名参加了这个有益意的活动!我们都是第一次参与,除了介绍外国人熟悉的旗袍。同心结。春卷,等,我们这次想推广更多的中国文化-中国画吧! 正好我们家有现成的小朋友的国画作品,大家一拍即成!我又请来我家的动手专家帮忙,匆匆忙忙作好了一个演示板,裱上国画“梅,竹,菊,兰”及“虎“,桌上摆上宣纸,国画颜料,毛笔刷,墨水,旁边再放上一个大熊猫。成了!还真出效果!下次我们还参加,会提前通知大家,请您们来捧场!

附上几张照片, 同享!


Jane Zou








人说女儿是小棉袄,我们只有两个小光头。但7岁的小儿子,说起贴心来,那是女儿也不换。每天得有几次来hug一下,对我说“I love you mom.”  有时看到我有点不开心,就会像大人一样,伸手轻轻拍拍我的后背,说“That’s OK, mom".  下面是他为母亲节写的信,爸爸帮他一起改了错别字。


Dear   Mom,

Thanks for bringing us to many good places. My mom is the best mom to me in this world. And my mom is from Qingdao China.

This summer, my mom will bring me to Shanghai to visit 2010 World Expo. I can’t wait to go there and also to see my old home. I left there when I was almost four. There are 60 days ahead. I wish my mom could make it faster. But any way, I still feel lucky.

My mom   is   very   special to me.  I will do a lot   of   cooking   for    my   mom. 

I love my mom.





Mother’s Day poem
dedicated to my mother

My mom is kind and caring has
On going math facts in her head
The best Chinese school teacher
Has love in her heart
Excellent selling insurance
Really good at math and teaching Chinese
my mom is the best
she can do an math problem
and is kind and caring
Posted by Jonathan at 8:33 PM




双赢你的事业和生活 – 平衡的智慧 Win Your Career, Win Your Life – The Wisdom of Balance


10340 Bubb Rd, Cupertino, CA 95014


双赢你的事业和生活  平衡的智慧

Win Your Career, Win Your Life – The Wisdom of Balance


特邀讲员:Dr. Pat Gelsinger

President and COO, EMC, Infrastructure Products


帕特.基辛格是EMC公司Infrastructure and Products Group的总裁及首 席营运官。

在加入EMC之前,他在全球最大电脑芯片制造商英特尔的 生涯堪称是一部传奇:1515次 晋升,成功地领导 80486,奔腾Pro和众多各类微处理器的研发。1990年个人电脑杂志评他为本年度风云人物。在年仅32岁之际,他成为公司最年轻的副总裁,他是英特尔历史上首任首席技术官( CTO),40岁他晋升为资深副总裁,他当时负责的部门担负着英特尔一半以上的 营业额。


当年面 试帕特.基辛格进英特尔的让.史密斯写下对他如此的评语: “聪明,傲慢,雄心勃勃,此人正和我意。这个录用的决定让帕特的事业从此飞黄腾达,但也使他置家庭于 不顾。经历几次生命的觉醒之后,帕特意识到他需要平衡他的人生,他开始这样去努力,并把他的心得写成一本书,书名叫“平衡的智慧:家庭,信仰和工作的优先 次序”,被翻译成六种文字,包括民族出版社出版的中文版。


帕特斯 拥有坦福大学电气工程硕士学位,发表超过20多篇的专业作品,拥有六项技术专利,是IEEE Fellow


在公司 以外,帕特还担当William Jessup大学的基金会主席,定期就多个领域内优 先次序的协调平衡原则建言立说。他喜欢滑雪,高尔夫球,短拍球,自行车,喜欢与太太和孩子们在一起。


10340 Bubb Rd, Cupertino, CA 95014

My Best Day




Happy Mother’s Day to the Best Mom in the World


All your sons.

原来,老大代表所有的弟弟,给我ORDER 了 一束献花,想给个SUPRISE,不成想,我还没在家:-(

孩子长大了,知道感谢了,虽然我知道自己不是Best Mom in the World,在这一刻,还是感觉很幸福。

My best day!

谢谢你,儿子,把这么高的荣誉奖赏给了我。I will do my best to be Best Mom in the World!









我把作为评审的感觉说给儿子听,无外乎安慰他得不到奖的失落,也是从中告诉他写文章的角度和读文人的看法。从这样的征文我说到三年后他将申请大学的Essay, 怎样才能在众多的文章中吸引读者的眼光,我告诉他:你得和大多数人不同。如果千篇一律,就很难会让读的人停下脚步。就像写母亲节这样的文章,如果你说来说去都是母亲为孩子做饭洗衣,爱孩子牺牲自己,却没有足够的细节去支持这种母爱的表现,就成了枯燥而生硬的文字。我表扬儿子写了一定的细节,比如他在母腹里倒位那段,可以说与大多数人不同,但是光不同还不够,文字更要能感动人,能引起读者的共鸣。我提到当我读另外两篇文章时,作者对母亲的描写,让我泪盈眼眶!这就是首先感动了作者自己,才能感动读者他人!


写一篇好文章,首先注重其:可读性(readable)。 其次是可知性(learnable, 加上可亲性(personal)和可行性(practical. 写大学所要求的Essay更是如此!不仅严谨的结构,吸引人的开头,总结性的结尾,还得有可读性的内涵!在这基础上再加上你别出心裁的风格,异与别人的却是可被接受的观念,才能使得你脱颖而出。儿子很用心地听我给他上了一堂写作课,我不忘告诉他:“你有写作的潜力, 只是需要多练习,加上生活的磨砺,我相信有一天,你会写出很好的文章!”


总的来说,这样的英文征文,似乎作为移民的成人应该写不过作为ABC的少年人,在文法和用字上来看,确实少年人的文字略胜一筹。但是从内容上来看,成年人的文字却是少年人远远无法相比,成年人胜在阅历和内涵!所以一篇文章,可读性的内涵是多么重要,即使你有一两个错别字,即使看得出你的英文有着明显的外来语,只要你的文字能打动人心,那些瑕疵便可以被忽略, 反而让读的人生出额外的同情心,觉得一个新移民写到如此地步更加不易,从而加分,得胜便理所当然。



 A Cauldron of Love 一大锅的爱  (作者:海云之子,翻译点评:海云)


        If you have a magical cauldron, and you add in sugar and spice, everything nice, what do you get? You get a being that is nice and sweet, and will do anything to protect and defend the things it loves. It also has super powers. That’s right. Powerpuff girls!



        Just kidding!  (开玩笑! 这句不好.这不是你的演讲稿,这是正式的征文,这种玩笑幽默的口吻不适合正式的文字


        First let’s add in a little more to our magical cauldron. Throw in a heap of pain, and some heartbreak. Add a fistful patience and support. Finally, and most importantly, grab a hold of all the love you can possibly imagine in this universe, and somehow stuff it into the boiling cauldron. After all this, the amazing figure that will emerge from the smoldering pot is…your mother, your amazingly awesomely amazing and awesome mother.



        I know that for me, my mother is and always will be one of the most loving and important parts of my life, no matter how much I try to deceive myself sometimes. And whether everyone knows it or not, it is the same for them too. From the moment we shot out from the womb that our mothers provided for us, she has showered us with an inconceivable and unconditional love. No matter how much we puked or drooled on her as a baby, she cared and nurtured for us. No matter how much trouble and embarrassment we caused her as a toddler, she always pulled us out of trouble and back into her safe embrace. No matter how much we yelled at her and how many tantrums we threw (throw, present tense for me) during our teenage years, she constantly looks out for us and wants nothing more than for us to be happy. No matter how fastidious and demanding we are, she will always be there for us. Providing us with food, shelter, education, video games, and with whatever else it is we want, but most of all with love, love, love.

(我知道对我来说,我的母亲是最爱我的人, 也将总是我生命中最重要的一部分,那是无论何时我如何自欺欺人都无法改变的。从那一刻我们离开最初赖以生存的母亲的子宫,母亲就给了我们无法想象的毫无条件的爱。在我们婴儿的时期,无论我们如何吐了或拉了母亲一身的恶臭,她从不会嫌弃而是一如既往的关爱和养育我们。在我们学步蹒跚之时,无论我们闯了多大的祸,她总会把我们带到安全的地方。在我们青少年期,无论我们如何地对她喊叫大发脾气,她坚持不懈地为我们“站岗放哨”,只希望我们能快乐的成长。无论我们如何的挑剔、怎样的蛮横,她总默默的在我们左右。她为我们提供食物、住处、教育、电子游戏包括任何我们想要的可能的东西,最珍贵的是她给了我们爱!)这一段看出少年人阅历的局限,母亲也许在大多数少年人的眼里就是这样一个形象,不是说这个形象不够好,而是,随着一个人生命的成长和阅历的增加,母亲的形象一定不止是食物、住处的提供者而已,母亲的爱应该有更具体的表现和令人难忘的细节可写


        Even just giving birth to us is an amazing act of love. I’ve heard that giving birth is like shoving a full-size melon up your anus. I know that’s a rather vulgar analogy, but jeez, that must hurt. How much love must they have harbored for us to be willing to go through all that pain just so we could breathe our first breath? Tons.

(即使母亲的分娩过程也是一个令人惊叹的爱的展现。我听说过生孩子就像把一个大西瓜从你的肚子里挤压出来。我知道这样说挺庸俗的,但是,嗨, 那一定很痛苦!经历这种痛苦的生产过程需要多少的爱才使得我们能来到这个世界呼吸第一口空气?)不喜欢你用anus这个字。有点故意装糊涂,逗趣也欠雅致


        My mom, above all, did this. I had an … interesting time as a fetus in my mother’s womb. I grew upside down, sitting upright instead of head-down. The doctor flipped me around, but my head had grown too big. However hard my mom pushed during labor, I stayed put. What next? C-section! Oh joy! Not really! Oh the pain! They cut open my mom’s abdomen and her uterus! How cruel is that?! But no matter, because my mom pulled through; all for me.

        Happy Mother’s Day! I love you, Mom!

(我的妈妈不仅经历了上面所描写的, 而且更多……我在母亲的肚子里有段很有趣的时间,我一直坐在母亲的子宫里,不像别的孩子头朝下浮着。医生把我硬性地回转了个头,但是我的头已然长得太大了。所以无论我的母亲在生产中如何使劲儿,我都岿然不动。那怎么办呢?只有破腹产了!开心吗?并不!痛苦啊!他们切开母亲的肚子还有子宫,多残忍啊!但是无论怎样妈妈都坚持到底,而这一切都为了我!





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