Books for Sale (Harker text books and AoPS math books)


Name ISBN Price Condition Comments
¡En español!  978-0618304301 $18.00 Good Harker Spanish 1A textbook
Holt Handbook Mastering the Cllifornia Standards in English-Language Conventions 978-0030652875 $20.00 very good, it’s basically like next except for the stamp on the side and name print on the inside cover. Harker 8 Advanced Core and Honors English Required Book
Algebra and Trigonometry Structure and Method book 2 9780395977255 $25.00 Good Harker Algebra 2 and Trigonometry textbook
Physics, A conceptual World View, 7th edition 978-0-495-56084-5 $99.00 Like New Harker G9 Honors Physics Textbook
Physical Scinece 9780321106636 $4.00 good Harker G7 Science textbook
Algebra and Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry
by: Earl Swokowski and Jeffery Cole
 9780534404697  $5.00 good Recommended to Terman Middle School Math Honor Students as suppliment
Holt California Geometry 978-0-03-092345-6 $15.00  New Bought as extra copy at Home for convenience.  Nearly never used.
The Art of Problem Solving:  Introduction to Algebra 978-1-934124-14-7 $59.00  New  
The Art of Problem Solving:  Introduction to Algebra Solutions Manual 978-1-934124-15-4    New  




ZT, 風沙渡——拒絕平庸(2011年高考滿分作文 )







作文卷不同於數學卷。一道數學題,對了是滿分,不對是零蛋,無可爭議。當一份作文卷隨機到達初評老師手裡而被評為滿分,不僅需要伯樂的眼光,更需要敢於擔當的膽量!為什麼呢?你給了滿分,一會兒別的老師要複查、抽查。若對照評分細則,找出一個錯別字,一兩處「標點使用不當」、「用詞不當」、「語意不明」之類的毛病,容易得很。評卷老師都是臨時各處抽調,不是熟人,表面客客氣氣,難免文人相輕,指出別人疏漏,則顯示了自己的水平。與其讓別人挑剔,不如先扣上幾分,堵別人的嘴。所以作文給分,及格容易,得滿分難於上青天。因此,這位初評王希作文的老師,果斷地給了滿分,又闖過層層把關者的審閱,現在已經擺在世人面前而獲得交口稱讚,我們有理由首先向這位有膽有識 的無名英雄致敬!

諸多偶然因素讓王希嶄露頭角,但偶然中寓有必然。請看這篇滿分作文的片斷:「不由得想起早上過來趕考時瞅見的一家小餐館,名為『風沙渡』。獨這三字,意境全出,那雜亂的店面也彷彿不嫌粗陋,而自有一種粗獷渺遠的豪情在胸中激盪了。……沒有人生來就是任人踐踏的草芥螻蟻,但如果有一顆甘於平庸甘於卑賤的心,那唯一的歸宿就只是螻蟻。要成為強者,必先有一顆強者之心;要俯瞰平庸的眾生,先必有一股『登臨意 』。對,登臨,是辛棄疾『把吳鉤看了,欄杆拍遍,無人會,登臨意』的登臨,是杜甫『會當凌絕頂,一覽眾山小 』的登臨。……有了一顆拒絕平庸的心,終有人會從你眼中的堅定,從你不俗的談吐與緊握的雙拳看出你的不凡。即使結果還是不盡如人意,即使會有『心比天高,命比紙薄』的詆毀,即使『零落成泥碾作塵 』,仍會有『香如故』。 『蟻族 』又如何?若心懷鴻鵠之志,俯視那有著優厚境況的燕雀,我堅信:終有一天,能『扶搖而上九萬里 』,『朝游北海暮蒼梧 』,攜長風,浩蕩而去。……我必去『風沙渡 』。酒菜已不重要。小酌後,與老闆相視而笑出門去,我輩豈是蓬蒿人?」




















 最近在 买了些书,有考试辅导书,课本等,价格便宜,服务好。不收邮寄费,还额外有20%地球日的折价,折价今天是最后一天。


辅导钢琴CM 音乐理论考级应试

 我女儿现在上七年级,目前学习钢琴和小提琴。她两年前以优异成绩考过CM钢琴 七级后,转而参加英国皇家音乐学院 (ABRSM)的考试晋级系统,目前正在准备ABRSM的八级考试。

前不久她成功的辅导了一个学生准备CM 5 级考试,帮助应试学生取得了优秀的成绩,这使她信心大增,决定招收学生,辅导考级,将所有收入捐献给她热衷参与的Free the Children (, 用于帮助贫困国家的孩子们建学校,改善饮水和生活环境,摒弃童工剥削等。她特别恳请我为他在Bayecho上 为她宣传。


辅导范围:up to CM7 or ABRSM5

教材:Basicsof Keyboard Theory Level 1-7 by Julie Mcintosh Johnson, J. Johnson Music Publications  (forCM)

 or Music Theory in Pratice Grade 1-5 (for ABRSM) Publisher:  Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music

Fee:  $10/hour for individual coaching, or $5/hour for group lesson (with 2 or more students of the same level), program length can be need based, fees will be collected per lesson, without prerequisite of committment to the entire program.

Lesson time:  negotiable

Teaching method: 按以上教科书教学,为学生改作业,两次模拟考试。(she also told me to write that she’s flexible to adjust teaching style to parents’ request)

Additional sponsorship and bonus is welcome if you are happy with her coaching, all proceeds go to Free the Children.

推荐Free The Children 暑期营


推荐Free The Children 暑期营

还在寻找暑期营,并希望发展孩子社会活动能力的家长们,可以考虑Free the Children ( 的Take Action Academy。

我女儿去年参加了一周的Camp, 学到了很多东西,并在之后一直参与Free the Children的Changer Maker 活动及Training.  通过这些活动,孩子们的眼界放宽,关心贫困国家的孩子的教育,想方设法为他们该站生活环境和建学校集资。

以下是Take Action Academy 的具体介绍。


Take Action Academy – June 19-25, 2011 – Menlo College, Atherton

Are you looking for a fun and meaningful summer experience that will empower your child to become a leader of local and global social change? Do you know a young person who is interested in earning volunteer service hours, building on their leadership skills, and networking with other socially-conscious youth? Or is there a kid in your life who’s concerned about issues such as poverty, homelessness, child labor, or global warming?


The California Take Action Academy is a week-long social justice and leadership overnight camp hosted at Menlo College in Atherton, CA for youth ages 10 and up.  Throughout the week, we encourage youth to think critically about contemporary social issues, and equip them with the tools they need in order to serve as leaders of social change in their communities at home and abroad.


Activities include:

  • Interactive workshops
  • Dynamic guest speakers
  • Public speaking training
  • Action-planning sessions
  • Volunteering in the community



Deadline for registration: May 1st

Discounts offered: Group Discount, groups of 5 will receive 5% off each person’s tuition, groups of 7 receive 7% off, up to 25 participants.


To sign up please go to or contact Sarah Koff, Manager of Youth Programming at or 650-815-1880.


名称: recommending Extraordinary, Ordinary People: A Memoir of Family (2010) by Condoleezza Rice

A great book on parenting, though the author didn’t intend to make it a parenting book….


My 7th grader read this book right after Amy Chua’s book.  She highly admires the author’s parents, not Amy Chua…

recommending Extraordinary, Ordinary People: A Memoir of Family (2010) by Condoleezza Rice


recommending Extraordinary, Ordinary People: A Memoir of Family (2010) by Condoleezza Rice

 Just finished the above book.  Though not written as a parenting guide, I found it offering a best parenting model than any.  My 7th grader read of both Amy Chua and the above and she told me that she so highly admires Condoleezza’s parents…  I highly recommend this book and would love to hear comments after your reading….  就先抛砖引玉吧。

RSVP: Stanford Chinese Lunar New Year Gala 1/30/2011 1:30~4:00pm at Stanford Memorial Auditorium


The Chinese lunar year of rabbit is coming, and everyone is welcomed to attend the Stanford Chinese Lunar New Year Gala! This time the big event is co-hosted by Association of Chinese Students and Scholars at Stanford(斯坦福中国学生学者联合会) andChinese Performing Arts of America(飞扬艺术团), and will be held in the Memorial Auditorium – the flagship auditorium on campus with 1700 seats. There will definitely be more fun for all of you! You can expect featured performance by Stanford students and by professional artists from the Bay Area. Shows include traditional Chinese songs, dances, kongfu, drama, magic show, instrumental performances, and so much more, for people of all ages and cultural background. Please mark your calendar and come join us!

Time: January 30 (Sun), 1:30pm to 4:00pm
Venue: Stanford Memorial Auditorium


551 Serra Mall
Stanford, CA 94305

Parking: Parking lots labelled “A” and “C” are free on weekends
Free to everyone.


For more information, please visit or send email to

Sponsored by:
Graduate Student Council * ASSU Undergrad Senate *

Co-hosted by:
ACSSS (Association of Chinese Students and Scholars at Stanford)

CPAA (Chinese Performing Arts of America)
CWCS (Chinese Women Collective at Stanford)


RSVP: Stanford Chinese Lunar New Year Gala 1/30/2011 1:30~4:00pm at Stanford Memorial Auditorium

 The Chinese Lunar Year of Rabbit is coming, and everyone is welcomed to attend the Stanford Chinese New Year Party! This time the big event is co-hosted byACSSS and CWCS, and will be held in the Memorial Auditorium – the flagship auditorium on campus. There will definitely be more fun for all of you! You can expect featured performance by Stanford students and by professional artists from the Bay Area. Shows include traditional Chinese songs, dances, kongfu, drama, magic show, instrumental performances, and so much more, for people of all ages and cultural background. Please mark your calendar and come join us!

Time: January 30 (Sunday), 2:00pm

Venue: Memorial Auditorium

551 Serra Mall

Stanford, CA 94305

Parking: Parking lots labelled “A” and “C” are free on weekends

Free to everyone.

For more information, please visit or send email to

Sponsored by:

Graduate Student Council * ASSU Undergrad Senate * Chinese Performing Arts of America

Co-hosted by:

ACSSS (Association of Chinese Students and Scholars at Stanford)

CWCS (Chinese Women Collective at Stanford)