
I’m actually quite a thankful person. Not to brag or anything, but that’s a quality I have in me. Now what does being thankful actually mean? well, it means to express gratitude, and to appreciate what really means a lot. I personally, am quite thankful even to the smallest of things. I will cherish each small thing that someone would do for me, which I’d be gladly thankful for. And I’d most gladly to tell what I am thankful for.

Well, first things first I am thankful for God which he has given me life and has given countless blessings throughout my life. Also for my family. Well, my family has always been there to support me in my bad days. My family loves me despite how many times I can mess up. Sure, we argue quite often, and various things me and my parents don’t agree on. But in the end of the day, we just forget about it and be that loving family. Also I am thankful for my friends that are there for me when I need them the most, and likewise to them from me. I couldn’t ask for better friends, who are loyal, kind, attentive, and overall understanding. I am thankful for what my friends do, even for the smallest things such as: when they help me out in school, compliment me, when they do small favors for me, laugh at my jokes, play video games together, and be there for each other. Which I am so thankful for. None of these I’d trade nothing in the whole world.

Also, I am thankful for my teachers who teach me new things each day. I am thankful for them taking time to help me in things I am struggling with. And very thankful for them having so much patience for me. Things so small teachers do for me, even though it may not seem like much. I am ever so grateful for. I am also thankful for even for the simplest things. Another that I’d like to acknowledge, and a very special person is my girlfriend. She is the reason for which I smile each morning I wake up in the morning, and she brightens up my day. I am thankful for her sending me messages in the morning wishing me to have the greatest day ever at school, for her making me smile, for her giving me hope when I doubted myself, I can name the countless things she does for me that I am grateful for. But I feel like I’d take pages to write. But on a serious note, I am thankful for the smallest things she does for me. For her it may not seem much, but to me..it means the whole world.

In conclusion, you can say I am person who is thankful for even the simple things. Each thing that comes along the way I am grateful for that. And each day I learn to appreciate things more. Even to the things people take for granted, I am ever so thankful that simple and common thing. Showing gratitude is one of the most amazing things in this world.


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