《音乐欣赏: 陈玉泉 – 酒醉的探戈》

 《youTube 每日一歌: 陈玉泉 – 酒醉的探戈》 (3615 bytes)

Posted by: 立委
Date: February 26, 2008 07:18AM


今天介绍的是一个不甘寂寞的寻梦人的歌声《陈玉泉 – 酒醉的探戈》,她的故事与她的歌声一样感人。陈玉泉是我们同时代人,她的童年在文革中度过,天生爱唱爱跳的她小学中学大学一直在宣传队中展示她的文艺天赋,人称小邓丽君。在文革后学好数理化走遍天下的全民集体认知影响下,她进了科大化学系念完了本科,接着又随着留学大潮来到美国,改行进入IT行业,做数据库管理和网站开发。求学、求职、立业、转身份,她走的路,在我们这代海华的奋斗历程中颇有代表性。人生匆匆,来不及叹息,来不及看路,随着潮流和习惯,转眼步入中年,本应安居乐业,放慢脚步,享受单调而有规律的人生,她却突然发现她舍弃了太多太多,她的少女的明星梦被不假思索地搁置经年,她不甘心。 


第一次听《陈玉泉 – 酒醉的探戈》是在她的网站浏览的时候([www.yuquanchen.com])。自动播放的背景音乐一下就抓住了我,那是从内心深处发出的叹息,缓缓诉说着人生的无奈和忧伤。一边翻看她的自我介绍和影集,那歌声若有若无,丝丝缕缕,挥之不去。我于是怀着一份感动,给网站留言道:

I came across your music in youTube and really enjoy it. Your songs touch my heart (especially the first song Intoxicating Tango). It is amazing also to see how much you love music and pursue your dream. 

You sing Teresa very well, perhaps the best I have ever heard among all the followers. But I think you should try to sing more Japanese songs and western songs. Teresa is too familiar to everyone and also she was too shining, overshadowing followers. I found some of your youTube English songs truly beautiful. Please keep it up. 

Yes, some of your songs are different or better than Teresa, for example, Intoxicating Tango. I was mesmerized the first time I heard it when surfing your site and love it. I later on listened to Teresa’s version in youTube and did not find it impressive, too soft and too fuzzy. Yours is crystal and very emotional, touching my heart. Maybe there are several other factors involved here too in addition to your conscious effort to be unique: 1. first impression is always lasting: that is why the original version is usually treasured most, and in this case, to me, your version was the first, and I had never heard this song before; 2. your recording was made on modern equipment while Teresa’s version might be too old. 

Your talents, personal stories and the way you present yourself are awesome. Admiring your efforts to never stop pursuing your dream. Great work! Wish you would publish your CD soon. 

one of your fans 

陈玉泉 – 酒醉的探戈 

鄧麗君 – 酒醉的探戈 




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