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新年前的电脑游戏三日冬令营Animation/Game Programming in JavaScript

Animation/Game Programming in JavaScript

Good for 4th grade and up.  Bring your own laptops

       Do your kids love computer animation (or indulge in games)?  
      Why not motivate them to learn programming from playing computers? The animation/game designs by JavaScript are ideal for kids to play and learn how to code. Continue reading

Introduction to Website Design/HTML/CSS — Three Day Camp before Thanksgiving

Do you spend a lot of time on the Internet?

Ever wonder how people design all the websites you visit, like Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, and much more?

In this course, students will be given an introduction to the basics of HTML and CSS, two of the coding languages web designers use most often. Students will learn to manipulate text and images, and be able to create a basic web page by the end of the course.

     Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd, Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129
     Time: Nov. 24th, 25th and 26th. From 9:00am to 12:00pm
     Fee: $150 (Pay on 11/24/14)
     Registration: Send email to spring.light.edu@gmail.com with the student’s name.
If the student stays the whole day to 6:00pm, fow the homework centerm, it will cost $20 more each day.

Instructor: Sophie C, College student from Washington University in St. Louis

Three Day Camp before Thanksgiving –Programming For Games With JavaScript

computer science kids Three Day Camp before Thanksgiving

–Programming For Games With JavaScript

Do your kids indulge in computer games?  

Why not motivate them to learn programming from playing games. JavaScript games are ideal for kids to play and learn how to code. We will start with making Mod’s for the most popular and creative game “MineCraft” with JavaScript. 

     Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd, Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129
     Time: Nov. 24th, 25th and 26th. From 9:00am to 12:00pm
     Fee: $150 (Pay on 11/24/14)
     Registration: Send email to spring.light.edu@gmail.com with the student’s name

Outcome of this course:

  •  Students will have FUN working on logic puzzles and games designs
  • Also introduced are other popular languages like Java and Python for game designs, and basic concepts of computer science and applied mathematics.
  • With strong motivations and creative ideas, students will excel easily at AP computer science in high school, and numerous competitive programming contests.

java script picturejavascript game picture

USACO Camp in the winter奥林匹克计算机竞赛冬令营

USACO (USA computer Olympiad) Camp in the winter

There are only four contests instead of the usual six 2014-2015 school year.

Dec 12-15: First Contest
Jan 16-19: Second Contest
Feb 20-23: Third Contest
April 3-6: US Open
May 21-30: Training Camp
July 26-August 2: IOI’15 in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Jimmy will help you prepare for the contest

From August 2013 to August 2014, Jimmy’s USACO class has helped many students reach the Gold, Silver and Bronze levels of USACO. The parents and students say that Jimmy is the best USACO teacher. He is responsible, reliable, knowledgeable and good at teaching.


USACO Bronze: 2-6pm (2 hours for lecture then 2 hours for practice session)
USACO Silver:  4-8pm (2 hours for practice session then 2 hours for lecture)


December 21, 2014 to January 3, 2015 with a total 12 classes.
[No class on Christmas Day (12/25/2014) and New Year’s Day (1/1/2015)]
Note: An optional practice session on January 3, 2015 at 8-10pm for practice questions from the last day or for any last questions.
Location: 1340 S De Anza Blvd, Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129
Contact: 408-366-2204; spring.light.edu@gmail.com
Class and practice session____$850
Practice session only ________$350

Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1qW_1_6O8Vvti9LFZznVbKF1kqUO2lMGDO1pU1F2a8fk/viewform

Bronze requirements: Fluency in JAVA or C++. You should be very familiar with conditional statements (if/else), loops (for/while), arrays, and strings. Knowledge in classes, object-oriented programming, comparators, iterators, etc. is preferred.

Silver requirements: Ability to consistently solve Bronze problems. The Silver material assumes knowledge of Bronze class material, such as knowing how to do BFS, DFS, and sorting, as well as know how to use standard data structures like arraylists, linked lists, stacks, queues, deques, heaps (priority queues), and binary search trees (TreeMap/map, TreeSet/set).

The purpose of the practice session (4-6 pm), shared between Bronze and Silver, is to provide a time when students from either classes can ask questions and receive help while coding. If you have previously taken Jimmy’s class and want extra time to practice and ask questions, it’s possible to sign up for just the practice session.

For Bronze students, the practice session is right after the lecture and will allow students to work on the exercises from that day and optional problems if they have finished. For Silver, the corresponding practice session is before the next day’s lecture. The Silver problems are more challenging, so this will allow students time to think about and work on problems at home before asking for help the next day.

For Silver students, the first practice session will be before the first lecture, so it will be a practice test consisting of Bronze problems to see what level you are at. There will also be an optional extra practice session on the last day, 8-10 pm, so Silver students can practice and ask questions for exercises from the last class and so all students can ask any last questions before the class ends.

Please try to attend all classes as there will be no make-ups. If you must miss a class, send me an email and I’ll send you the lecture notes for that day. Read over the lecture notes and try to do the exercises. If you have questions, you can ask for help at the next practice session.

The practice sessions are intended to allow you to have time to work on the problems while getting help. If you have time at home, you should still work on the problems at home. If you want to do well on USACO, you should practice a lot of problems.

Instructor Background:

Jimmy Zeng

SpringLight teacher for USACO Gold, USACO Silver, USACO Bronze, Java, C++ (Feb. 2013 – Aug. 2014)
MIT Freshman
USACO finalist (2013)
USACO gold division (2012 – 2014)
Gunn High Programming Contest: 1st (2012), 2nd(2013)
Harker Programming Invitational: 1st (2012), 2nd(2013)
Lynbrook Exemplary Student Award for AP Computer Science (2012)
Physics Olympiad Semifinalist (2013)
Science Olympiad: silver medal (2011), gold medal (2013)
National AP Scholar – 9 APs, all 5’s

2014-2015 season of the USA Computing Olympiad

As in past years, the USACO is planning several on-line programming contests this season (we will be running four contests instead of the usual six in order to give our staff time for upgrades in our infrastructure and training systems).  The schedule is as follows: Continue reading

2014 Fall Programming (Python/Java), AP CS, USACO series classes

中学生有了Computer Programming 的基础,对找 intern 以及以后上大学后的学习都会有很大的帮助。现代社会快速发展,各种工作都要求有电脑的知识,如果懂得Computer Programming,就如虎添翼。对申请大学也是很大的亮点。

虽然美国高中纷纷竞相开设电脑课。但是,由于供需关系,仍然有很多学生无法注册上Java,或者AP computer scienc 课。

春晖教育自成立以来成功开设了一系列Java, C++以及Python等programming以及AP Computer Science 课。我们可以并已经做到了学生一年内把Java programming和AP computer science全部完成。学生从5年级到12年级不等。不少学生AP computer science 考到满分。更有学生因此在今年夏天得到了在高科技公司做intern的机会。

从去年秋天开始,我们也开设了多期系列的USACO (USA Computing Olympiad)课程,我们的课程设计合理有效。晋级比例高。人人达到铜级,一半的学生达到银级。有2位学生到了金级。

  USACO 一年有6次比赛机会。每学年从11月到4月。参加人数是所有奥林匹克竞赛里最少的,每次从数百人到1千多人。而且一旦上到某种水平,如银,或金的级别,以后就可以在这个基础上向上考,不像其他奥林匹克竞赛,每年需要从最初级考起。
What is USACO and Why USACO?USACO stands for USA Computing Olympiad. Tests take place six times a year from November to April. Just over 1,000 students participate, which allows our students to do exceptionally well in a low-pressure environment. USACO also prepares students well for the AP Computer Science exam.
Why SpringLight Education?

We have the best teacher, the most effective curriculum and the great result! All our students have qualified at minimum at the USACO Bronze level. 50% of our students have qualified at the Silver level and 20% of our students have qualified at the USACO Gold level.

Want to get ready for November’s contest?


Contact information:

telephone: 408-366-2204

email: spring.light.edu@gmail.com

address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd Suite 204

San Jose CA, 95129

Discount: Sibling Discount: 5% for each additional child; Multiple Session Discount: 5%; Returning students: 5%.

(total max 10% discount.)

Python introduction 8/27 – 12/17(15) 4:00-5:00pm $375 Wednesday
Python/game design 8/27 – 12/17(15) 5:00-6:00pm $375 Wednesday
Java programming 8/31 – 12/7 2:00-5:00pm $900 Sunday
AP CS/USACO Bronze 8/29 – 11/21 7:00-9:00pm $600 Friday
USACO Silver 8/29 – 11/21 7:00-9:00pm $600 Friday
USACO Gold Club 8/31 – 11/23 TBD Free Sunday
USACO bronze/Silver Club 8/31 – 11/23 3:00-5:00pm $100/month Sunday

Python introduction is for students who don’t have any programming background.

Python/game design are for students who have taken the introduction class.

Java programming is for students that do not have any Java background.

AP CS/USACO is for students who have background knowledge in C++/Java.

USACO Silver is for students who have taken USACO Bronze or AP Computer Science, or have scored over 300pts at the USACO Bronze or Silver level.

The USACO Gold Club is recommended for students who have taken USACO Silver, or have scored over 300pts at the USACO Silver of Gold level. The club meets once a week to discuss relevant topics.

The USACO Bronze/Silver Club is for students who have taken USACO Bronze, or are at the Silver level. The club meets once a week to practice problems and receive homework help. Email communication and/or video chat sessions via online sources are also available. Weekly reports will be sent home by the club coach.

All of our teachers are highly qualified, one with experience in competing in USACO Gold himself.


如所周知,统计型自然语言处理(Statistical NLP)作为主流盛行了20多年,此前盛行的是以语法分析为基础的规则系统。即便如此,为了模拟人的语言理解过程以及力求语言处理的更高质量,追求以知识系统为支持的语义路线的尝试,从来没有停止过。本篇笔记拟对此做一个简要回顾和比较,并记录自己的心得和不同意见。 Continue reading

学过了JAVA,学过了C++,和computer science,下面该学. . .

不少同学已经学过了Java,或者学过了C++,也有的学过了AP computer science. 下面该学什么呢?
来参加春晖教育的USACO 计算机奥林匹克竞赛班吧。
USACO 一年有6次比赛机会。每学年从11月到4月。参加人数是所有奥林匹克竞赛里最少的,每次从数百人到1千多人。而且一旦上到某种水平,如银,或金的级别,以后就可以在这个基础上向上考,不像其他奥林匹克竞赛,每年需要从最初级考起。
春晖教育设有Java,C++,AP computer science /Bronze,Silver 以及Gold等不同级别的课程。我们的课程设计合理有效。晋级比例高。从15日起,我们将开一个新班。欢迎报名参加。
期待您的孩子可以在今年11月的比赛中取得名次。 Continue reading

春晖教育的iOS development 课和其他培训中心的有什么不同?

iOS development 是用于编写苹果公司的产品的App。掌握了写iOS,不仅有助于学生找到intern,学生更可以做自己的App,作为自己的产品,甚至可以开自己的公司。是对升学有极大的特别加分作用,是可以“短平快”出成果的方法。
听了这话,我也很纳闷,拿过春晖教育的iOS课的syllabus 给这位主动爱学习的学生看。他指着Day 1 说:我学过了这些。其他都没学过。
需要有Java 或者C++programming的基础。

Our last iOS class is very successful. All of the students were very happy with the instructor and the course. The project the students did will give big credit for their college application.
由名校毕业现在苹果公司工作的资深APP 专业工程师授课。老师会在轻松的氛围下教会学生做APP的技能,并带领大家进行头脑风暴brainstorming,做出个性化的app,最终学生将具备独立完成的project能力。以下为学生们经过一期12周学习的成果展示。 Continue reading

USACO Bronze/Computer Science preparation class will start from Feb. 11. 2014

2014 US Computing Olympiad Contest Schedule

Jan 10-13: January Contest

Feb 7-10: February Contest

Mar 7-10: March Contest

April 4-7: US Open

May 22-31: Training Camp

July 13-20: IOI’14 in Taipei, Taiwan

完整扎实装备,快速冲刺金级 ———— 到春晖教育!


Time: 2/11-4/15, TUESDAY, 7:00-9:00pm (12 lessons)

Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd, Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

Contact: 408-366-2204, 408-480-7547, 408-981-8508, spring.light.edu@gmail.com

Fee: $600 (5% discount for returning students, 5% discount for students in multiple classes)



2/11     ArrayList/Vector

2/17     Linked Lists

2/19     Stacks

2/21     Queues and Deques

2/25     Sorting

3/04     Priority Queues

3/11     Binary Search Tree

3/18     Big O and Searching

3/25     Recursion I

4/01   Recursion II

4/08   Assorted Topics

4/15   Graphics


Breadth-First Search (BFS) and Depth-First Search (DFS) will be included.

Instructor: Jimmy Zeng

MIT early action admitted
USACO finalist (2013)
USACO gold division (2012-2013)
Gunn High Programming Contest: 1st (2012), 2nd(2013)
Harker Programming Invitational: 1st (2012), 2nd(2013)
Lynbrook Exemplary Student Award for AP Computer Science (2012)
Physics Olympiad Semifinalist (2013)
Science Olympiad: silver medal (2011), gold medal (2013)

Students should still take the other monthly USACO contest that occur before the class is over, since it’s good practice and always a good idea to take every USACO if possible.


USACO 历年参加人数及得奖结果统计

USACO 11月的比赛揭晓,春晖教育学生成绩斐然



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