
今天被点名要感恩俺领导,真是给咱出难题。我这个人对谁都特感恩,可是对俺领导, 我特吝啬. 咱心里,多的只是怨言,可是还没法向领导说,因为怕领导生气,怕影响他身体。

受同学们的感恩启发,我就努力的找了一下咱家领导的闪光点, 与大家共享。

感谢领导从来不挑剔, 我们家的客厅,永远是不整齐,小愉一看,不再进门, 因为像是巳经被偷袭。

感谢领导非常好客又善待朋友, 每个周末, 孩子们都在电脑前渡过, 因为领导让俺照顾朋友, 咱就让电脑游戏照顾孩子。

感谢领导对我办事充分的信任,家里大事小事, 从敲敲钉钉到刷马筒倒垃圾我都搞定,我妈看了, 不停的夸我,"你比以前能干多了。"

感谢领导工作繁忙, 让我有最多的时间与孩儿分享,老二说爸爸10点不回来他就陪我睡,哈哈哈,我的小可爱。


•••• 看来能感谢领导的还真不少, 我只是列了一些别家领导可能没有的, 我将继续感恩。

Learn Ways You Can Reduce Your Teen’s Stress During the College Application Process

When: Thursday evening, 10/21 at 7:00 pm.
Where: 19925 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino

Parents: Learn Ways You Can Reduce Your Teen’s Stress
During the College Application Process

(and at the same time, reduce your own anxiety!)

Come learn how to help your teen manage and handle the angst and uncertainty they feel when
navigating the college application process. Learn what teens have shared first-hand with parent
coaches, Carol & Lisa of Family on the Edge Coaching. Hear the kind of support that they want
from parents, what works and what does not.

We will discuss the following:

your role in keeping them on track and focused
teaching resiliency and guiding them towards independence
strengthening your relationship with him/her
encouraging him/her to express their feelings and emotions
acknowledging their progress every step of the way
teaching and encouragings life-long skills after they leave home

REQUIRED RSVP to info@familyontheedge.com or call Carol at 408-255-1173 for more
information. Space is limited!

Presented by Carol Satterlee, CPC and Lisa Fairchild, MA, family and relationship coaches of
Family on the Edge Coaching Service. Carol & Lisa give parent presentations to local schools
in the Bay Area.



今天我与九岁的老二一起等老大游泳,就拿起智能教育免费期刊读了起来。正好上面有美国高校排名榜,哈佛第一,斯坦佛第五etc. 趁机给老二教育了一下。还真有用。

回到家里, 老二对我说:
if you quit me Chinese, piano and swimming, I can go to harvard
言下之意他没有时间学习,把我乐下了, 看来我家有藤苗了。

晚上我马上给他看Tony Ho(今年去了哈佛)的you tube videa给他看,我也是第一次看,看了给吓下了sat考满分,还有一大堆其他话动,我还真不知道我这个妈得怎么当了。

我得给儿子制定一个学习计划了,快点给儿子加把油。先把他computer game quit 掉。

加州大學申請標準分析及加州教育問答, 9/25/10 4- 6 PM

Speaker: 賀宗寧, 聖塔克拉拉(SantaClara)縣學區委員 since 1994)
Time:  9/25/10  4- 6 PM
Where:  HOC5 (Chinese School)
10340 Bubb Rd.  Cupertino, CA 95014

Dear fellow Chinese School parents,
Last Sat, we had the first gathering of interest groups.
On the coming Sat 9/25, we will be back to another exciting seminar   
 加州大學申請標準分析及加州教育問答  (賀宗寧, 聖塔克拉拉(SantaClara)縣學區委員 since 1994)


Free 2 tickets to California Academy of Sicence (or another museum) on 9/25/2010

Museum Day is an annual event hosted by Smithsonian Media in which participating museums across the country open their doors for free to anyone presenting a Museum Day Ticket.
Offer is valid only on Saturday, September 25, 2010.  The Museum Day Ticket provides free admission to one person, plus a guest. 
Signup and print your ticket here:

儿子今天的作文:Personal Narrative 与你分享


老大6年级, 在cupertino middle school, 特听老师话, 可是对我特反感。所以我想找个老师或班辅导他写作和演讲。有好的请介绍。

下面是他的今天的homework, 与你们分享,请提建议:

Personal Narrative: Preschool

             “Waa! Waa!” is what I heard as I entered inside the warmly lit room. I stumbled on my three-quarter pound, red and white lunchbox and fell onto the furry rug I was standing on with a loud “Oof!”. I barely remembered what was going on. I only knew one thing, which I was at the preschool, Appleseed Montessori.
Entering a room full of crying, smelly, squealing toddlers would probably not be the best way to introduce someone new to a preschool. But since I was one of the toddlers, I didn’t think about introductions or “hellos” or “hi’s”. I was scared and nervous because this was my first day at preschool, the first time I would be separated from my kind, caring parents. I wandered around the area, not knowing where to go. Every time I turned around a corner I would confront another squealing or hiding toddler. I felt that this place was the worst place I would be at for my entire life. But little did I know that this would be the best place of my life, (so far), and that I would meet my best friends here.

              Out of my two and a half years at preschool, I must admit the first year was the worst. As for I had zero friends and I wasn’t one of the older kids, because the older kids got special privileges. But I sort of understood how I would not get any special privileges for I was still young and immature. The special privileges were, being allowed to stay up during the dreaded “Nap Time” and clearance to go outside the classroom on special occasions. But it was still fun even without being an “Elder” (older kid) because of all the activities there. I liked most of the “Toddler-Approved” activities anyhow. I truly despised those stupid, boring learning games though. I thought life was all fun and games while I was a toddler, I felt it wasn’t time for me to learn yet. To me, they seemed like medicine, and I also loathed medicine as well, so I avoided those games as much as possible.

              There was one particular moment in preschool that I still remember, and I still loathe and hate that moment. Let me say the horrible, twisted story. I still remember the night; it was slightly chilled with a bit of freezing wind outside. I had gone to bed around 7:45 PM since I still needed my precious sleep. I don’t recall falling asleep even when my parents’ lights were diminished. I did not call out to them though because I still believed in ghosts and monsters, and believed one would get me if I yipped for help. Time passed and it was now 3 in the morning, and I was still dead awake. I could not fall asleep a wink! So now it was time to go to preschool and I still had not fallen asleep! I was dead tired and I knew I wasn’t going to make the day. Maybe a bit after our lunch our teacher gathered everyone together for a group activity. I had still managed to stay awake, but sleep began to wrap me. So while the teacher was explaining I conked out onto the floor, snoring like mad! (So I heard from the other kids.) The next thing I knew the teacher was asking me if I was okay and if she needed to call my parents. I replied with a simple “no” and that was that. The only thing I felt I needed was an aspirin at that time because the kid next to me had screamed, “Wake up sleepyhead!!” with so much force two kids fell down. But what still puzzles me today is that I did not feel I bit embarrassed. But thinking about it now I feel plenty embarrassed yet I puzzle over why I didn’t feel embarrassed when it actually happened. I knew I should have been very embarrassed because the entire class witnessed it! It could have been better if only one or two people, but an entire class?! It remains a mystery to me today.

              One year has passed now and nothing exciting has happened since the “Sandman Attack”. But excitement is waking up again and something else is about to happen. This is my second year at Appleseed Montessori and I have turned into an “Elder”. The new kids who were only on their first year of preschool looked at me as if I were a god. I had a feeling being an “Elder” would be better than I thought. Special privileges were granted upon me and I used them wisely in order to not abuse the privileges and not to lose them. I dimly remember using the privilege to leave the classroom that much though, but I know history was made when I used that privilege. 

              Since my ex- best friends entered preschool the year I did, they were promoted to “Elders” the year I was too. Now they had fun using their privileges as well and I bumped into quite a few of them using that privilege. The funniest and strangest way I bumped into my friends was probably the first time I used the privilege. As I recall from my memories, it was a cold, windy day. I had grabbed my gigantic, red and white lunchbox from my cubby and was dragging the obese thing outside to eat the contents. I had strolled outside my classroom, lugging the heavy brute, which was my lunchbox, into the fenced in part of the playground. That is when I spotted a chubby, Chinese kid, wearing a jacket because of the harsh, cold wind. But the reason he caught my short attention span of all the other kids in the playground is because he had the exact same lunchbox as me! “What the…?” I thought. “Did he steal my lunchbox or what?” That is when the toddler with the exact same lunch box as me got up and spotted me with my lunchbox! “Hey!” he screamed. “You have the same lunchbox as me!” We trotted over to each other and introduced ourselves. Shortly, after our strange introduction we became fast friends with each other. The boy’s name was Daniel and it turned out his classroom was across from mine.

             After that occurrence I began meeting all my other friends as well, most of them while I was taking a stroll outside my classroom (one of them was in my class). All of them had different traits that were perseverance, kindness, gentleness, and understanding. And all of them were different as well, smart, stupid, tough, tall, short, fat, skinny, and their desires to eat. But they were still all very fun no matter how different we were.

             To sum it up, preschool was very important to me because of all the fun I had and all the people I met. I had changed a lot as well. In my first year of preschool I had come without knowing anyone or anything and thought preschool was the worst place ever. But now in the end I loved preschool, and now I have tons of friends! So when I graduated from preschool I was one popular, happy kid. And as I walked out the door of preschool, “Blam!” I fell onto the rug that I fell onto on the first day of school on my lunchbox. But I knew this would be the last time falling onto this rug forever.