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8/3 to 8/7 “Speech and Debate Changes Lives” Summer Camp

Speech and Debate Changes Lives–Jerry Yang

Speech and debate changes lives. From building confidence, improving communication, and increasing critical thinking skills to better preparing students for college—speech and debate activities provide life skills vital to a young person’s success in the future. Utilizing these skills inside and outside of the classroom teaches students the value of critical thinking, the ability to clearly articulate thoughts and ideas, to answer questions logically with clarity, and to think on one’s feet. Additionally, students develop interpersonal skills such as conflict resolution, assertiveness, and listening to peers. These important life skills empower youth to become engaged citizens, skilled professionals, and honorable leaders in our society.

Schools that provide speech and debate programs report:

  • Increased attendance
  • Higher tests scores
  • Rise in college acceptance

Parliamentary debate is an extemporaneous, generally policy-oriented form of two-person debate. In each debate, a two-student team represents the government side (or the side affirming the resolution); a second two–student team represents the opposition side (or the side negating the resolution). Students are expected to present arguments supporting their side while refuting arguments of the other team. Each team is given 20 minutes of preparation for a 38 min debate.

Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

Time: 8/3 to 8/7 Monday to Friday, 1:00pm-4:00pm
You may register for more than one session.
Fee: $250/week
Contact: 408-366-2204, spring.light.edu@gmail.com
Registration: https://goo.gl/PdY8rL
Fee: $250/week    Incoming 7th grader and above.
The class will cover:

  • Basic argumentation
  • Rhetorical Techniques
  • Topic Analysis
  • Major Issues and Current Events
  • Judge Adaptation
  • Incorporating Evidence
  • Philosophical Frameworks
  • Speech analysis of famous speakers
  • Extemporaneous speaking
  • Regular Practice with in depth feedback
  • Time: Anytime

Jerry Yang

Captain for Saratoga Parliamentary Debate team for two years.

Responsibilities include:

● Teach freshmen, sophomores, and juniors about debate while being a supporter, instructor and a critic.
● Keep track of attendance, curriculum, and volunteering time and responsibility without being asked. This includes coming to every practice and staying the entire duration.
● Having an engaging and outgoing personality with willingness to work with others. Anyone would be comfortable talking to me about any issues he or she might have.
● Strong communication with other captain(s), if any, and head coach.AWARDS & RECOGNITIONS
● Cleared at nearly all invitationals my senior year, including Santa Clara, MLK, andStanford, as well as going undefeated in a CFL league tournament.
● Qualified for the 2015 Tournament of Champions for the California Cup.
● Nationally ranked as the 28th top team at my peak in the 2015 season.
Every debater needs a good, solid foundation to build one’s career on. From the start, debaters must learn to break down walls of a fear for public speaking and start thinking critically. It is a daunting task and an arduous journey to begin alone. As a debater once under Jerry’s experienced wing, I was able to make this important transition with his help, into a life of confidence, eloquence, and critical thinking. Debate. It was only Jerry’s patience and experience that gave me a sturdy foundation for debate, an activity that once seemed foreign, but is now impossible to imagine without.                      – William Zeng, Sophomore at Los Altos

8/3 to 8/7 MUN summer camp(模拟联合国夏令营)

We have already conducted two successful sessions, and here are what students have to say:

“The class was really enjoyable. I used to really dislike reading about political issues…This class pretty much changed my perspective and I’ll definitely join MUN in high school.”

“This was a really good introduction to MUN–it covered the basics of a conference, writing, and speech giving.”

Overall it was a great class  worth taking!

***                   ***                ***

What is Model United Nations?

MUN is an organization that many high schools and colleges around the world compete in. Much like the real United Nations, students represent different countries or personas and work in committees to solve various issues, ranging from environmental problems to historical events to military issues. Students are judged holistically, based on their participation, research, solutions, and diplomacy. Through the activity, students learn about international relations, gain confidence, and learn how to become leaders.

The benefit to join MUN

  1. It’s one of the most respected high school and college organizations in the world. Being a member, or president, of this club will add another dimension to your high school life and college application.

  2. MUN practices many soft skills necessary for any industry, including engineering, medicine, law, and business. MUN coaches team-work, conflict-resolution, problem solving, persuasion, and confidence, unlike other public speech clubs. These skills will build success no matter whatever future profession you wish to pursue.

  3. MUN explores a diverse range of issues that everyone should be well versed on, including health, medicine, energy, environment, and security. Even if students are not interested in the humanities or social sciences, MUN will broaden their understanding of any subject they are invested in.

  4. The club is more popular in the east coast, and is relatively undiscovered in the west coast. This is a great opportunity to explore and start a new organization that your school may not have discovered!

Register now at https://goo.gl/l1X3Jj

Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

Time:8/3 to 8/7Monday to Friday, 9:00am-12:00pm(We may adjust our schedule based on your need.)

You may register for more than one session.
Fee: $250/week
Contact: 408-366-2204, spring.light.edu@gmail.com


Coach: Patricia Lin is a graduate of Henry M. Gunn High School. She has participated in Model United Nations for the past four years, and has chaired and judged MUN competitions as well. She has placed first, second, and third several times in different competitions, including Chinese language conferences and historical committees.

In the fall, she will attend Georgetown University School of Foreign Service to continue her passion for international affairs and politics.


2015 Science Fair Training Class

What is Science Fair?
Science fairs are the largest science competitions for middle school and high school students. They involve the application of the scientific method towards designing, conducting and presenting original research. Students explore their interests in science through a hands-on approach and develop valuable skills useful later in life. In addition, Science Fairs provide a unique opportunity to meet others interested in science, which allows students to build a network of success-driven friends at an early age. 
Continue reading

2015 Graphic Design Summer Camp

Are you interested in:
-business, marketing, art, or entrepreneurship?
-gaining an edge when applying to internships in the future?
-adding skills to your resume or college application?
-learning fun, new skills?

In this one-week course, students will learn the basics of graphic design as well as how to use Adobe Illustrator. Why learn graphic design? Learning graphic design opens up doors for future opportunities in many industries, including technology and business. Just from my own personal experience, the instructor Joyce was able to obtain a marketing internship at a medical software company in high school because her experience in graphic design translated to creating marketing collateral such as powerpoints and e-books. While students will learn the basic tools to use these programs, they will also learn how to apply this knowledge to create various print and web media. By the end of the week, students will have a mini portfolio of design projects!

Time: 9:00am-12:00pm, Monday to Friday, Every week in the summer

Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

Contact: 408-366-2204, spring.light.edu@gmail.com
Registration: CILCK HERE>

Course Syllabus:
Monday—The Basics (shapes, colors, opacity, layers, selection and explaining the design process)
Tuesday—The Powerful Pen Tool
Wednesday—Other Tools (shape builder, gradients, brushes)
Thursday—Application of Graphic Design (graphic design in the real world)
Friday—Final Project Day

Joyce Chen is currently an intended Cognitive Science (an interdisciplinary major that includes computer science, neurobiology, and psychology) major at UC Berkeley. She started her own creative branding business in sophomore year of high school and since then, has created logos, business cards, and blog layouts for over 35 bloggers around the world. She is also a gold tier member at Innovative Design in Berkeley, a club that helps create marketing collateral for other organizations on campus. Furthermore, she designs infographics for Nekila, a wildlife non-profit organization. Her portfolio can be found here: http://www.alcyonen.com

2015 Summer Physics/Chemistry/biology Classes

今年春天,春晖教育的物理,化学,生物课取得了可喜的成绩。奥林匹克物理USAPhO有15名学生qualified semifinal。奥林匹克生物USABO 至少有6名学生qualified semifinal奥林匹克化学USNCO 有2名学生进入regional 前16名(共4位学生。2位学生进入自己高中第1名。1位第二名,1位第四名)。这些优异的成绩将为他们申请大学增加极大的优势。



如果schedule 不合适您,请在报名表内告诉我们。我们会尽量满足您的要求。

Registration:click here







如果说旅游业是尼泊尔盈利最高的行业,那么义工和非政府组织(NGO)一定是紧随其后的第二个。当然了,它们通常与旅游业紧密联系,有时甚至不幸地被合并为同一行业。 Continue reading



暑期书单 Continue reading


Ritzy Teen Summer Programs豪华暑期活动

每年暑假,父母为了增加孩子申请大学的胜算,不惜在国外暑期项目上投入大量金钱。但是这些活动值得吗?顶尖学校透露夏季招生的秘密。 Continue reading


现在大家都知道暑期活动对申请名校非常重要。不少父母挖空心思思考在暑假孩子做什么特别的事可以进到美国数一数二的大学。不少父母不惜代价送孩子参加一些昂贵的,“特别”的,被称为 “fancy-pants activities 花裤子活动”以实现自己的梦想。例如,到第三世界国家做义工,到一个文化古国旅游来学习他们的艺术和建筑了,花几千甚至上万美元参加名校的summer college等等。





(408)366-2204, spring.light.edu@gmail.com

1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 202, San Jose, CA 95129

2014 Spring Public Speaking Training Class

Public Speaking Training Class

          Establishing good public speaking skills is pertinent to a variety of tasks. Whether it be presentation or discussion, confidence in public speaking is essential to the successful communication and persuasion of your thoughts and ideas.

Students who enroll will be challenged to speak on the spot, trained to deliver effective speeches, and taught the art of effective communication and commanding an audience. They will be immersed in the world of public speaking with other students who are just as inspired to improve their public speaking skills. Continue reading

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