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Seeing Noam Chomsky when visiting MIT.
There was one minute three of us (my wife, me and Chomsky) were confined to the elevator when my wife reminded me that this old prof must be Chomsky (in Chinese). Totally unexpected. I was debating whether to say hi to him, but thought it might be too abrupt, especially in such a narrow space. So I only shot a few pictures of him leaving the building to pay my silent respect to one of the greatest men of mankind of any time. Among all scholars alive, he is the most quoted man in this world, living god of linguistics.

MIT 掠影 记述了我与领导的MIT之行,话说我们在校园溜达两圈,领导说:这 MIT 名头多大,却好生无趣,不如归去他玩。我忙说,不急,至少得去看了语言学系才好离去,一边解释,不仅仅我是语言学家要去看看语言学系,而是因为MIT语言学系是乔姆斯基的宝地。 Continue reading



学术诚信通常定义为避免抄袭、欺骗、伪造资料或者其它方式的不诚实的学术行为。许多学生认为,将学术诚信视为为最高标准去追求,在这个资讯共用如此无所不在的时代里甚至有点老套。如医药和工程领域从业者保持了高标准的道德和诚信是由于非常明显的实际原因; 公众需要能够信任的专家。然而,这些标准并未被视为一个理想而被人们所渴望; 他们该领域的成员需要考虑的最起码的要求。根据定义,医生的工作必须是医治别人,不要对他们造成伤害。一名违反了希波克拉底誓言,通过故意,造成不必要的伤害的医生就不能再履行他或她作为医疗专家的角色。同样地,一名学生的角色是基于他或她自己的研究来进行工作。违反了学术诚信的准则会带来直接的破坏作用。



1. “但是这甚至不关乎我的专业!”


2. 如果这项任务没有完成,我就必须要重修整门课。



4/12-17 春假Graphic Design -Photoshop/Lightroom

In today’s world, graphic design has become paramount to many industries, becoming a necessary skill to produce business reports, video games, and software applications. Without it, a product always appears dull, no matter its internal substance, and therefore a basic understanding has become not only helpful, but also essential. From tasks as small as school projects, to endeavors as large a mobile applicationswell applied-design produces a first impression to separate them from othersplacing both the designer and his work in a new light to teachers and employers alike.

Register our Graphic Design -Photoshop/Lightroom program.

Time: 9:30am-12:00pm, Monday to Friday, 4/13/2015 to 4/17/2015
Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

Fee: $250
Age: 10 and over

Peter Tang is a graduating senior of the University of Chicago, and has studied Economics and Computer Science. During his studies in the Windy City, Peter was the Photo Editor of the Chicago Maroon, the student newspaper. As photo editor, he oversaw many aspects of the photographic design process, heavily using tools like Photoshop and Lightroom.

For othe spring break programs at SpringLight see the table below.

2015 Spring Break Program

1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

408-366-2204, 408-480-7547, spring.light.edu@gmail.com

AP Psychology 4/12/15 to 4/19/15 1:00-4:30pm $700/8 sessions Sunday to Sunday
AP Chemistry/Physics/Calculus lecture+practice 4/12/15 to 4/19/15 1:00-4:30pm $700/8 sessions Sunday to Sunday
AP&SAT Chemistry/Physics/Calculus practice+tutoring 4/13/15 to 4/17/15 9:30-12:00am $250/week M-F
Python progamming//Game (5th to 12th grade) 4/13/15 to 4/17/15 9:30-12:30am $250/week M-F
Public Speaking (4th to 7th grade) 4/13/15 to 4/17/15 1:30-4:30pm $250/week M-F
HomeWork Help (5th to 12th grade) 4/13/15 to 4/17/15 9:00am to 6:30pm $40/day M-F
Graphic Design 4/13/15 to 4/17/15 9:30-12:30am $250/week M-F

2015 Spring Break Program
  •   2015 Spring Break Program
      AP Chemistry/Physics/Calculus lecture+practice
      AP&SAT Chemistry/Physics/Calculus practice+tutoring
      Python progamming//Game (5th to 12th grade)
      Public Speaking (4th to 7th grade)
      HomeWork Help (5th to 12th grade)
      Graphic Design


Chinese TV star Bi Fujian caught on tape privately insulting Mao, which triggered a huge political debate in social media between the leftist and the rightist.  China is presently stuck between post-Mao era entering modern society with limited speech freedom (at least on private occastions) and the totalitarian government inheriting some Mao’s legacy, hence the regulatory pressure to the star himself suspending his job for 4 days. Bi’s speech would have made him sentenced to death or life in prison in Mao’s time. Continue reading


鉴于近期发生在帕洛阿尔托市的一位15岁高中学生自杀事件,我们首先想对死者的家属、所在社区和所有受此事件影响的人们表达我们的哀悼。作为一家教育机构,我们不仅与帕洛阿尔托社区有紧密的工作联系,而且也为这一地区的许多高中学生提供服务。我们甚至不能想像,现在这里的每个人在经历着怎样的情感波澜。 Continue reading

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