

人说女儿是小棉袄,我们只有两个小光头。但7岁的小儿子,说起贴心来,那是女儿也不换。每天得有几次来hug一下,对我说“I love you mom.”  有时看到我有点不开心,就会像大人一样,伸手轻轻拍拍我的后背,说“That’s OK, mom".  下面是他为母亲节写的信,爸爸帮他一起改了错别字。


Dear   Mom,

Thanks for bringing us to many good places. My mom is the best mom to me in this world. And my mom is from Qingdao China.

This summer, my mom will bring me to Shanghai to visit 2010 World Expo. I can’t wait to go there and also to see my old home. I left there when I was almost four. There are 60 days ahead. I wish my mom could make it faster. But any way, I still feel lucky.

My mom   is   very   special to me.  I will do a lot   of   cooking   for    my   mom. 

I love my mom.
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