Lynbrook High School Named Intel Science School of Distinction Finalist

 来自Lynbrook 校长的信:

I am excited to announce that Intel Corporation has named Lynbrook High School as one of 18 U.S. schools as finalists in the 2011 Intel Schools of Distinction Awards (SODA).   Lynbrook was selected as one of three high schools in the nation in the area of Science. The Schools of Distinction honors schools in science which provide “a rich science curriculum incorporating hands-on investigative experiences which prepare students for 21stcentury “.

As a Finalist school, we will receive a $5,000 award from the Intel Foundation.  An LHS Team will travel to Washington, D.C. in September, to meet with the other finalist schools, science leaders and politicians.  At that time they will announce the six Intel Schools of Distinction that will receive funds, good and services valued at $100,000. 

This selection as a School of Distinction Finalist recognizes the outstanding work of our students, the tremendous mentorship by our teachers and the ongoing support of our Lynbrook parents and community. 

Intel states that these Finalist schools “serve as outstanding examples of leaders in preparing tomorrow’s innovators”.  Once again, Lynbrook is stepping forward as a community of learning leaders contributing toward a better world.  Congratulations to all!

Gail Davidson


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