为Intern job做预备iOS DEVELOPMENT COURSE--快速,有效,实用!

星期六, 02/22/2014 – 01:00 — 春晖教育
03/15/2014 00:00
America/Los Angeles
        在大家都在忙于找Summer Program的时候,花费几千上万美元,对学生的升学也许不能带来多大的价值。为什么不掌握一点点技能,预备自己可以在暑期可以到高科技公司找一个intern呢?或许我们的高中生可以为自己设计创造一个intern的机会呢?


       由毕业于名校的苹果公司的年轻资深APP 专业工程师授课。老师在教会学生做APP的技能后,会和学生一起brainstorming,带领激发学生做什么,并如何做app,最终学生将可以独立完成自己的project。

Time: 03/22 to 6/7/2014, Saturday 7:00-9:00pm,12 classes

Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

Contact:408-366-2204, spring.light.edu@gmail.com

Fee: $650

(Discount: register and pay before 03/11, 10% off; multi class, 5%; sibling discount 5%. Max 15% off)

(Refering Credit: both the referring student and the newly enrolled student will receive a $20 credit.)

What benefits will I get from this class?

Through out this class, you will learn how to wield most major techniques of iOS development via the 6 assignments. You will also practice how to realize our own ideas on iPhone or iPad by completing the final project.

Who is this class for?

A programmer with experience in some modern language such as Java, C# or C++

Understand the fundamentals of object-orient programming

Do not know Objective-C or Xcode

What do you need to bring to class?

A Mac laptop with OSX Mavericks and Xcode 5 installed

How long will this course take?

12 weeks, with first 8 weeks covering fundamentals of iOS development techniques and 4 weeks working on a self-proposed project

Do I need textbooks for this course?

No, but students are required to go through couple Stanford’s CS193s course slides (available on iTunes) after each lecture.

Will I do coding assignment after course?

Yes and it is a must. You will never learn iOS development just by attending lectures. There is one coding assignment for each of the first 6 weeks. The coding assignment will be code reviewed in the next lecture.

How many hours should I spend on this course at home?

You are expected to spend 2-3 hours going through CS193p’s slides related with topics we just covered, and 3-6 hours working on the coding assignment.

What should I do if I get stuck on assignment?

If your app crashed mysteriously, or if you don’t know how to implement a feature, don’t panic. Google it first. It is 99% likely that many else have encountered the same problem. And the answer could just be on forum like stackoverflow.com. If you still cannot solve the problem after searching for solutions, it is totally fine. Contact the instructor, and he will do his best to help you out.

Instructor: Archer Li received his B.S in Electrical Engineering in Northwestern Polytechnial University and M.S in Electrical and Computer Engineering in Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). He interned at Samsung Mobile as an Android developer and now he is a software engineer at Apple. As a software developer, he has solid background in object-oriented design, data structure and algorithms. He is most experienced at server side programming and he is very interested in Mobile development as well. He has developed couple iOS apps at CMU. He also coded the first version of a vehicle blackbox Android app at Samsung Mobile as an intern. He is passionate about new technology and learns new things quickly.


Course 1:

The basics of Objective-C programming language

Let’s create a Hello World iOS apps and get familiar with Xcode UI

Finish assignment 1

Course 2:

How to debug your code

MVC, Dynamic binding

View controller lifecycle

Finish assignment 2

Course 3:

Polymorphism with Controller

UINavigation, UITabBar

Finish assignment 3

Course 4:

Review of assignment 3

Views and Gestures

Protocols, Blocks, and Animation

Finish assignment 4

Course 5:

Multithreading, Scroll View

Table View, IPAD

Finish assignment 5

Course 6:

Core Data and Table View

UIApplication, Network Activity, Maps

Finish assignment 6

Course 7:

MapKit and Segue

Third parties APIs to power your apps

Project proposals

Course 8:

Presentation of your project

Text Fields, Alerts, Actions Sheets

Course 9:

Project checkpoint 1

Manage your project with source control

Course 10:

Project checkpoint 2

Advanced source control techniques

Course 11:

Project checkpoint 3

How to power your iOS with Rails web service

Course 12: Final presentation

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