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    在北加州的上海华东理工大学,华东师范大学,复旦大学,上海交通大学,上海中医药大学,同济大学等六所高校校友会将将於226日在硅谷的 China China Restaurant & Buffet联合举办“2011上海之夜年度盛会,并庆祝中国兔年新年。

    今年的上海之夜,我们安排了乐队演奏,也有著名中医师给我们讲解养生之道,更让你联系到六所校友会的校友和朋友, 拓展您的圈子, 找到事业上的合作伙伴。晚会上有大型抽奖活动, 大奖是一台最新的iPod Touch, 欢迎大家踊跃报名参加。 在我们特邀赞助商的支持下,本活动每位只收费13美元。 人数有限,一旦人数超出场所容许,将会发布人满公告。请速在网上预定!

特邀赞助: 陈婉秋女士,College Admission, Private High School Admission,                      Internship/Job Counseling, visit http://www.ivyclimbing.com  for details.

银极赞助: Lei Yang, Tom He (Morgan Real Estate & Financial)

点击注册: http://sjtu-sv.com/nightofshanghai2011.html

Paypal 或者 Credit Card

·      成人(12+):13

·      少儿(6-11):8

·      孩童(3-5): 6 


·      成人(12+):18

·      少儿(6-11):12

·      孩童(3-5): 10

时间: 二月二十六日(星期六), 5:00 – 9:00pm

地点: China China Restaurant & Buffet

2570 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95051


   5:00pm 开始登记

5:30-6:00pm 养生之道讲座  

6:00-9:00pm 晚餐,社交, 抽奖


Night of Shanghai 2011

You are cordially invited to the much-anticipated Night of Shanghai 2011. This is a special Chinese New Year celebration jointly hosted by up to 6 alumni associations on February 26, 2011 from 5 to 9pm at China China Restaurant & Buffet.

You will enjoy good food, games and prize drawing, catch up with many friends across 6 different associations, expand your network, find a business partner, or simply have a good time!

This year, we have arranged a top Chinese Doctor in Silicon Valley to share their tips about anti-aging and living a healthy life.  You will enjoy the all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet, the live band music as well as participating in the prize drawing, with the top prize being one newest iPod Touch. 

With the support of our sponsors, the ticket is sold at only $13 per person, please register right away to avoid being turned away for over capacity.

Special Sponsor:  Wan Qiu Chen, College Admission, Private High School Admission, Internship/Job Counseling, Visit www.ivyclimbing.com for details.

Sponsor:  Lei Yang, Tom He (Morgan Real Estate & Financial)

Date:  Sat, 02/26/2010, 5:00pm – 9:00pm
Venue: China China Restaurant  & Buffet, 2570 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95051


5:00pm – Registration starts
5:30pm-6:00pm – Chinese doctor’s seminar

6:00-9:00pm – Food service and Social, Prize Drawing


Pre-paid through Paypal or Credit Card: 
           Adults (12+):              $13/seat, 
           Kids (6-11):                 $8/seat

Young kids (3-5):         $6/seat

Click the link to register:  http://sjtu-sv.com/nightofshanghai2011.html




At the door: 

Adults (12+):              $18/seat, 
           Kids (6-11):                 $12/seat

Young kids (3-5):         $10/seat

Look forward to seeing you soon!

2011 Night of Shanghai Organizing Committee

       East China University Of Science And Technology (华东理工)

       East China Normal University Alumni Association in America (ECNUAAA) ( 华东师范)

       Fudan University Alumni Association of Northern California (FDAANC)(复旦)

       Shanghai Jiao Tong University Alumni Association of Silicon Valley (SJTU-SV)(交大)

       Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (上海中医药)











   星期六没有收到T老板的电话,星期天他休息,直到星期一的中午,我接到了T老板的电话,他说车子检查过了,是什么什么我没有听明白的问题,比较麻烦。如果修的话,大概要花费 $700 美元。我一听就不对劲,难道T老板也宰我不成?我忍着气问他为什么那么贵?


   他给我算了一笔帐:打开车子检查所谓的“开棺费”要 $50美元;因为我的宝马是528i型号系列,这种车型现在已经不生产了,相配的零件市场缺货,必须到宝马总公司去特殊订货,大概需要$500美元;修理的人工费$150美元。最后,T老板问我到底是修还是不修,早点回他话,他好联系宝马公司现订货。我让他容我考虑考虑。






   我去T老板那里取回车子。T老板看我不在他那里修了,试探地说,看我是老主顾稍微便宜一点,算$650美元。我一听就火大,更来了气。这不仅仅是欺诈,更是辱没我红花的智商。可是,我也不能开了车就跑。车没有修,但是人家“开棺验尸”过了,还得照规矩交$50 美元的“开棺”费。当我离开T老板的车行时,我一脚踩下油门,那股窝囊气恨不能撞倒路上的十根电线杆。


   我把车开到BMW的 专门汽车修理店碰运气。那里的庙大,或许可以便宜买到配套的零部件。结果等我走进去坐下和人家一谈,情况更糟糕。首先,他们不接受任何别家的“开棺验尸” 单,他们要重新自己“验尸”,手续费更高。“验尸”完毕,他们会告诉我病症在哪里,会给我一个费用报价单,加上更高的人工费等等。




   我一路开着敞风的宝马回家,让车外的大风呼呼地吹乱我的头发,让车外的噪音几乎震聋我的耳膜,心中的悲凉和无奈,一股一股地往胸上涌。突然,我注意到汽车 内的表盘有了变动。车子里设置温度的温度表以前一直是华氏温度,什么时候变成了摄氏温度?再看表盘里的历程数字,好像也有了明显升高,无端多出了一千多英 里的数字。














   把孩子送回家以后,我就直接把车开到了中东人那里。中东人看见是我,笑眯眯地走过来,热情招呼我。我不理他,拿出皮包里的照相机,“噼噼啪啪”地开始给宝 马照相。照完了里面照外面,照完了表盘照轮子。中东人看傻了眼,问我这是干什么?我照完相,把钥匙扔到老板的手里,告诉他明天我来取车子,到时候,窗户必 须修好,车里的焦味也要去掉,别的地方该检查就检查,该修理就修理。




   两天以后,中东人给我打来电话,说宝马车修好了,让我去取。我赶到那里的时候,看见我的宝马静静地停靠在一棵大树下。我接过价目单。中东老板一项一项地解 释给我听,说是修好了窗户;重新换了机油,用的是上好机油;重新安装了一个制冷风扇;水箱有些漏水,也修好了;还换了一个崭新的发动机的皮带。











一门有分量又较容易学好的AP课,AP Human Geography开班

无论是文科还是理科,要在大学申请中突出自己,人文方面的AP课越来越重要。许多申请理工的学生,多一门人文方面的AP应该给自己加分很多,更可以有助于自己成为一个有思想有深度的人。AP Human Geography 是一名最简单易学的人文方面的AP课了。座位有限,请抓紧时间报名。

What’s the AP Human Geography course and exam? 
APHG is a social studies course to introduce students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth’s surface. Students learn to employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine human socioeconomic organization and its environmental consequences.
APHG Exam consists of two sections. The first section consists of 75 multiple choice questions and the second section consists of 3 free-response questions. The sections are 60 and 75 minutes long, respectively. It is not necessary to answer the free-response questions in essay form; instead, points are awarded on certain key words, examples, and other vital aspects.

How many students take AP Human Geography each year in US? 
Since its inception in 2001, the number of students taking AP Human Geography has grown considerably, from 97,762 in 2002 to 191,773 in 2012, making it one of the fastest growing courses. Many low-income students select it to get exposed to college-level work while they are in high school.

Why Human Geography?
The greatest benefit is that students who enroll in APHG course tend to perform better in their later AP courses. The benefits of taking the exam ranged from an increased performance on the AP World History exam to a belief among students that they were more prepared for the rigor and expectations of high school.
The fact that we allow students to gain AP experience at a younger age, allowing the students to focus on only one AP course during their first AP experience.  At that time, it was expected that Honors/AP students take two AP courses, AP US History and AP English.  Students who are first exposed to AP with two concurrent courses will often fall behind at the onset and spend the rest of the year playing “catch up.”

Is AP Human Geography really as easy as people say?
It is the easiest of the humanities AP Exams. Just read The World Is Flat, study the AP Barron’s book, and watch a lot of FRONTLINE videos. Apart from the memorization of vocabulary words in the Barron’s book, you need to learn a few concepts like the Demographic Transition model, the Von Thunen model, etc… these are not just things you memorize, but that you understand why they are. And that’s pretty much it. You should be able to pass easily. Maybe put some more effort if you want a 4 or a 5.

Who should take AP Human Geography?
8th-9th grader:  Help to get ready to high school. Expose to AP class early.
10th-11th grader: Get an easy AP credit with high scores to qualify National AP Scholar.

When: 9/28 to 3/15, Sunday, 4:00-6:00pm

Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd, Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

Fee:  $800 (discount:sibling 5%。Refer a new student, $20 credit for both of the students)
Registration: click HERE (4人起开班)

9/28,  10/5,10/12,10/19,10/26,11/2, 11/9,11/16,11/23,12/7,1/11,1/18,1/25,2/1,2/8,2/15,2/22,3/1,3/8,3/15(20)
9/28 Geography: Its Naturew and Perspectives
10/5, Population Geography — Population

10/12,19, Population Geography — Migration
10/26,11/2, Cultural Patterns and Processes  — Folk and Pop Culture
11/9,11/16, Cultural Patterns and Processes — Language
11/23,12/7, Cultural Patterns and Processes —  Religion
1/11,18, Political Geography
1/25,2/1, Development
2/8,15, Agriculture and Rural Land Use
2/22,3/1, Industrialization
3/8, Settlement and Services
3/15,  Urban Patterns
3/22,3/29,4/5,4/12,4/19,4/26,5/3,5/10(10) test preparation
Test Date: Friday May 15

IOI 2012 Final Report: USA Wins Big!

Dear friends and supporters of the USA Computing Olympiad,

I’m pleased to report that the USA team turned in a fantastic showing at the 2012 International Olympiad in Informatics, held last week in Sirmione, Italy! Below is my final travel diary for the entire event.
You can follow along with my photos here:https://picasaweb.google.com/bcdean/IOI2012

The USA team this year included:

Johnny Ho (Lynbrook High School, CA)

Mitchell Lee (Homeschooled, VA)

Scott Wu (Baton Rouge Magnet High School, LA)

Daniel Ziegler (Davidson Academy of Nevada, CA)

Mitchell has just graduated and is now attending MIT. Johnny and Daniel are entering their senior years, and Scott (younger brother of former three-time IOI gold medal winner Neal Wu) has just started his sophomore year. Rounding out the USA delegation this year was myself as team leader and Jacob Steinhardt as deputy leader. Jacob has just graduated from MIT and is just beginning his PhD studies in Computer Science at Stanford under the direction of new Stanford professor Percy Liang, also a USACO alum!


Our journey began on Saturday, September 22. Jacob and Johnny flew to Italy from the west coast, I accompanied Scott and Mitchell from the east coast, and Daniel arrived via train, being in Europe already to visit relatives. Upon arrival in Milan, we were greeted by our Italian IOI hosts and transported to Sirmione, a picturesque town on the shores of beautiful Lake Garda. Students and team leaders all stayed in the Garda Village, a resort village with all the amenities we could possibly need over the week, including a large swimming pool, market, restaurant, meeting rooms for the leaders, and recreational activities for the students. The center of Sirmione was easily accessible via water taxi during our free time. Our meals in the restaurant were outstanding – as a big fan of Italian food, I could probably write several pages just describing the wonderful variety of pasta and other options we had at each meal, but to keep things short,
I’ll simply say the food was some of the best I’ve ever had at an IOI.

On Monday, the first full day of activities, we traveled by bus to the town of Montichiari (the site of the competition venue) for the opening ceremony and a practice competition round, so everyone could familiarize themselves with the competition environment. The opening ceremony consisted of speeches from local dignitaries as well as musical performances from students and professionals in the area; a notable highlight was a solo played on a centuries-old Stradivarius violin. On Monday evening, the familiar routine from past IOIs began: students and leaders were separated as the leaders met to approve and translate the competition tasks for the following day. The translation process requires nearly all night for many of the team leaders; we are fortunate, since the original task descriptions are in English. The task set for the first day was quite challenging, but all the leaders agreed that the tasks were of very high quality.

Tuesday was our first day of competition. While the students spent 5 hours working through the 3 problems for the day, team leaders met for the “IOI Conference”, an academic event co-located with IOI that allows team leaders to share ideas on computing education. As in the past few years, there was a live scoreboard available during the contest for leaders to view. The early leader was, not surprisingly, Gennady Korotkevich from Belarus, who had won the past three IOIs (this being his final year). However, to our great excitement, Johnny Ho from team USA managed to pass Gennady and earn the only perfect score on day #1, with Mitchell Lee close behind in the 5th place spot.

To wind down after an intense day of competition, the students on Wednesday attended Gardaland, one of the largest amusement parks in Europe, while the coaches traveled to Milan for a half-day conference on engaging youth in informatics education, followed by a tour of the city. On Wednesday evening, team leaders approved and translated the tasks for day two of competition, which was perhaps even more difficult than the task set for day one, but of equally high quality.


Thursday was the moment everyone had been waiting for: the final day of competition. As team leaders watched the scoreboard during the contest, Gennady again jumped ahead into first place, where he stayed for most of the contest. However, with roughly one hour to go, Johnny Ho from team USA managed to complete the final problem with full marks, earning him a perfect score on both contest day and a guaranteed first place in the IOI overall. A cheer erupted from the crowd of onlookers when Johnny’s score jumped to the top of the scoreboard; it was a proud moment for me as the USA leader. All of the USA team members turned in strong showings on competition day 2, ensuring that we would end up with three gold medals and one bronze medal. By medal count, this places the USA in third behind China and Russia, both of whom had four golds. To celebrate, the USA team went to downtown Sirmione for a victory dinner at a nice restaurant that evening.


Friday was our big excursion day – the entire IOI population boarded a train early in the morning and set off for a day-long trip to Venice. We spent most of the morning touring St. Mark’s square and its well-known landmarks, including the Doge’s palace and St. Mark’s Basilica. In the afternoon, we toured the Arsenal, construction site for the Venetian navy that dominated this region many centuries ago.

On the following day, we traveled to Sirmione for the closing ceremony of IOI 2012. Students were called on stage to receive gold, silver, and bronze medals (as in every IOI, half the students receive medals, in the ratio 1:2:3 for gold:silver:bronze). The highlight of the evening was Johnny ascending the stage to accept his gold medal and special trophy for winning first place; the crowd called out his name and offered a thundering set of applause as a show of respect for this amazing accomplishment. The official results for team USA were:

Johnny Ho: gold, 1st place winner overall

Mitchell Lee: gold, 10th place

Scott Wu: gold, 22nd place

Daniel Ziegler: bronze, 90th place

To achieve this level of performance in an event with 310 top computing students from 81 countries is an outstanding result, one of our best ever! This marks only the third year that the top score at IOI has been a USA team member, and one of only a handful of years where we have returned with three gold medals.

At the end of the closing ceremony, team leaders from the top three countries (China, Russia, USA) were called to the stage to receive scholarship checks for students on their teams wishing to study informatics in Italy. the IOI flag was then officially passed to the host for 2013, Australia. The next IOIs will be held in: Australia (2013), Taiwan (2014), Kazakhstan (2015), and Russia (2016).

Of the 13 IOI’s I’ve now attended, this is definitely one of the most memorable. From a technical standpoint (task quality, smooth operation of the contest environment), it is also one of the very best. The Italian organizers and the host scientific committee deserve much credit for their hard work in putting this all together.

Many are to thank for contributing to our success at IOI 2012 and in general, the continued success of USACO. Foremost, we have a volunteer coaching staff second to none: Jacob Steinhardt (also my deputy leader at this IOI), Neal Wu, Mark Gordon, Richard Peng, Tim Abbott, and Eric Price coached at our summer training camp this year, and many others volunteered their time to help with problem creation throughout the 2011-2012 contest season. Thanks to Chad Waters, Clemson CCIT, and Rob Kolstad for their help with our technical infrastructure – it can be quite challenging to host as many training materials and on-line contests as we do, and these folks have helped a lot with this endeavor. Thanks to Clemson University and the Clemson School of Computing for serving as hosts for our summer training program.

Finally, a huge round of thanks are due to our sponsors: IBM, Usenix, Jump Trading, and TwoSigma – USACO, and a substantial fraction of the top computing students in this country, owe you all a debt of gratitude for your support.

Now that IOI 2012 is behind us, we can look forward to another exciting season for USACO. We should be posting the 2012-2013 season schedule on www.usaco.org quite soon, so we hope you will follow our next season closely.


Brian Dean

Director, USA Computing Olympiad


2014 Fall Programming (Python/Java), AP CS, USACO series classes

中学生有了Computer Programming 的基础,对找 intern 以及以后上大学后的学习都会有很大的帮助。现代社会快速发展,各种工作都要求有电脑的知识,如果懂得Computer Programming,就如虎添翼。对申请大学也是很大的亮点。

虽然美国高中纷纷竞相开设电脑课。但是,由于供需关系,仍然有很多学生无法注册上Java,或者AP computer scienc 课。

春晖教育自成立以来成功开设了一系列Java, C++以及Python等programming以及AP Computer Science 课。我们可以并已经做到了学生一年内把Java programming和AP computer science全部完成。学生从5年级到12年级不等。不少学生AP computer science 考到满分。更有学生因此在今年夏天得到了在高科技公司做intern的机会。

从去年秋天开始,我们也开设了多期系列的USACO (USA Computing Olympiad)课程,我们的课程设计合理有效。晋级比例高。人人达到铜级,一半的学生达到银级。有2位学生到了金级。

  USACO 一年有6次比赛机会。每学年从11月到4月。参加人数是所有奥林匹克竞赛里最少的,每次从数百人到1千多人。而且一旦上到某种水平,如银,或金的级别,以后就可以在这个基础上向上考,不像其他奥林匹克竞赛,每年需要从最初级考起。
What is USACO and Why USACO?USACO stands for USA Computing Olympiad. Tests take place six times a year from November to April. Just over 1,000 students participate, which allows our students to do exceptionally well in a low-pressure environment. USACO also prepares students well for the AP Computer Science exam.
Why SpringLight Education?

We have the best teacher, the most effective curriculum and the great result! All our students have qualified at minimum at the USACO Bronze level. 50% of our students have qualified at the Silver level and 20% of our students have qualified at the USACO Gold level.

Want to get ready for November’s contest?


Contact information:

telephone: 408-366-2204

email: spring.light.edu@gmail.com

address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd Suite 204

San Jose CA, 95129

Discount: Sibling Discount: 5% for each additional child; Multiple Session Discount: 5%; Returning students: 5%.

(total max 10% discount.)

Python introduction 8/27 – 12/17(15) 4:00-5:00pm $375 Wednesday
Python/game design 8/27 – 12/17(15) 5:00-6:00pm $375 Wednesday
Java programming 8/31 – 12/7 2:00-5:00pm $900 Sunday
AP CS/USACO Bronze 8/29 – 11/21 7:00-9:00pm $600 Friday
USACO Silver 8/29 – 11/21 7:00-9:00pm $600 Friday
USACO Gold Club 8/31 – 11/23 TBD Free Sunday
USACO bronze/Silver Club 8/31 – 11/23 3:00-5:00pm $100/month Sunday

Python introduction is for students who don’t have any programming background.

Python/game design are for students who have taken the introduction class.

Java programming is for students that do not have any Java background.

AP CS/USACO is for students who have background knowledge in C++/Java.

USACO Silver is for students who have taken USACO Bronze or AP Computer Science, or have scored over 300pts at the USACO Bronze or Silver level.

The USACO Gold Club is recommended for students who have taken USACO Silver, or have scored over 300pts at the USACO Silver of Gold level. The club meets once a week to discuss relevant topics.

The USACO Bronze/Silver Club is for students who have taken USACO Bronze, or are at the Silver level. The club meets once a week to practice problems and receive homework help. Email communication and/or video chat sessions via online sources are also available. Weekly reports will be sent home by the club coach.

All of our teachers are highly qualified, one with experience in competing in USACO Gold himself.




作者: 立委 (*)
日期: 02/14/2011 23:08:15


今天眼镜店来电话,说他们为我预定的 眼镜片来了,于是取来带上,wow,世界原来如此美丽鲜亮!

人过中年就是麻烦,既近视又老花,还带散光啥的,看远看近要求不同。好在科学技术进步,要求不同也可以同时满足,同一副镜片可以做成过渡性的,叫做 progressive,镜片上方管远,下方管近,自上而下可达从远而近的效果,倒也蛮 intuitive 的。半年前在这家店配眼镜,问我要不要跟上次一样配 progressive 镜片,这样远近皆宜。当时想,不如这次换个花样,配两副眼睛,一副管远,一副管近(叫 reading glasses),麻烦是麻烦点儿,效果应该更好。因为经验告诉我们,专项产品目标单一,品质较好。譬如,照相机带的录像功能就远不如录像机质量好;录像机带的照相机也很难照出高品质的照片来。尽管我的 iPhone 也有音乐,我还是每次出门带上专门的 iPod 听音乐,感觉好用一些。

没想到这次错了。原来经验法则不是普适的。两副眼镜来了以后才发现,在远视和近瞻之间还有一个漫长的连续的不远不近的过渡区间,这个区间在两极化的眼镜中没了位置,结果是除了看书带 reading glasses 没问题外,平时带上那副远视眼镜总是那么别扭。眼镜不比别的东西可以将就,眼镜不对劲儿,生活品质就直线下降。不行。

于是回到眼镜店,说后悔了。Reading glasses 可以留下,可是这副望远镜还是还给你吧,再重新配一副 Progressive 的来,已经尝过 progressive 的甜头而不自知,现在吃亏了才知道 progressive 的技术原来如此管用。这是个眼镜专卖店,价钱虽贵,服务态度却很好,说,你再加一点儿钱,可以给你 upgrade 到 progressive。那当然好。

然而,等远近通用眼镜来了还是不好使,也不知道他们是怎么 upgrade 的,戴着感觉非常不好,可是也说不出为什么不好,总之不象我以前戴的 progressive 眼镜那样自在。心想也许是自己眼镜视力下降造成的吧,自己累,不能怪社会,也就一直将就着了。直到前几天去 DMV 续驾照,要求测视力,才发现左边的镜片全是重影,左眼基本是瞎子一样,斗大的字母居然不识。原来这几个月一直用的只一只眼睛,难怪我总觉得这副眼镜不得劲呢。

于是,决定折回眼镜店要求保修。这镜片一定有问题,我的视力不可能几个月就恶化到连童叟不欺的 DMV 视力关也过不了啊。眼镜店店主是个和蔼的白人女眼科专家,她满口答应保修,说需要重新认真测试一下视力,保证这次给你配一副合适的 progressive 眼镜。测试的结果说是确实是上一次测试我的男士矫枉过正了,配的眼镜不合适。





 我走过了漫长的求子之路。在到您那儿求医之前,我已经历了两次失败的试管婴儿手术, 尽管我就医的诊所是世界有名的试管婴儿诊所. 第一次手术,我对促排药的反应不良;第二次手术,我在促排药的强烈刺激下精疲力尽,又未能怀孕。在准备第三次试管婴儿手术时,我有两个选择:再重复类似之 前的传统方案,或者正在试验当中的自然周期方案。自然周期试管婴儿不用任何药促进卵巢排卵,而是把患者每月自然排的那颗卵取出体外受精,经过四天胚胎陪 养,再植入母体。尽管医学界目前对自然周期试管婴儿有一定的关注(尤其对促排不良的患者),但是这种方法成功率低,因而至今没有普遍使用。当我在决定用自 然周期方案的时候,我就医的诊所还没有一个成功的例子。
我成为了该诊所第一个自然周期试管婴儿成功的例子!我把这归功于您,贝教授。我在做试管婴儿整个过程都服用您的中药。您的药起了多方面的作用:1。我的卵 巢变得年轻(我当时已39,通过吃您的药我的FSH值从10降到6);我的卵子质量变好; 2。我的子宫环境得到改善,使胚胎着床变得容易;3。我的身体在您的调理下易于承受怀孕带来的巨变。当我知道我怀孕的消息,您不能想象我有多么高兴!我在 整个孕期全程服用您的保胎药,我的儿子出生时是个超过8磅的壮小子!
实话说,在遇到您之前,我对中医持怀疑态度。我是在加州USC研究生物医学的,习惯了西方医学的观点。但是您对我的治疗转变了我对中医的观点。在您的诊 所,我看到很多西医无效的夫妇通过您的中医治疗,不需要试管婴儿手术就成功抱上了自己的孩子。而对于象我这种必须要有试管婴儿这一环的,我觉得您的中医疗 法加上自然周期试管婴儿是一个比传统的试管婴儿疗法优越的选择,具体优越在以下方面:1。避免促排药对身体的摧残;2。避免多胞胎;3。身体在自然状态下 (没有促排药的强烈刺激)易于使胚胎着床成功;4。经济上比较便宜(因不用促排药)。在试管婴儿的医学史上,自然周期疗法很早以前就被试验过,但因成功率 低而被放弃。我觉得您的中医配合疗法会跟本上改变这一状况,也就是,您的中医疗法有可能会改变试管婴儿的医学史!


舞会篇应该是博文“女儿的毕业舞会”里的重头戏,可因为我这当妈的没有资格参加这舞会,也不曾经历过高中生的舞会,感到有点巧妇难为无米之炊。为了要写,就去做了下下 research发现这美国高中生的舞会已经有不长不短好几十年的历史呢。
美国高中生的舞会分Junior Senior
Junior Ball 通常称为Sadie Hawkins dance。舞会名字起源于美国长盛不衰的讽刺漫画故事专栏里的人物 Sadie Hawkins. 该漫画专栏曾在各大报纸杂志上连续刊登发表长达43年,并分别于四十和五十年代拍成电影。因此,该漫画专栏对美国的文化产生过巨大影响。其影响之一就是漫画故事里的Sadie Hawkins Day 最后演变成了高中生的Junior 舞会的习俗,从二十世纪初到二十一世纪。
漫画世界里的Sadie Hawkins Day 是未婚女人可以自由追求自己喜欢的单身男士;高中生的Sadie Hawkins Dance 是高中里的妙龄少女可以自己挑选和邀请自己喜欢的少年为舞伴。
Junior 舞会没 Senior 舞会那样正式,可以算作是Senior 舞会的前奏和预演。女儿曾参加过一次这样的舞会,邀请了在Lynbrook 上高中的Peter 为舞伴。女儿和Peter 都着便装参加舞会。舞会后听女儿讲起,仿佛他们都没怎么跳舞,大部分时间是在聊天与吃吃喝喝,have fun
Senior 舞会是高中生毕业前夕的最后一场舞会。舞会时间安排在高中生们完成了最为辛苦的大学升学考试和申请之后。舞会一般在六月初举行。那时,学生们的学习负担大为减少,绝大多数同学因等待大学录取通知书而悬着的心也都已如尘埃落地,踏踏实实地回归原位,所以,他们都有充裕的时间为毕业舞会进行准备。
Senior prom 为他们的高中生活画上圆满的句号,是他们步入成人生活的新起点,也是磨练他们社交能力的初次尝试。这次舞会,对每一位高四的学生来说,都是一件非常非常大的事。那是他们终生难忘的欢乐时分,那是他们一生仅此一次的美轮美奂的舞会。当然,如果在senior prom 的诸多准备步骤中任何一步出了点差错,那苦涩的滋味可能相伴他们一生,甚至对他们/她们的自信心造成终生阴影。
对于高中生,尤其是男生,从邀请女舞伴,到安排照相,舞会前的隆重宴会,车辆的安排联系,到最后的闪亮登场,以及最后狂欢落幕,都需要男生操心。要不然,怎么说这是社交能力的牛刀初试,并关乎自信心的塑造与培养呢。所以这场舞会,对男生来说是品尝咖啡香味浓烈诱人,也夹杂着苦和压力,考量着男生们的IQ EQ

home buyer workshop

Zip Realty and Bank of America
Learn how to buy a home with little money down,
even in today’s real estate market
Workshop Date:                Tuesday, January 11, 2011  –  6:30PM to 8:00PM
Location:                              Campbell Community Center
                                                Mary Campbell Room
                                                1 West Campbell Ave., Campbell, CA 95008

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