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Showing honor… Helping at home… Taking initiative… Following instructions… Bringing peace… Being responsible… Showing self-control… Developing contentment… 

What do these things have in common?

The National Center for Biblical Parenting is coming to teach their biblical parenting seminars. 


The material taught is practical and demonstrates what a heart-based approach to parenting actually looks like on a day-to-day basis. No matter how old your child is, you want to take time to attend at least one of these events.

A heart-based approach goes deeper than just behavior, or reward and punishment. This approach changes what children believe, and that changes kids from the inside out.


We’re excited to be able to offer two different events in your area. 

Here are the dates and times. Register today!


Dealing with Anger and Bad Attitudes in Children
Presented by Dr Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN

Thursday, August 9
7:00 pm to 9:30 pm

Canaan Taiwanese Christian Church

4405 Fortran Court

San Jose, California 95134

Click here to learn more about this event.Childcare is available. Teenagers are welcome to join their parents in the seminar. The cost is $20 per adult, $30 per couple. Mandarin translation and materials will be available. Sign up online atbiblicalparenting.org or call (408) 942-2822


Everyday Parents CAN Raise Extraordinary Kids

Presented by Dr Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN

Saturday, August 11
8:45 am to 12:00 noon

Calvary Chapel Fremont

42986 Osgood Road

Fremont, California 94539

Click here to learn more about this event. A children’s program is provided that complements what the adults are learning. The cost is $15 per adult. Sign up online at biblicalparenting.org or call (510) 656-6911

These seminars are practical and biblical. You’ll learn new tools to strengthen the relationships in your home as well as the character in your child’s heart.








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