TONIGHT(04/22) at 7:15: Wael Ghonim (Google Exec Turned Revolutionary)

I won’t be able to make it, but this could be a really cool perspective from the Egyptian revolution, and a great way to get your kid(s) involved in current event/politics. These things are usually free and open to the public if you’re interested.

– jenny


TONIGHT at 7:15: Wael Ghonim (Google Exec Turned Revolutionary)

The Muslim Student Awareness Network (MSAN) Presents…

Wael Ghonim: On Revolution and The Future of Egypt

THIS Friday, April 22nd at 7:15 pm
Cubberley Auditorium, Stanford University (
followed by insights from Dr. Ossama Hassanein of TechWadi on initiatives to move Egypt forward

Founder of the Facebook group that first called for demonstrations on January 25, Wael Ghonim has become one of the leading voices of the Egyptian revolution. His emotional interview after twelve days of incarceration by the Mubarak regime revitalized the democratic movement. Come hear his story and perspective on the ongoing revolution and future of Egypt. 
Want to read more about Wael Ghonim? 



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