


Click here
to be directed to the Scholarship Program application page. The deadline to submit your entry is April 15, 2010, so don’t delay!

 LIFE Lessons

The loss of a parent or guardian is one of life’s most difficult ordeals. The emotional strain can be devastating to children and young adults. And for too many families, an untimely death also brings financial stress, making recovery all the more difficult.


Recognizing the character and perseverance that so many young people show in the face of such adversity, the LIFE Foundation sponsors the LIFE Lessons Scholarship Program for college students and college-bound high school seniors. Qualified entrants who submit essays or videos about how the death of a parent or guardian impacted their lives are eligible for a Grant Prize of $10,000 in scholarship money.  The Grand Prize winner will be chosen from the pool of First Runners-Up from the essay and video categories.  Total of all scholarships is $80,000, and allocated in the following amounts:

LL grand prize
Grand Prize Scholarship Winner:
Video or Essay (1): $10,000

LL essayEssay Scholarships:
First Runners-Up (4): $5,000
Second Runners-Up (40): $1,000

LL videoVideo Scholarships:
First Runners-Up (1): $5,000
Second Runners-Up (5): $1,000

Why LIFE Lessons?

Paying for college is a major financial challenge for most American families, but it becomes infinitely more difficult when a parent dies at an early age. Typically, parents can be counted on to provide at least some financial support for college. But when they’re gone and can no longer lend a financial hand, college often seems out of reach for many young people. LIFE takes great pride in being able to help deserving young people realize their dream of achieving a college education.

LIFE Lessons also provides the LIFE Foundation with the opportunity to help all parents understand the important role that life insurance plays within a sound college-funding plan. Parents’ dreams of a college education for their children don’t need to die when they do. If parents account for college funding in their life insurance planning, they can take comfort in knowing that their children will have the chance to pursue a higher education and realize their full potential.

Note to Students

LIFE awards LIFE Lessons Scholarships once a year. This year, we will start to accept applications on March 15th, 2010.  The deadline to submit is on April 15th, 2010.  The scholarship recipients will be notified around July 15th, 2010.

Entering is easy. First, read the rules to make sure you qualify. Then, either enter online , or call (202) 464-5000 x4446 to request a paper entry form. In addition to some basic information, you’ll need to submit a brief essay (500 words max) or video (3 minutes max) discussing how the death of your parent or guardian affected your life financially and emotionally. Be sure to describe how the loss of your parent/guardian impacted your college plans (e.g., your ability to afford college, attend the college of your choice, etc). Explain how the lack of adequate life insurance coverage (or no coverage at all) impacted your family’s financial situation. Comment specifically on how things might have turned out differently for you and your family if the person who died had adequate life insurance coverage. Also indicate what you have done to provide for yourself and/or other family members because of financial challenges your family has faced.

If you have any questions, please email scholarship@lifehappens.org, or call (202) 464-5000 x4446.

Donate to the LIFE Lessons Scholarship Fund

LIFE accepts individual contributions from those wishing to support this important initiative. Your financial support can make a world of difference for a young person struggling to afford a college education due to the loss of a parent or guardian. Donations to the LIFE Lessons Scholarship Fund are tax-deductible. Click here to donate.

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