Words Left Unspoken: A Parent Appreciation Essay Contest
As time progresses, the younger generations are continuously pitted against adversities that are unfamiliar to the former generations. With heavier course loads, rigorous extracurriculars, and troubling personal problems to worry about, the youths of this era begin to take a very important aspect of their lives for granted: family. Specifically, the loving mothers and fathers supporting them through the ups and downs of adolescence.
In this essay contest, to honor the upcoming Mother’s and Father’s Days, tell us about any thoughts you have regarding your parents’ supportive roles in your life. This can be written in many forms, including a letter to your parents, a collective essay on your views, or a story of a specific memory with you and your parents that you hold dear. We would love to hear from all of you!
Submission guidelines:
Essay length may vary from 300 to 600 words.Please send all questions and submissions to bayechosubmissions@gmail.com
All students are eligible to participate in this contest. They will be split into two categories:
Middle School (6-8 grade during the 2015-2016 year)
High School (9-12 grade during the 2015-2016 year)
Deadline: June 15th, 2016
The Middle School category will have the following prizes:
1st place: $50 (1 winner)
2nd place: $25 (2 winners)
3rd place: $10 (5 winners)
Honorable Mention: $5 gift cards
The High School category will have the following prizes:
1st place: $50 (1 winner)
2nd place: $25 (2 winners)
3rd place: $10 (5 winners)
Honorable Mention: $5 gift cards
All participants will get a participation certificate.
*Bay Echo Association is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. It is run by teenagers who strive to bridge the generational gap between parents and teens as well as the gap between cultures with education.