Thanksgiving Essay--感恩节征文初中组(2)

Thanksgiving Essay

6th grader

Thanksgiving. When we hear this word, we think of Pilgrims, turkey, and mashed potatoes. However, the most important part of Thanksgiving is being thankful. The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the Pilgrims, who thanked the Native Americans for their help by inviting them to a feast. I am most thankful for my family.

My family, especially my parents, has funded everything my sister and I have. My parents have spent so much money for my sister and me, for our futures. There are countless expenses: our piano, Chinese, and dance lessons; food and drinks; even entertainment, such as trips to the beach, Lake Tahoe, and Disneyland, or a book or toy. For piano, it is not just classes, but also the fees for the competitions and CM tests. Later, there will be college fees, which are even more expensive. These are just a few things that our parents have funded. If they had not done this, we would have no food, no home, no classes, no books, nothing.

Secondly, I can always count on my family for help. They are always there for me. Even if it is something small, like not understanding a problem on my homework, or something larger, I know my family will be there to help. My mom and dad will explain a homework problem to my sister for hours, or help me with my piano song even though neither of them can play a single note.

The most important thing about my family is their utmost care for me. They have always spent time and attention on me, and always will. Even though my sister is busy in high school, she can still sometimes find time to play or talk with me. My parents also play games with me, such as board games or cards. More than that, I am cared for when I am sick, pushed when I need to be, and much more.

I know that my family will be there. Maybe sometimes, I am scolded or have to help with chores. But I know that this is for a reason. The reason: because my parents love me. It is to help me, and I know. Nobody else could replace my wonderful parents and sister, who have all done so much for me. They are one of a kin

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