老二生日, 老大给老二的信

This is a moment my second one turned 10 years old last year,  I am so happy I wrote it down at that time,  when I review it today, I almost forgot all the detailed and feeling, so, probably the most benefit to write blog is that you record all the beautiful moments!

老二生日, 老大给老二的信


WW今天过生日.  去年因为忙, 没 有PARTY, 今年WW要求可不可以有个BIRTHDAY PARTY. 想想他10岁了, 也庆祝一下吧, 就 答应了, 在哪办, 怎么办, 他自己决定.

他想来想去, 要 在LASER QUESTPARTY, 也好, 在外边办, 出 钱, 省力.

他列出了他们班男生的一长串名单, 然 后对我说: “妈妈, 10个是我一定要请的, 都 是我的好朋友.  另外4, 和我不算好朋友, 可 是我很想请他们.”


因 为他们从来没有被别人邀请过, 如果我不邀请他们, 他 们可能都没有机会参加别人的PARTY.”

不 会吧, 你怎么知道他们没有机会参加别人的PARTY?”  我不解的问.

因 为我知道, 大家都不太喜欢他们, 我参加了我们班同学这么多BIRTHDAY  PARTY,  都没有他们!”

妈 妈, 我知道, 邀请的人越多, 你 花的钱就越多, 可是妈妈, 求求你, 我真的很想邀请他们”.

他有这么一颗善良的心, 我 这个当妈的, 还能说出不吗?

就这样, 全班男生, 一 个不剩, 全部上榜!

不过,  我提议, 生日邀请卡上, 注明: 不要礼物,  如果愿意, 请 把买礼物的钱捐出, 和我哥哥一起资助四川地震中的孤儿上学. 

WW同 意了, 只是犹犹豫豫的跟我说: 妈妈, 那你可不可以给我买一个礼物?



今天一切照常. 老 大放学后, 想起今天是弟弟生日, 就给弟弟写了封信:

Dear WW,

Both mom and I are proud of the achievements you have accomplished, I can tell that you’re turning out to be the upgraded version of me (lol) with heightened brain power and extra points in charm and personality as well. I’m very proud to have a brother like you, who is caring,  sympathetic,  and interesting  to talk to. I just want to let you know that I brag about you at school—telling everyone that you are smarter than I am and that you are likely to become one of the top debaters in the country if you join debate in your future. You’re not only my little brother, but you are also my best friend.

Although sometimes we may get on each other’s nerves, I want you to know that there’s no one else I’d rather have as my sibling than you, Jason and Joseph. One day, when it’s their 10th birthday, you’ll be teaching them all the things that I’ve taught you while I’m off to the “real world”. I know you’ll be doing this because you have a kind heart and I’ve become aware that you’ve always looked out for others. You try to do the right thing even if it’s not easy or possible.

I’m glad that you have a strong character and are empathetic towards others.  Mr. WW, we love you!

With love

Your big bro, Mom and Dad

呵呵, 竟然还念念不忘推销他的DEBATE!

看完信, WW激动的给了哥哥一个拥抱, 哥哥只是酷酷的拍了拍WW的肩膀.

我和老公看完信, 面面相觑, 想不到到平时觉得有点冷漠的哥哥也能写出这么柔情的信来, 有点感动, 也有点嫉妒.

老公问老大: 等我过生日时, 你可不可以也给我写封信, 我想看看, 我在你的眼中, 到底是个什么形象.


我就比较有自知之明了, 主动坦白: 妈妈就不要求了, 因为我知道, 妈妈在你的眼力, 一定是个唠唠叨叨, 不喜欢你玩游戏, 整天盯着你学习的大妈……..

老大仍然是酷酷看了我一眼, 没接茬🙁


晚饭, 本想出去吃, WW说他不喜欢去餐馆吃饭, 只要买个梅菜扣肉就行了, 结果哥哥想蹭顿大餐的愿望落空了, 全家人, 就在家里吃了个便饭.

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