Kevin Lei 美国数学竞赛AMC 8/10 夏令营

 Kevin Lei 自2012年10月开始在春晖教育学院教课,得到了每位学生的好评。

一个9年级的高中生说:He’s the best teacher ever. Kevin Lei, Kevin Lei, he’s awesome, Kevin Lei. “

一位6年级的初中生说:This place is a good education facility. Especially Kevin Lei. He is totally 100% better than most (not all, so don’t be insulted of you are a teacher) other teachers! He’s awesome and is an excellent teacher.    

一位妈妈给Kevin说:My son is very interested in your class, and he came home saying how much he enjoyed your teaching.

无论是JAVA,Computer Science, 还是AIME,Counting & Probability, 还有Number Theory 等他教的每一门课,Kevin讲课时都驾轻就熟。教科书只是他的教学大纲,教的内容都在他脑子里,他可以把复杂枯燥的概念讲得生动活泼。他甚至能调动起每一个学生争先恐后到台上演示自己的解题思路(他的课堂上没有害羞的学生)。


在开学前暑假的最后一周,Kevin Lei给6到9年级的学生教AMC 8/10.


地点:1340 S De Anza Blvd, Suite 202, San Jose, CA 95129

时间:Monday to Friday 8/12-8/16.



10:00 -12:00 Lecture 讲课

12:00 -1:00 午餐时间,休息

1:00-4:00 练习

4:00-5:00 讲解练习


Fee: 全天, 一周$350; 半天,一周$200;一个全天,$80; 一个半天,$40.



Kevin Lei:

USAMO Qualifier (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013)

AMC 8 & 10 Perfect Score

Math Kangaroo National Winner

MathCounts Northern California State Winner

+Numerous regional & state awards

Miller Middle School Math Enrichment teacher 

Kevin Lei将在10月开始在牛津大学学习数学和计算机科学专业。

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