大学生谈他们的大学生活(八): Harvard University (another one)

(又:我寒假见过这孩子,聪明过人,却非常谦和,他share他的成长经历给我,第一,boyscot 对他帮助很大,第二,妈妈从小就很放手,让他有充分的自由成长空间。看他最后一句:Also, I like to tell people that Harvard students are actually quite normal!
What is the name of the institution you attend and what year are you currently at the school? Additionally, please provide any information pertaining to your relevant background i.e. high school, ethnicity and gender. All of your answers to the questions below will greatly help parents with prospective students separate the reality from myth of different colleges.
Harvard University ‘14
Male, Asian-American, born and raised in the US
Bayeare High ‘10


What is the name of the institution you attend and what year are you currently at the school? Additionally, please provide any information pertaining to your relevant background i.e. high school, ethnicity and gender. All of your answers to the questions below will greatly help parents with prospective students separate the reality from myth of different colleges.
Past Education: bayarea high school. Asian. Male. Harvard Class of 2014.

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