

在美國长大的大兒子不幹了。他開始責備爸爸不應該把地鼠悶死,應該把地鼠交給animal control agency去放生。又責備弟弟不該將地鼠打死,惹得弟弟連哭兩天,自責說:I am so cruelI am a bad person。而老媽在一旁則暗暗自喜:還是小儿子反應靈敏。

可是沒想到那地鼠的family不幹了。仍然堅守陣地,翻江倒海再往癩痢頭上多加幾個包。老爸 買了一個咕咕叫的東西,插在草地中間。據說那咕咕叫的聲音能把地鼠趕走。可是,插了兩個多星期,地鼠不僅沒走,反而又往癩痢頭上多加了幾個包。等我們八位媽媽去看電影那晚上,老爸又買了另外一種武器,煙熏。老爸信心滿滿,這次一定會把它們熏死。看來地鼠是打地道戰及持久戰,過了幾天又冒出來了。Labor Day weekend老爸又放了一次煙幕彈,好像又戰敗了。



Labor Day的奇遇

 三天的长周末在儿子两天的football训练和一天的紧张完成功课中结束。终于可以出去大吃一通。像以往一样,我照例拿着SuDoKu坐在reception area等座位。

突然一个人凑过来问:“What’s that?”抬头一看,一位慈眉善眼,大约late seventies early eighties,且impeccably dressed 白人老太太正冲我笑呢。我抬起电子SuDoKu说:“It’s SuDoKu”. She snuggled toward me ”What happened to conversation?”她抬起手指了一下周围都在等seats restaurant patrons。我一眼望去,每个人的手上都有一样东西,cellphonegameboybleckberryiphone&Ipot you name it。我无言以对,只用微笑来做回答。

Where do you work?“看来老太太下定决心要跟我聊天。我只好放下SuDoKu跟她闲谈。当谈到她时,她说她是做English Tutoring的。湾区所有的大公司她都有做过,比如GoogleIBM等等。哇,我儿子去年正说要找英文的tutor那。我马上问你教高中生吗。老太太马上说教啊。我马上出门叫儿子,可儿子坚决不肯进来见那老太太。我只好赶回去和老太太继续聊天。既然谈到儿子,老太太问儿子为什么要找tutor。我说儿子觉得他费了九牛二虎之力每次英文只能拿到A-。老太太问我什么他要拿A。我感到她问得很好却不知如何回答,只好说是peer pressure

这时儿子进来看是否轮到我们的位置了,正好被那老太太抓了个正着。儿子不得以坐下来跟她聊天。聊了几句后,老太太邀儿子到她家去做一次一个小时的freeconsultation。可她说她住在Los Altos。我很惊讶马上说你怎么到Sunnyvale来吃饭。老太太说不远,离这只有五分钟的路程。看来老太太十分想收儿子这个学生。我又说我们家住在Almaden离得太远。她说不远,既然你们能来这吃饭,就能到我家去。

接过明片一看,哇不得了,she specializes in accent correctionpresentation skillwriting skills。赶紧收好,以后有用。



JoJo 上菜: 酱鸭腿



  • 1.       ¾杯淘大豉油鸡汁
  • 2.       1杯白水
  • 3.       三到四条鸭腿


  • 1.       将鸭腿用小火两面煎黄(腿上的油尽量煎掉)
  • 2.       将煎好的鸭腿放到锅里,加上淘大豉油鸡汁和水(差不多将鸭腿全部浸在source
  • 3.       大火烧开
  • 4.       小火烧一个小时
  • 5.       收汁既可
  •  放在冰箱里overnight,第二天吃凉的更香






孩子们一上来就要围着球场跑三到四圈,接着就要练些footwork。两个脚左右交差左右跑,上上下下交替前跑后退。再来就是基本攻训练,发球,接球,front hand back hand。不一会儿,就大汗淋漓。只有我坐着一边,脖子上挂着小风扇,手里拿着一本书 Angles and Demons)一会儿看一下孩子,又一会儿看一下书。室内闷热,实在难以concentrate on reading。当然,孩子们第一天就知道我们是从外地来的。休息时,一个孩子绕着我转了一圈,回去向其他小朋友汇报“都是英文哪!“

由于我非常重视礼节的教育。儿子每次上课,下课,都要跟老师说“老师好”“再见”。尤其是最后一堂课,他还给老师一个hug. 我可以看得出老师很惊呀,有一点不知所措得感觉。一直以为一个礼拜是星期一到星期五,到了星期六正打算睡个懒觉,弟弟带着女儿来敲门。只好软硬兼施把儿子拉起来上课。一个多星期下来,儿子感觉不错,认为他已是一个羽毛球好手了。


今年暑假,在San Jose Community Center 选了一个星期的羽毛球Summer Camp。相比之下,真是天壤之别。冷气足足的,老师又不十分严厉。儿子说:“much better & much easier“。

每次接儿子时,其他的小朋友都走了,只有他一人帮老师收拾场地,tidy up the net。乐得老师直向我夸儿子乖。



電影 Mao’s Last Dancer

小說(自傳)我幾年前看過。記得是一個從中國的芭蕾舞者,怎樣叛逃到美國,又怎樣在美國的芭蕾舞台上贏得一席地位。周五祝笙的節目有介紹。可惜我周末沒看成。朋友看了。覺得值得。我查了下時間,星期一到星期四有,在Santana Row.我大概看不成了。朋友們,如有興趣,請去看。




一天,我们到周口店去参观中国猿人的发掘地,了解一下历史。不巧,展览馆要提前关门。他们要为明天一早奥运火炬传到周口店的活动做准备。我们正坐在大门口歇着哪,驶进了一辆奥运宣传车,停在门口。儿子和他朋友不约而同的说’拼错了“。我一看,可不是麽,在”同一个世界“下面赫然写着”One Word".我赶紧找到宣传车的司机。显然他一点英文也不懂。当我解释为什么拼错了后,他急了。他对我们说这车是刚刚漆上奥运的标语。他马上打电话给周口店的奥运指挥主任回报情况。第二天看到了奥运火炬到周口店的传递实况,没有看到那错字。不知他们是怎样manage改的。


去中国大剧院看丹麦皇家芭蕾舞剧团的演出。前排的一个白人听到两个儿子用英文交谈,转过头来,用正宗的中文对他们说:“你们的英文讲的很好。”过了一会,一位lady走进坐到儿子旁边。因为来晚了,她问了儿子几个问题。当得知儿子是从美国回来的后,她夸儿子:“你的中文说得很好。” 他的老妈在旁边直乐。


在北京,到处都有奥运会的志愿者,还没等你向他们询问,他们都会主动来问你是否有问题,需不需要帮忙。让我感到祖国人民的热情和温暖。带着小儿子坐overnight火车到上海去会一会同学。一下火车,不知东南西北,看到俩个穿着工作服的人向我们走来,赶忙上前询问,那俩人说了两句不耐烦的话,停都没停地扬长而去。我一下从北京的天堂掉了下来。上海人怎么这么粗鲁。 不知今年的世博,服务态度是否有所改变。








黃石公園遊記 (4)



Last day of the trip, we stayed at the Grand Teton Village. We sent the kids to a fly fishing trip early in the morning. My hubby suffered separation anxiety and was restless. We had nothing else planned for ourselves till 2:00. Since it is a ski resort, we decided to take the tram to the top of the mountain just to do sightseeing. The tram, according to the operator, is the number one in the world. It offers the ability to rise 4,139 feet in 9 minutes and will take us to the top of the mountain in 15 minutes over 10,000 ft. As soon as we got to the top of the mountain, while admiring the beautiful scenery in front of me, I cannot resist the flashing memory that we spent about 7 hours climbing HuangSan in China. Yet in the Grand Teton Village, we have ascended to the same altitude within 15 minutes


The Tram operator noticed that we were the only non regular passengers in the tram. She recommended us to watch the people doing Paragliding over the hill. We happily obliged since I was interested to know how people do the Paragliding.  As we were approaching the paragliding site, one of the guides yelled that they had two spaces available and whether any of the pass by persons was interested. My hubby and I said “Yes” simultaneously and other family’s two daughters wanted to do so as well. The two girls took the available space; therefore, we had to wait for the guides with the equipment to be sent up to the mountain. While waiting, we also noticed a little boy, called Beau, probably around 5 or 6 years old, sitting on the ground whimpering. A guide was sitting by his side and comforting him. It turned out that his parents booked the tour for his brother, sister and him. Both of his sister and brother were very excited and were getting ready to fly.His Mom was busy taking pictures of his brother and sister taking off. After a while, the mother turned around and told the boy:” Beau, your father just called and he said your brother and sister really enjoyed the fly, they were very happy and he wanted you to do it”. The boy nudged his butt and shaking his head whimpering. I cannot help but blurting out comforting words:” oh, you are ok, you can do it when you are bit older.””You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.” However, his mother did not want any of it. She kept on pushing the boy and the boy was still whimpering while the guide put gears on him. She kept on saying the he would enjoy it once he got into it.  I kept on comparing and contrasting how Miles’ mom pushed Miles to do white water rafting and noticed the drastic difference each mother treated and pushed the kids to do the activity. Hopefully the boy enjoyed the trip.


Anyway, I was really excited and wondered how jealous my boys would be when they found out what we did. Our guides finally arrived. My hubby was not too comfortable taking the pictures while flying, but I want to capture the moment.  Therefore, with the camera hanging on my neck and paragliding equipment strapped on my shoulder, I ran downhill with my almighty strength. With the wind blowing, I was suddenly lifted off. “Wow, I am off in the air”. We were flying with the wind whopping around my face. I was frantically locating my husband and snatching pictures. Since my hubby is heavier than me, he is flying at the lower level all the time. I heard him screaming out joyfully with each twist and turns and I was busy snatching pictures. Suddenly, the old enemy of motion sickness crept upon me. I had to ask the guide to stop performing stunt and descend so that I could land safely on the ground. I collapsed on the ground as soon as we landed, unable to move till my hubby drove the car to pick me up…

Picturees on Paragliding


Pictures for animals we saw


Grand Teton National Park



黃石公園遊記 (3)

My hubby, nicknamed “Amphibian” by me, always enjoys the water sports, snorkeling, water ski, swimming, diving, boating etc. He announced in the morning the first day we stayed at the Jackson Lake Lodge that the activity planned for that day was hiking. We would hike about 2.5 miles around the Jenny’s lake, visit a waterfall called “the Hidden” fall, and came back with the ferry across the lake. I was excited. However, as we finished our brunch and visited the visitor’s center, he and the kids were talking about kayaking instead. I had to use my executive power to revert to our original plan. We had a beautiful hike along the lake and enjoyed the serenity of the waterfall. With our many vacations over the years, I can count the number of hiking we did with the fingers in one hand. This was the most enjoyable one with the hubby not being grumpy.
Reading and family fun

My older son brought along a book: The distant land of my father which was his required summer reading. He mentioned that he did not really like it after finishing it. Being the book loving person, I started to read the book as well. I commented in the beginning that I did not like it either. My son asked me why I was still reading the book if I did not like it. I told him that I’d like to read the same books with him so that I could stay connected and would have something interesting to discuss with him. The book turned out to be very enjoyable and I was surprised to find out there was prompting questions for the readers as well at the end of the book. I reflected that I always read the novel for the storyline without analyzing the literal meaning and the usage of the words. This is an eye opener and a learning process for me as well.


We spent long time in the car going from places to places. We spotted many animals, brown/black bars, moose, bison, elk, etc. By the end of our week there, we all have our own nicknames identified with animals. Mommy is the elegant elk, “Didi” is the majestic moose, “GeGe” is the buffy bison, and Daddy is the bossy bear. “ Didi” even made a “believe it or not” video depicting Daddy’s “road rage” driving habit.
We took a morning breakfast cruise at the Colta bay, got a taste of grilled trout for breakfast for the first time; we spent an hour on a boat in the Yellowstone Park Lake with the kids on the wheel; we enjoyed an hour kayaking in Jenny’s lake, splashing water to each other. “GeGe” carried “DiDi” to the car when “DiDi” broke his toenail at the Artists point, which attracted lots of attention and made us proud of them both.

Here are pictures for animals


Kayake and others


