
平时,都是我早晨第一个起床,去唤醒都还在呼呼大睡的一个个。周日一早,推开老二的门,却见他于以往不同,已经起床,在读书了,我好生奇怪,不知道他为什 么于以往不同,起的这么早。

和往常一样,我打开自己的blog,无意中,发现老二的blog 有了更新,topic 吓了我一大跳:Death,我急忙去读,才知道他昨晚做了一个梦,关于Death,他是在早晨哭醒了,就写下了如下的blog:

Just last at night, I had a horrid nightmare, which involved natural catastrophes separating me from my family, no matter how hard I tried, I was always pushed back by some unseen force, which made be wonder, if in the dream, they were dead. And I woke up with tears on my face, to realize the full impact of deaths.
It is not death itself, but the impact that person’s death has on us. Imagine what is beyond death, I constantly do, praying dearly that there is a "life" after death. That there is an afterlife, but simply out souls are passed on to our next body, and our mind remains, leaving our former memories behind. 
But every single time I do, I always get and image of nothing. Pure darkness. No sound, no feeling whatsoever, I am unable to experience anything, because I have none of the five senses. Which is why, My only fear, is death. Not my actual death, but other people’s deaths. People who I am close to, Families, Friends. All of my other fears, are all directly, or indirectly related to, death.
When I grow up a bit more, I want to be, someone to affect the lives of people drastically, a/n educator, a teacher. Someone special in your life, so that when you are aging, and on your deathbed, you will reflect on your time with me and smile.



 大哥哥看了他的blog,把link在facebook pass给了他的同学和朋友,有几个大哥哥的朋友给他留了言,给了他点鼓励。今天看了留言,很喜欢大哥哥朋友的一段话:

to offer counterintuitive piece of advice: don’t worry about writing well, or what other people think of you writing. just keep writing, and write for yourself.








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