暑假到中国做公益 (ZT)

暑假到中国做公益, 2011年项目开始报名



 1)关爱四川特殊儿童项目,时间 6月下旬~7月上旬
 2)助教安徽英语夏令英项目,时间 7月
 参加项目的孩子还将参与“爱心·王搏计划-资助西部儿童上学:http://www.westup.org/项目详情请登陆www.chinawayusa.com 查看.   
中国整体富裕起来了,但同时也产生了一大批相对贫困,相对弱势的群体。这些在西方由公益组织,志愿者团体,社会志愿者服务的领域对中国人还是陌生与有待大力发展的。因而到中国做公益,不光能帮助中国需要帮助的人,帮中国进入国际大体系, 给中国的孩子带去新鲜的信息,新的人生眼界。同时比起美国,中国还是一个发展中国家,很多地方的条件还很艰苦,乡村的孩子,弱势群体的孩子生活环境非常差。到这些地方做公益,可以锻炼自己,理解世界的多元,生活的复杂与艰苦,培养你的领导力,服务社会的能力,解决问题的能力,中文的对话能力,演讲能力。这些活动可以发现自己的不足与长处,开拓自己的国际视野,得到在美国做公益不一样的感受。
To do volunteer in China
Are you studying Chinese now?
Do you want to help Chinese kids who are in poverty environment?
 Do you understand the Chinese sense of destiny that comes with your gene?
Or do you like to experience a hard life to strengthen your will?
Do you want to learn more about a Nation with most garbling remarks?
Do you want to learn the new opportunity arising in China since she plays a more important role in the current world?
If you answer” yes” for 2~3 questions above; it is a good choice for you to go to China in summer and to do some volunteer experience work. Please go to web www.chinawayusa.com to see the detail of 2011 Summer Volunteer Project in China.
In general, China is getting richer now but concomitantly a group of people get into penury and become Vulnerable Persons. To take care of vulnerable person needs charity, volunteer groups, welfare and many NGO which are well developed in west countries but are far from being functioned in China. So to do volunteer service in China not only help China enter world value system, help Chinese Vulnerable Persons, bring many valuable things, ideas and information to their kids, let them know outside and developwell; but also anneal students themselves. They can understand the world is diversifying, life is hard in many places if they go to China and live in that poor condition. Additionally, you can practice your Chinese, ability of lecture and leadership. You can improve your international view also.  
China is one of the fast developing countries in the world. Also it is an important part of world’s politic, economic, and culture system. In some sense to know China thoroughly is to view the trend of world’s developing. Due to its rapidly expanding economy and innovating society structure, China wants to learn and assimilate a lot of good methods and experience of western world.  It is a great opportunity for young Americans who have Chinese background and Chinese-speaking ability still.
      So to have a unique summer go to China to do volunteer! 


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