讲座:新入斯坦福的高材生现身说– 如何以文(科)在竞争激烈的大学录取中胜出

讲座:新入斯坦福的高材生现身说– 如何以文(科)在竞争激烈的大学录取中胜出

美国教育重视文科。许多著名学府都要求理工学生修1/3 的人文科学。假如在众多优秀的华人理工学生中你的文科也能亮丽耀眼, 那么一定会有更多名校对你青睐。


Speaker: Kimberly Tan


What she will be covering:

  • Her experiences in high school and the activities she believes are the most valuable
  • How she got the positions/opportunities that she did
  • What she think worked for her 
  • Her view on college admissions and what colleges are looking for
What students and parents can get:
  • A first-hand experience from someone who just went through the college process
  • Valuable advice and insight into the application and admissions process
  • Resources and opportunities that students can take advantage of
  • Tips for getting noticed by admission officers 


Biography: Kimberly Tan is an incoming freshman at Stanford University and was involved in a myriad of activities during her high school years. Some of her accomplishments are:

* President of the nationally ranked, 200-member Speech and Debate team at her school

* Teen parallel to San Jose City Council, representing 23,000 youths through the San Jose Youth Commission

* Co-founder/Editor-in-Chief of Overture Literary Magazine

* Published numerous works through outlets such as the Huffington Post, San Jose Mercury News, and Imagine Magazine

* Won awards in various international and national essay competitions 

Time: 10:15am to 12:15pm, Saturday, 06/29/2013

Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 202, San Jose, CA 95129

Fee: $30 per person.

Contact: 408-366-2204, spring.light.edu@gmail.com

Seats: Max 30.


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