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USACO Bronze 计算机奥赛铜级培训班

不像其他奥赛一年只有一次竞赛,学生们往往需要从最初级开始往上层层突破,美国计算机奥赛USACO 一年共有4次比赛,参与即被认定为铜级,一旦升级至银, 金,白金等任何一级,就可以一直保持继续向前考,甚至连续升级。而且,USACO比赛人数也较少,每次全美都只有一两千人左右;不像其他奥赛通常有10%的过线的限制,USACO只要达到一定的分数线,就都可以出线,相对得奖比例和几率都很高。


春晖教育自2013年开始USACO 各级的培训,我们大多数的学生都晋级到银,金,白金以及finalist。不少学生得到满分1000分。


对学过初步的Java 或者 C++ ,有心要加强programming的能力,并参加USACO bronze 计算机奥赛

时间:5月20日起, 每周六下午 2:30 to 5:00pm。

学费:$800/10 次课

地点:online at online.springlighteducation.com or 20432 Silverado Ave Ste.7, Cupertino, CA 95014

联系:408-480-7547, spring.light.edu@gmail.com


要求:有初步的JAVA与 c++ 基础。请查看 https://goo.gl/VWZLxY

https://goo.gl/09DoXw是对是否能上 Silver 的问卷。

秦老师有着丰富的programming,AP CS 和USACO计算机奥赛的教学经验,并取得了显著的教学成果:去年夏天开始跟秦老师从USACO最初级铜级(Bronze)在USACO竞赛中取得了最高级白金级(Platinum)。而且不少同学满分晋级银级Silver和金级Gold和白金级Platinum,以及正在努力finalist。秦老师将他丰富的教学及竞赛经验结合生动的例子整理出了一堂堂干货”满满的系统性教学来帮助学生夯实基础,详解算法,解题技巧,逻辑思考,开拓思路。

USACO bronze,silver; Java, C++ classes

“Everyone should know coding”

“Everybody in this country should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.”

                                        -Steve Jobs

Computer programming is rapidly increasing in popularity and importance, and has a wide variety of practical applications. Learning such an important skill will exponentially expand your employment opportunities as well as provide an impressive addition to your college applications. SpringLight Education Institute provides a variety of computer programming courses, covering the most popular languages from a beginner’s level to a competition level.

SpringLight Education has been professionally teaching Java programming for 4 years and has had exceptional reception among the community. Our class covers the content found in a first year introductory course to Java programming, and requires no prior experience.

Our AP Computer Science class has achieved excellent results – 80% of our students received a score of 5.

SpringLight has also been providing USACO preparation classes for 4 years with amazing results. Many of our students have received awards at the Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Finalist levels. As long as students can understand the condensed content and do the homework, they will quickly be on their way to the upper levels.

C++ Programming

by request

Java programming

9/10 – 12/3


$900 (12 sessions)


AP CS (pre-requist Java) (5/2/17 test)

1/22/17 to 4/30/17


$980 (15 sessions)


AP CS/USACO Bronze Online

9/18 – 12/4


$900 (12 sessions)


AP CS/USACO Silver/Gold

9/17 – 12/3


$900 (12 sessions)



9/16 – 12/2


$900 (12 sessions)


Registration: http://goo.gl/sc57Ro

Contact: (408) 898-5021spring.light.edu@gmail.com

Address: 1340 S. De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

SpringLight Education Institute is accredited by Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Transcripts can be provided if required.

Website: www.springlighteducation.com


C++ programming, Java programming: for students who have learned algebra 1.
USACO bronze/silver: JAVA  or C++ programming
USACO silver/gold: USACO silver score above 300


Jessica Zheng, the instructor for USACO Bronze, has experience with multiple computer programming languages, including C, C++, Java, and more. Since 2013, she has been actively involved in the USA Computing Olympiad, where she reached Platinum level and finished as one of the top 26 finalists of the nation. She also has plenty of teaching experience at SpringLight and is helping various educational nonprofit organizations teach science and computer programming.

William Hu, the instructor for USACO Silver

– USACO Finalist 2014, 2016
– USAJMO/USAMO qualifier 2013-2015, 2016
– AIME qualifier 2012-2016
– Who Wants to Be Mathematician perfect score in 2014 round
– Lynbrook Math Club Officer 2015, 2016

Li Qin, the instructor for USACO Bronze online.

Experienced teacher for SpringLight in JAVA/C++ programming and USACO Bronze/Silver/Gold. Top programming contest winner when he was in high school in China.

Peter Tang, the instructor for Java programming and APCS.

Computer Science Minor from the University of Chicago and a software engineer. He graduated from Lynbrook High School and scored 5 on the AP Computer Science A test.

Peter is known as one of the best teachers at SpringLight. Peter’s teaching reflects his clear understanding of his students as well as Computer Science. He has a seven-year teaching experience of tutoring groups and individuals.

Java and C++ Programming Classes will start soon

    Computer programming的课程的需求越来越大。但是能够提供这样的课的学校并不多。即使有的学校提供这门课,很多学生还是很难选得上。
有了Computer Programming 的基础,对找Summer intern 以及以后上大学后的学习都会有很大的帮助。
在数理化奥林匹克竞赛都越来越白热化的时候,USACO (USA Computing Olympiad)的参赛者不过一两千人。能够出线得到奖牌的比例非常的高。

Computer Programming class is very popular now, but our high school didn’t provide much of   Computer programming classes. And even school has Computer Programming class, it’s very hard to have the class.  If students has more knowledge of Computer programming they get more chances to pursue summer intern jobs and in the future will help their collage applications. Besides,One of the high school computer science competitions is the USACO (USA Computing Olympiad), now the competitors isn’t over two thousand , students can have a great chance to win a medal.

SpringLight provides  Computer programming classes and experienced teachers teach different level of students. Right now we provide those classes:

C++ – weekday 9/14 – 11/30 6:30-9:30pm $600 (12 sessions) Mondays
Java programming 9/19 – 12/12 9:30-12:30pm $600 (12 sessions) Saturdays

Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129



Ms.L.Lee received her bachelor’s degree from University of California, Berkeley with a major in mathematics. She is a lab instructor for Java and C++ courses in the Northwestern Polytechnic University. She is interested in math, data structure and algorithms.

Mrs. Y. Li, Oracle software engineer. Experienced SpringLight Java and AP CS teacher.

最实用有效的Python Project (games or App)Training Camp


Python是Goolge的三大语言之一;YouTube,以及国内的豆瓣网也是采用Python开发;最新最热的行当中,python是web game的首选开发语言之一,谷歌和国内的易度云计算开发平台, DropBox也都选择了Python语言。
 春晖的学生今年无论是到伯克利以及斯坦福做research intern,还是到高科技公司的技术intern,都被要求懂得使用python。
已经学python了吗?用python学习做一个project吧。游戏game,或者web app or mobile App?

Already know Python? Do you want to try to do a project to show off your skills? Have an idea for a Python app but don’t know how to start? Take a guided course on how to do a coding project!

Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

Time: 7/27 to 7/31, 9:30am to 12:30pm, Monday to Friday

For: Students who have finished 5 day Python Camp at SpringLight, or have learned Python (understand loops, getting user input; object-oriented programming and files recommended)

Contact: 408-366-2204, 408-480-7547, spring.light.edu@gmail.com

Registration: https://goo.gl/k1Me2S

Fee: $500

Course Description 课程介绍:

指导老师会先用一个小的project来一步步带着学生做。然后会跟他们一起计划做一个他们自己的project,并进行个别指导。最后目标是让学生做出独立的游戏game,mobile App 或者web App。

Students will be guided through a short initial project before planning their own. This course will cover how to use GitHub for source control, how to plan a project, how to start, plan data structures, regularly test code, understand APIs, research solutions to problems, etc.
Students must have experience in Python before, and have experience in debugging and fixing code. Experience in Object Oriented Programming for Python, and exception handling, are a plus. Students will be required to spend time outside of class every day working on their projects. Course will be taught in Python 2.7.x, but students may use Python 3.x if they wish.

Java Programming class from 7/20 to 8/7

Learn Java Programming at SpringLight:

SpringLight is one of the earliest and most experienced schools of its kind that has been teaching Java to middle and high school students since 2012 in the Bay Area. SpringLight’s instructors are all talented high school or college students who serve as role models to the students. Young instructors connect better with students, and have successfully completed high school classes in Java, which allows them to understand exactly what their students need to learn. These factors are the keys to success in teaching.

After taking SpringLight’s 3-week Java course, students will be well-prepared to take the AP Computer Science course at their respective high schools. Students who take SpringLight’s Java courses will learn valuable programming skills and concepts. Past students have also shared that they greatly enjoyed these courses in addition to how much they’ve learned.

春晖教育的Java programming


在学习了春晖三周的Java课程后,学生会具备学习高中AP computer science的能力。我们以往的学生说他们不仅学到了知识,还很享受学习的过程。

Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

Time: 7/20 to 8/7, Monday to Friday, 6:30-9:30pm (other times can be scheduled)

Fee: $900 (3 weeks)

Contact: 408-366-2204, spring.light.edu@gmail.com

Registration: https://goo.gl/hxMdSS

Instructor: Ashutosh Jindal, Sophomore Biomedical Engineering & Computer Science major at Johns Hopkins University. Attended Monta Vista High School, was 1 of 5 students who received a perfect score (no questions missed) on  AP Computer Science. Ashutosh has over a year of teaching experience at SpringLight.


8/10 — 8/14 Website Design Class 暑假最后一期

Creating a website now is incredibly simple – design templates are everywhere, and you don’t need to know any code to get it up and running. But if you want to make your website truly stand out, learning web design opens a world of possibilities that were previously not possible.

Register now at https://goo.gl/a1ISfd

Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

Time:8/10 -8/14Monday to Friday, 6:30 to 9:30pm(We may adjust our schedule based on your need.)

You may register only one session.
Fee: $250/week
Contact: 408-366-2204, spring.light.edu@gmail.com
 For beginners. 5th graders to 18 years old and adult.

Instuctor info:

Evan is currently a Junior studying Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, and is a graduate of Monta Vista High School.

Students’ final work from last week:

Screen Shot 2015-08-07 at 9.29.25 PM Screen Shot 2015-08-07 at 9.29.21 PM Screen Shot 2015-08-07 at 9.27.36 PM Screen Shot 2015-08-07 at 9.27.12 PM Screen Shot 2015-08-07 at 9.32.00 PM Capture capture 2 capture 4 capture 3

You can read a reivew of the class from Evan’s student Alex, who took the class last week at: https://plus.google.com/+SpringLightEducationInstituteSanJose/about

“I have been at Springlight Education for about 2-3 years and it’s great! My last teacher was Evan and he is one of the best, if not the best teacher, I had so far! All the teachers are really nice and they teach a variety classes and they are all so fun! I have taken classes in math, reading, writing, graphic designing, web designing, and python! It’s a awesome place to teach at and be taught at! Take my advice and go there soon!”

Alex’s code and a screnshot of his website is at: https://plus.google.com/108939020205851746408/posts/ZJcjjXGgTLd

Website Class (HTML, CSS, jQuery)


  • Introduction to HTML
  • HTML Syntax
  • header, body, title, paragraphs
  • Adding links
  • Adding images
  • Un/Ordered lists
  • List inside lists
  • Comments


  • Recap of Monday
  • Font style, color, size, family
  • More styling (Background, border, etc)
  • Tables
  • Divs
  • Span
  • Create website using only html


  • Recap of Tuesday
  • Introduction to CSS
  • How to use CSS
  • CSS syntax
  • Color in hexadecimal vs. preset colors
  • Importing fonts
  • Using back up fonts
  • Pixels vs Em
  • Selecting HTML elements


  • Recap of Wednesday
  • Classes and id’s
  • Parents, childs, siblings
  • Margin
  • Border
  • Padding
  • Content
  • Text-align
  • Floating


  • Recap of Thursday
  • Height, width
  • Position
  • Display
  • Build your own website

USACO silver/gold summer camp



USACO silver/gold summer camp

Register now at  https://goo.gl/LwvIjU

Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

USACO Silver 7/20 to 8/1; 8/3 to 8/15 6:30-9:30pm $900/12 sessions M to Sat.

Contact: 408-366-2204spring.light.edu@gmail.com


Alex Pei graduated from the Harker School in 2014 and currently attends Carnegie Mellon University, one of the nation’s premier and most competitive schools for computer science. His passion for computer science shows through the years that he has been actively involved in competitions and selective camps.

He was one of 24 high school students nationally to be invited to the USACO Summer Training Camp, and has been ranked in the top 5% and 15% worldwide, on Codeforces and TopCoder, respectively. In the Google Code Jam, Alex was one of just 500 people internationally to advance to the third round, out of more than 25000 initial entrants.

Alex also has stellar teaching experience, having previously taught USACO Bronze at Accord Education, and USACO Gold at Accord Education Summer Camp.

2015 Summer Python Camp 最后一周!

Python是Goolge的三大语言之一;YouTube,以及国内的豆瓣网也是采用Python开发;最新最热的行当中,python是往往web game的首选开发语言之一(开心农场),谷歌和国内的易度云计算开发平台, DropBox也都选择了Python语言。
Python 的特点就是简单, 入门容易。简单是硬道理。相同的逻辑,使用 python可能只需要java五分之一的代码量。五天的Python Camp后,学生就可以进行advance的Python,并独立做python project。
今年我们为我们做大学申请规划的学生找的research internship 都要求会用python。
Students who take this python course will become familiar with writing python scripts to perform various tasks, learn the mechanics of python as a language, be able to create and use data structures, learn how to read and write files, and learn how to create Graphical User Interfaces. Students will complete a variety of projects including but not limited to: an art project, a game simulation, and a simple text analyzer. Python is a great first programming language, and is a simple way to start kids using programming for everyday tasks!
Course syllabus:
Five Days, Around three hours each day.
Day 1 – Introduction to python. Introduction to data types. Basic input/output. Homework: Basic scripts for simple tasks. (30 minutes)
Day 2 – Graphics! We will go through a variety of graphics problems, step by step. Homework: Art Project. Due on Day 4 (Varies based on interest)
Day 3 – Functions, Design, Lists and Strings. File Input/Output. Homework: Continue Art project
Day 4 – Control Structures, Booleans and Simulation.  Homework: Graphics Simulation (45 minutes)
Day 5 – Classes, Python applications, and review!
Class Date:8/10 to 8/14(Monday to Friday)5 Days
Class Time: 6:30-9:30pm
Fee: $280/week,  $60/day
Location: 1340 S. De Anza Blvd., Suit 204, San Jose, CA 95014
For age 10 and above.
Registration,  please click : https://goo.gl/mCXVgV

AP Computer Science class starts from 02/08/2014 Sunday

一年内完成JAVA programming 并通过 AP Computer Science A exam 不是梦!
春晖教育自2012秋季开始已经推出了很多期一周一次的JAVA programming课程。在2013和2014年春都有针对 AP Computer Science A exam的课程。每年参加AP CS考试的同学都获得了4或5 分的成绩。
今年教授JAVA 和AP CS的老师Victor Chen是Lynbrook Senior。他不仅在Lynbrook的senior 中数理计算机方面,以及leadership 方面都有很高的声誉,他在春晖教育教的Java 课程非常受同学们的欢迎。她对教学有很大的热忱,课堂气氛活跃,和同学互动良好。
欢迎学了JAVA programming,或者正在学校学JAVA 以及computer science的同学报名参加,预备在今年5月考过 AP Computer Science A。
AP Computer Science class will start from 02/08/2014 Sunday

Course Description:

This class will serve to prepare students for the AP Computer Science A exam in May and also covers AP Computer Science AB material (Data Structures). We will cover AP material such as ArrayLists, Big O, Linear/Binary Search, Sorting, and GridWorld. Besides for that, we will cover Data Structures and material needed in USACO like Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Deques, Binary Search Trees, Heaps (Priority Queues), and Recursion. Some Graphics will be covered as well.

Prerequisite: JAVA programming

Address:1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129
Contact: 408-366-2204spring.light.edu@gmail.com
Registration: Click HERE. 
Tuition:$600. (or $50 each class)
Referral Credit: Refer-a-Friend – each save $25

AP Computer Science (test date 5/7) 2/8/15-4/26/15 3:00pm-5:00pm $600/12 sessions Sundays


12月20日的“和计算机相关课程的学习”的讲座不仅报名很快爆满,讲座时更是座无虚席。应大家要求,我们开办第二次讲座。感谢Dr. Tsao 和Jimmy. 已经参加过的朋友请把机会让给其他人。
在MIT 麻省理工大学读书的Jimmy 将重点分享和programming 相关的竞赛种类,如何参赛以及如何取胜。
Jimmy 在初中开始学习编程,并开始做game design. 高中时曾拿下了许多大奖。也为春晖教育培养了很多获得USACO 金银铜奖的学生。 Continue reading

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