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USACO bronze,silver; Java, C++ classes

“Everyone should know coding”

“Everybody in this country should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.”

                                        -Steve Jobs

Computer programming is rapidly increasing in popularity and importance, and has a wide variety of practical applications. Learning such an important skill will exponentially expand your employment opportunities as well as provide an impressive addition to your college applications. SpringLight Education Institute provides a variety of computer programming courses, covering the most popular languages from a beginner’s level to a competition level.

SpringLight Education has been professionally teaching Java programming for 4 years and has had exceptional reception among the community. Our class covers the content found in a first year introductory course to Java programming, and requires no prior experience.

Our AP Computer Science class has achieved excellent results – 80% of our students received a score of 5.

SpringLight has also been providing USACO preparation classes for 4 years with amazing results. Many of our students have received awards at the Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Finalist levels. As long as students can understand the condensed content and do the homework, they will quickly be on their way to the upper levels.

C++ Programming

by request

Java programming

9/10 – 12/3


$900 (12 sessions)


AP CS (pre-requist Java) (5/2/17 test)

1/22/17 to 4/30/17


$980 (15 sessions)


AP CS/USACO Bronze Online

9/18 – 12/4


$900 (12 sessions)


AP CS/USACO Silver/Gold

9/17 – 12/3


$900 (12 sessions)



9/16 – 12/2


$900 (12 sessions)


Registration: http://goo.gl/sc57Ro

Contact: (408) 898-5021spring.light.edu@gmail.com

Address: 1340 S. De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

SpringLight Education Institute is accredited by Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Transcripts can be provided if required.

Website: www.springlighteducation.com


C++ programming, Java programming: for students who have learned algebra 1.
USACO bronze/silver: JAVA  or C++ programming
USACO silver/gold: USACO silver score above 300


Jessica Zheng, the instructor for USACO Bronze, has experience with multiple computer programming languages, including C, C++, Java, and more. Since 2013, she has been actively involved in the USA Computing Olympiad, where she reached Platinum level and finished as one of the top 26 finalists of the nation. She also has plenty of teaching experience at SpringLight and is helping various educational nonprofit organizations teach science and computer programming.

William Hu, the instructor for USACO Silver

– USACO Finalist 2014, 2016
– USAJMO/USAMO qualifier 2013-2015, 2016
– AIME qualifier 2012-2016
– Who Wants to Be Mathematician perfect score in 2014 round
– Lynbrook Math Club Officer 2015, 2016

Li Qin, the instructor for USACO Bronze online.

Experienced teacher for SpringLight in JAVA/C++ programming and USACO Bronze/Silver/Gold. Top programming contest winner when he was in high school in China.

Peter Tang, the instructor for Java programming and APCS.

Computer Science Minor from the University of Chicago and a software engineer. He graduated from Lynbrook High School and scored 5 on the AP Computer Science A test.

Peter is known as one of the best teachers at SpringLight. Peter’s teaching reflects his clear understanding of his students as well as Computer Science. He has a seven-year teaching experience of tutoring groups and individuals.


 当妈的反思 (南山碧竹)



周末,和儿子聊天,让儿子回忆,什么事让你变成今天的你?什么事是对你影响大的事情?他回忆说,高中时,自己就是个混混。不知努力,也不想努力。大一, 和高中常不多。大二,开始做学生会的头头,又要打工,时间不够,不得不从另一个角度考虑事情,合理的目标,适当的计划,有效率的行动,不得不重新审视自己所做的一切,并随时调整。列出不满意自己的几条,逐一给自己定出改进的方法,随后,又跟进自我检验成果。大三,开始锻炼举重。这时,严格的自律,百分之一百的投入变成为了最重要的东西。半年之后,身体上的强壮,让他意识到,自己其实有比自己能想到的大得多的潜能,只是不够努力,不够刻苦。 从锻炼中,让他养成了百分之百的立刻专著的习惯(不然就受伤),他才发现做任何事情,都需要这份全力以赴的专著和自律。这是他从锻炼里学到的最有用的东西。这个从小挑食,对美食极敏感的孩子,变成了每顿都严格按营养进食的习惯。 严格的锻炼程序,让我都觉得太苦。但那份自律是让自己自愧不如的。我问,现在对待你的工作也是这份态度?他说,当然!

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science bowl 获奖感想

写给所有这次在初中高中参加Science Bowl, Science Omlypiad 的同学,指导教练老师还有家长们,你们真的辛苦了。不论得奖或是没有得奖。每个组都超过二十个队,而且全是优秀的学校。儿子参加初中的比赛,参赛3个events, 得到两个金牌。他们有两队(4人和15人)分别会在4月和5月代表加州去DC和Wisconsin-Medison参加全国比赛。虽然初中的任何成绩不纪录,但学校不会忘记,同学不会忘记,我们妈妈爸爸更不会忘记。加油!我会让儿子好好写一个参赛经历,真的是又紧张又激烈。下周六还有一个Debate的加州出现权比赛,先预祝他成功。我是一个低调的人,在这里显摆一下了,不好意思。

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6/22/2014 Lynbrook毕业生分享高中生活经验




我们是不是专挑进到大藤校的学生分享? Continue reading

转-中国女生SAT考试作弊被抓 数万学生被耽误


一时间,各种声音都有,有焦虑,有不安,有人大骂ETS对中国学生不公,更有人宣称要组织律师提起诉讼。然真相究竟如何,ETS和College Board这次为何下这么大的决心要给中韩考生一个警示?这封10月30日《华盛顿邮报》刊登的曼谷考官在11号考试结束后发给ETS的邮件,也许能说明部分问题: Continue reading

Premed programs的大学

List of BA/MD and BS/MD Programs(2013-2014 application cycle)

Here’s a list of the BA/MD, BS/MD, Joint-Degree, and Guaranteed Medical Admission programs in the United States, arranged by state. The GPA, SAT, and ACT scores that you see listed under each school represents the school’s MINIMUM requirements to apply to that program – the scores earned by accepted students tend to be much higher than the minimum requirement.

All programs have a 8-year duration, unless otherwise noted.

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贷款基础知识:什么是CLOSING COST


我不知道什么时候自己才可以解放, 没办法,地产的投资原则靠的是杠杆原理。不做“房奴”怎么可能有更多的钱投资呢? Continue reading

2014 AIME 数学竞赛班 名师小班开课

了解谁该上AIME 课,请看这里

教授的AMC 10/12中收到了学生和老师的一致好评(家长可以和学生一起听课)。大家都说邹老师的教学,教的是解题思路,思考问题和解决问题 的方法。虽然班上每个学生的自身素质和天分不同,但他都能激发起学生对数学的热情,帮助他们掌握数学思维的方法,让学生能够面对任何题型都有创造性的解题的能力。

     3月19日就是AIME 考试了。即使一些有数学天分的人,没有受过数学竞赛特殊训练,几乎不太可能能够通过。能够通过AIME 而qualify USAMO,等于已经迈进了美国名校的半个门槛。2月4日和19日是2014年AMC10/12的考试,一旦通过,就会被邀请参加3月19日或3月25日的AIME的比赛考试。您的孩子已经ready 了吗?需要加强吗?

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新年前的电脑游戏三日冬令营Animation/Game Programming in JavaScript

Animation/Game Programming in JavaScript

Good for 4th grade and up.  Bring your own laptops

       Do your kids love computer animation (or indulge in games)?  
      Why not motivate them to learn programming from playing computers? The animation/game designs by JavaScript are ideal for kids to play and learn how to code. Continue reading

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