黃石公園遊記 (2)

Summer Job and internship

Our rafting guide in the scenic tour is a woman, who currently studies for her PHD degree in Water right mediation. I was very intrigued and surprised. I talked to her during lunch and mentioned that I worked in a Water District in California and talked about the issues and problems with the State legislations on water issues. I mentioned to my older son afterwards that there would be some opportunities for him to consider when he is in college: he can work, make money, and travel to different beautiful places at the same time.  And we have seen many foreign exchange students working in the grocery stores, restaurants, and ice cream parlors. However, I got my biggest surprise when we stayed at the Jackson Lake Lodge in the Grand Teton Park.

There was a petite Asian girl, with a Japanese last name on her name tag which also indicates she was from Wisconsin, serving as a bus girl for our sets of tables when we had our dinner there. I assumed that she was one of the college students till my neighbor dinners asked her. No, she is entering high school as a freshman in the coming fall! My jaw dropped and I let out a surprised exclaim. My son stared at me and made me quiet down. I asked her eventually some specifics about her job and she told me that she could only work 8 hours a day and forty hours a week and had to stay with an adult since she is still a minor. I told her what she did was remarkable and I really admired her parents allowing her to travel so far to work. And she was going to go camping over the weekend with friends.


The first night we came to the Jackson Lake Lodge, my younger son met one of his friends from his school in San Jose. They are a Chinese family of four like us. The mother told me they drove 11 hours from San Jose to Salt Lake City and camped around. She told me that she was the main driver since she would be car sick if she did not drive. She also talked about how exciting and fun to camp which gave me the impression that camping was the only choice to enjoy the nature. She brought cooking pots and utensils and cooked during the trip so that they would not get bored with American food. They enjoyed two raining nights during the trip, sleeping with wet sleeping bags.  Another secret she shared with me was that she also had a son in college, which means she is the mother of three boys.  And she had already made the camping reserving in Yosemite for the next Spring. I was very impressed and admired her greatly for her high energy.

I related the information later to my hubby afterwards. He blurted out series of questions immediately:”where are you going to take showers?” “What do you do when you need to go pee at night?” “How can you sleep in a sleeping bag on the ground?””Are there lots of mosquitoes?”All of his questions seemed legitimate and we finally settled that camping is just not our cup of tea.

黃石公園遊記 (1)

We went back to China during the Chinese New Year, therefore, we decided not to go back again for the Shanghai Expo. My high school freshman son decided to take a 6-week summer course, which left us only a few weeks to enjoy summer. Yellowstone was chosen for our vacation destination. Right after the summer school, we headed to Yellowstone.



We started our first vacation day by rafting in the Snake River by the beautiful town called Jackson Hole, which locates near the South side entrance of the Grand Teton National Park. Jackson Hole is also the closest airport that we can fly to.


We were grouped with a family of four from England in the morning scenic rafting tour. The mother is an American and lived in San Francisco 13 years ago. She married an Englishman and moved to England. They have two boys, Louie: the 9-year-old; Miles: 7-year-old. The father is a professor in a college and he is taking a year of sabbatical from work. They are taking 7-week’s vacation in America and Jackson Hole was one of their stops. It was a perfect match with our family. The kids started to tell jokes and riddles soon after. Miles likes to sing and tell jokes and often has to be hushed up by his mother. Louie sets his mind to maneuver the raft himself and kept on asking the tour guide for a chance. When the mother asked me what we could do in San Jose since their next stop is San Francisco, I regretfully told her that we had been ignoring what San Jose can offer since we live in it and did not bother too much to find out. We enjoyed the jokes, riddles, laughter, and bald eagles. The family did not book the afternoon white water rafting because Miles, being the youngest one, was afraid. However, his mother kept on teasing him and eventually we had a taste of the mild white water rafting toward the end of the trip. Miles was very excited and exclaimed that he wanted to do white water rafting. Louie got what he wished for at the end of the trip by maneuvering the raft himself for a while. 


Louie got attached to Alex toward the end of the morning tour; he chose to sit with Alex on the bus back. Only Louie and his father joined the after white water rafting tour, since his mother wanted Miles to get some rest. Louie and Alex were hoping to be in the same raft again. But it turned out to be not as what we wished. Louie and his father were assigned to a sturdier raft since he is too young for the rough raft.


With the roll call, the tour guide called the family of Huang, we raised our hands; the tour guide called the family of Wang; we raised our hands again, we all know that the American’s cannot differentiate the Chinese names of “Huang” “Wang”, or “Wong”. I was wondering whether the tour guide made mistakes till we were all assigned to the same raft. They were two fathers with their sons, and they were using the name of “Wang”. They were actually tourists from China!!! I was so proud of my fellow countrymen; they are rich enough to travel in America now. However, I cannot compliment on their attitude. One father told his son “Ben” not to use too much of his strength to paddle since he is not the “Coolie”.  According to the tour guide, the strongest of the group should sit at the first row. My husband and my football player son sat in the first row. My younger one and I sit in the 3rd row, which left the 2nd row (3 seats) and one seat in the 3rd row available for the other family. However, the Wang family was not happy, therefore, my son moved to my left side so that the other family would have one seat in the front row. 


The tour guide started the drill on how to paddle, what to do if accident happened. She even made it clear that we need to use our almighty strength to paddle since it is white water rafting and there is no engine to propel the raft. After a while, it was apparent that the sitting arrangement did not work since the other family had the attitude of not working as “coolies” in America, and my husband and my older son were paddling on the same side, our raft kept on making circles. The tour guide finally asked us to switch the sitting arrangement back to where we originally started. Every hurdle we conquered, the kid, Ben, would say it was not exciting, challenging enough for him; he kept on asking for more exciting and challenging ones.   And it was his comment for the entire rafting which made me wonder whether his family paid for the trip themselves.


Louie came by to see goodbye to Alex after the white water rafting. He hugged Alex and said:”Bye Alex. I hope I will see you somewhere someday”. I was so touched I almost offered to invite the family over when they came to San Francisco.




Puerto Valarta 亮点是骑马到海里



Cruise到加勒比海,去了Panama Canal和Costa Rica看Sloth以及在Belize的海上和Sting Ray一起游泳,那时正是Steve Irvene被Sting Ray 刺死后的几天只内。可息我没找到照片

Cancun 历险记

 The first time we were in Cancun was during the week of Thanksgiving 1993. Recently married and travelling with a limited budget,  I experienced my first ever adventure and probably the most dangerous tour I have ever took in my life.

My husband whom I call as a water animal has a theory about vacationing.  When it is summer, we need to go some place cool, and when it is cold here, we need to go to somewhere warmer.  He never likes any activity requires him to be on his feet, such as hiking, playing tennis, etc. However, he acts like a fish as soon as he gets into the water.  Therefore, he always books the vacation near the ocean.  I was born and raised in the most primitive land in Heilongjiang, the only place for us to swim is in either some ditch or river.  However, we never had anybody teaching us how to swim, therefore, lots of kids who tried to swim in the river got drowned.  I never learned how to swim.  Now being married to this water loving guy, I tagged along full of energy and anticipation.

We were going on a Jungle Tour in one of the afternoon around 3:00 pm.  It was windy and overcast.  I was wearing only a swim suit and brought only a tower.  We were going to ride a water scooter through a jungle and go to a place to snorkel.  The ride took about 30 to 45 minutes to get to the snorkel place.  But, this was in 1993, they had only scooter intended for single rider (Not the ones that I posted on the website about the jet skii in Cabo in 2009) but expected two of us to ride on it. I sat behind my husband with no place to hold on except around my husband’s waist.  With one more couple and two tour guides we set off.  It was so bumpy and windy that I was afraid that I would fell off the scooter and drag my husband down if I wrap my hands around his waist.  Therefore, I tried to dug my fingers into wherever I can dug into.  5 or 10 minutes into the jungle, our scooter was dead.  We were yelling and weaving at our tour guides.  They were ride with full speed ahead.  Finally, they noticed us making distress signals and charged back to us.  As soon as the tour guide got to us, he pointed at my face and asked:”What happened to your sun glasses?” up till now, I did not even notice that one of the glasses was blown away, since I spent all my strength and attention on getting myself secured on that single rider scooter.

Finally, we got to the snorkeling place.  It was so cold that we two women just sat in the tour guides boat, wrapped with towers, shivering, waiting for the guys to finish their snorkeling activity.  We refused to sit on the scooter for the returning trip as well.

I woke up with sour fingers and arms the next morning.  We noticed that our brand new camcorder was broken by the bumpy ride and had to make back to the dock to find the missing parts.

Spring 2003, almost ten years after and together with our two kids, we made the second trip back to Cancun.  This turned out to be a very enjoyable vacation.  My older one, at that time 8 years old, made a comment that he would come back with his college buddies, since we saw lots of college kids spending their spring vacation there.

We did the Jungle Tour again.  Somehow this destined not to be our activity.  It was again overcast and windy.

The tour we enjoyed the most was at Xcaret, Cancum’s most exciting, eco friendly water park. We snorkeled through tunnels; under the rocks; through the underground river;  we flowed down the river on a tube.  At night, we enjoyed a fantastic dinner show, watching the reenactment of Manya football game.

We also went to Isla Mujeres, the Island for a day of sand and snorkeling.

Sorry I have no pictures to share with you.  We took lots of movies that I did not know how to post and most of the pictures we took are too personal for me to share.  Therefore, I am providing some website for you to get to know Cancun and plan your trip.






 After a week of sun, snorkeling, boogie boarding in the exotic vacation land of Cancun, Mexico, we were ready to head home.

We have to line up to board the airplane outside of the gate and it took forever for the airplane gate to open.  I noticed there was a skinny Mexican guy in front of us.  He struck a lively conversation with a group of American female tourists.  I marveled at how easily he talked with them about himself, his family and what he was going to do in America, and I reflected that I was never at ease to talk to someone that I did not know well.

Soon, we settled in the airplane and the airplane took off.  A lot of people took out their laptops and games to get on their business.  A man with a laptop approached us, he showed us a picture on his laptop and said excitedly:”see, you are in our pictures”.  It was a picture taken in a restaurant in Cancun that we enjoyed so much.  The waiter made fresh guacamole in front of us and it was the first time we saw the actual process of making guacamole.  I guess the man took his family’s picture while dining in the same restaurant.  Now, seeing us in the same airplane and reviewing the pictures, he and his kids recognized us and were very excited to show us the picture.

After a while, the captain announced that a lady’s purse was reported missing and he cautioned everyone to watch his/her belongings closely to avoid the same thing happening.  I noticed that the man showed us the pictures was very busy going up and down the aisle and I was wondering  probably he was just taking care of some personal business like the rest of us do.

Before the airplane landed at SF international airport, the captain announced that the thief was caught and policemen will come on board to escort him off and asked us to remain seated till the man was cleared. 

To my surprise, the man that was escorted off the plane was the man that talked lively with the American female tourists. And the man that solved the mystery was the man that showed us his family picture with us in the back ground.  The man actually was a detective in San Francisco Police Department.  Everyone on the airplane gave him a round of applause after the thief was escorted off.  His detective instinct still works during his family vacation. Solute to the detective for his dedication for his line of duty.

三十年後重读牛虻 (The Gadfly)

The first time I read 牛虻(The Gadfly) was in the winter of 1977. 

My father reconnected with my grandfather after twenty years of no communication. At that time, Grandparents and four of their six kids have immigrated to the United States. Grandpa asked us to go to Shanghai to meet with one of my uncles. This is the uncle that Dad’s younger sister married to and was doing “big” business in China. It took us three days and four nights horrible train ride to get to Shanghai from HeiLongJiang. The train was packed with travelers that we had no place to sit except in the passage way. Since it was so packed, we could not get any food or water except purchasing some from the train station vendors through the window. We literally had to step over people’s shoulders to go to the toilet. Since it is hard to get to the toilet, I believe that some passengers found other means to relieve themselves because the train smelled of urine mixed with cigarette smoke all the way. 

We stayed with my father’s aunt, whom we call as “婆婆”, eagerly awaiting the uncle’s arrival. However, the waiting time turned from days to weeks; and from weeks to months. In order to keep four young kids occupied, 婆婆dug out some books for us to read. 牛虻 (The Gadfly) was one of them and the most memorable one for me. I can still visualize the teenage me sitting on the bed in one of the亭子間 (a typical studio room in Shanghai), bending over with tears streaming down, crying nonstop over the hero and heroine’s unspoken love, and the hero’s heroic action fighting for the cause that he believed in.


Summer 2009, when in Beijing, my kids and I were visiting a bookstore in王府井, I spotted牛虻(The Gadfly) on the shelf. This was the first time that I came to know the English title for牛虻:The Gadfly. Seeing the book brought back flood of fond memories. I bought it along with other classics that I have not read. And I am surprised that my eyes still welled up when reading the book the second time after more than thirty years.


I cringed at how Arthur, the innocent, sweet, and trusting boy, lost his innocence and faith at the tender age and wondered how fragile the human bond/faith can be; I felt helpless when Gemma had to live with the suspicion whether the Gadfly was the Arthur that she had known since childhood and whom was assumed drowned a long time ago. And the Gadfly, who returned to Italy with many years of suffering and physical wounds, worked along Gemma and was torn whether to tell Gemma his real identity; I cried when the Gadfly, stricken with the deadliest blow of his sickness, still strive to escape from the prison with his iron will; I cried the hardest, choking with emotions that I thought I was mature enough to control, when Gemma, reading the Gadfly’s last letter, got the confirmation that the Gadfly was indeed her long lost friend and the chance that she lost forever to redeem herself.


大兒子因為學功夫,又因體格健壯,师付邀他去參加在San Jose Repertory Theatre春節晚會的功夫表演. 表演完還要直接到好朋友家參加生日party 和sleep over. 我把功夫的表演服,sleep over 用的sleeping bag, 換洗衣服等,一起放在車后,就上路了。


到了劇院,兒子要到后台換演出服裝,我跟着把他換下來的衣服放在帶來的包里. 手上還拿著不能用的照相機包. 演出完畢,跟师付在劇院門口照了幾張相就沖沖忙忙把兒子送到朋友家。兒子從車後拿出睡袋和衣服高高興興的進去了。