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为什么要参加春晖的科学杯 Science Bowl 训练班?和学校的Science Bowl team的训练有什么不一样

问:什么是科学杯?为什么要参加sciecne bowl科学杯?

科学杯竞赛由美国能源部(Department of Energy)于1991年创办,旨在鼓励中学生在数学和科学领域的学习和探索,是全美最大型的科学竞赛之一。在过去的22年中,已有超过22万美国学生参加了该比赛。2013年有超过9500名高中生及4500名初中生参加地区比赛,争夺华府决赛资格。

Science Bowl helps students further their interests in science, as well as provide an intellectually stimulating atmosphere to interact productively with other students and communicate ideas effectively. Additionally, Science Bowl encourages students to excel in science and mathematics and pursue careers in those fields.



问:春晖的科学杯 Science Bowl 训练班和学校的Science Bowl team的训练有什么不一样?

学校的couch 基本上不教学,仅仅以练习为主。

春晖教育的教学方法是每次2 小时,第一小时是讲课。第二个小时才是学生练习。

第一个小时的授课时间,由两位coach讲解他们精心准备的,经过提炼的一个science 方面的话题。讲解过程中学生需要用心记笔记,因为在随后的一小时练习里老师就是在那个范围里问。

在练习的过程中,老师还不断通过提问题的方式教给学生科学知识。每次下课前会给学生布置一个topic 让他们做research,并写一个报告。在下次上课时的头几分钟请学生上台分享。其他学生同样要记笔记,老师会就分享学生的报告问问题。

问:春晖教育的science bowl的coach 都是高中生。请高中生做coach,他们的责任心够吗?他们自己懂,但会教吗?

答:湾区无论是私立学校还是公立学校,science bowl的team的coach都是高中生。成人老师的coach是领队和负责的角色。这两个coach 他们也是Miller 初中的教练。他们不仅自己有训练经验,有当教练的经验,最主要的是他们非常负责任。每堂2小时的课他们俩都会花超过3小时的时间准备。夏季春晖的科学杯训练营得到了每位学生的好评。


The Science Bowl class covered a variety of different and interesting topics in the general idea of mathematics. The first hour, we introduced ourselves by answering some questions about what we wanted to learn during the class, and got to know our classmates better. Then, we learned about the breakdown of the Science Bowl competition and the basic rules. After that, we learned about the concepts that we would later review in a thrilling game of the actual Science Bowl! We learned so much, including logarithms, basic review of factoring, counting and probability, graphing circles, and the Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion. After, we had a brief break, and then held a couple exciting rounds of the mathematics portion of a simulated game that had actual mathematics questions from previous Science Bowl competitions. Overall, the class was absolutely amazing. I can’t wait until the next session!


春晖教育今年一共请了十几位优秀的年轻人来任教,他们的教学效果,责任心和知识都得到了学生与家长的好评。不少家长说,这些优秀的年轻人还起到了对学生的 role model 的作用。

问:今天Miller 有 Science olympiad 的try out。Science Olympiad和Science bowl 一样吗?





AP Computer Science // USACO Bronze Class will start from 8/28/2015

1. 学习Computer Science 的知识,并为明年5月的AP computer science做准备。
2. 为12月开始的USACO 以及其他computer programming 比赛做准备。[USACO 从12月开始,到明年4月一共4次比赛]
3. 预备学生到电脑公司做intern。
Many of our former students who followed our curriculum qualified for USACO silver and Gold level for 2014 and 2015!
Goal of the Class:
1. Learn AP Computer Science and prepare for the APCS exam next May
2. Prepare for the USACO and other programing or coding contests. (USACO starts from Dec to April. Total 4 times a year.)
3. Prepare the student to do intern at technology company.(Students who qualified USACO silver of gold level will be very easy to get intern opportunity.) Continue reading

怎样考好AMC?或 AMC该怎么复习?

AMC考试对要报考科学类专业的大学非常重要。能够qualify AIME,给申请大学就加分很多。能够qualify USAMO,就等于一条腿进了名校。有些大学,如Yale,MIT,Caltech 等在大学申请表上会问道AMC 的分数。即使在申请表上没有问这个问题,在补充information的地方写上AMC 的成绩,也会有很大的帮助。

不少朋友问,我的孩子是那块料吗?USAMO 也许需要数学天分,只要您的孩子愿意学数学,但AMC 8, AMC 10 和AMC 12 是完全可以训练出来的。至少会对他们学校的数学学习,SAT数学 考高分绝对有帮助。

看历年各个高中通过AMC的名单,会发现有些高中很多人,有的高中一个没有。不是数学天才都集中到了这几个高中,而是这些高中的学生和家长了解 AMC 的重要性,去准备了。如果您的孩子也准备,他/她也许也在中间。春晖教育今年AMC 两个班的学生,至少有1/3 qualify了AIME。

AMC 不涉及微积分的内容,有一些几何和代数的知识就可以学。

AMC 考试内容主要分四大部分:几何,代数,数论Number Theory 和概率Counting & Probobility。

几何,代数在学校有教,但深度不够;而数论Number Theory 和概率Counting & Probobility在初高中几乎都不会系统地教。

要考过AMC,qualify AIME,最好先在这四个部分分别打好基础,在考试之前再综合复习准备。


春辉教育学院提供AMC 系列基础准备课程,详情请点击:

AMC Contest Preparation Classes 1 –Number Theory


1950年美国数学协会Mathematics Association of America (简称MAA),开始举办美国高中数学考试(AHSME)
2000年以后这些考试统一被称为 AMC(American Mathematical Competition)


AMC 8:由8年级和8年级以下学生参加
AMC 10:由10年级和10年级以下的学生参加
AMC 12:由12年级和12年级以下的学生参加
AIME:由AMC 10 和AMC 12 测试中成绩达到要求的学生参加
USJMO:由AMC 10 的约前230名美国学生参加
USAMO:由AMC 10 的约前270名美国学生参加


AMC 8 AMC 10 AMC 12

AMC 8 在每年的11月中举行
AMC 10 和AMC 12 的比赛时间相同,分A、B两次在每年的2月初和2月中举行


参赛成绩最好的学校可获School certificate of Honor证书



AMC 10/12 优胜者美国暑期邀请赛


最近问道两个高中12年级的学生有没有考过AMC,回答竟然是“AMC 是什么?电影院吗?”

在Cupertino附近的几所高中,数学老师会要求所有的学生每年参加AMC,美国数学竞赛。不论成败,只要考了,就给credit。所以几乎所 有的学生都会每年考。凡是学生参加考试多的学校 ,考过AMC,到AIME 和USAMO的学生也就相对比较多。也有很多高中,一年里没有一人去参加的。很多时候,不是某些高中的学生考不出,而是不知道有这样的考试,或者不懂得去 准备。能够考过AMC 对申请大学无疑是一个加分,对孩子的数学以及分析问题解决问题的能力也是很大的激励和提高。

Yale  的大学申请表上,在报告SAT,ACT的成绩下面紧接着是问 AMC 10, AMC 12, 以及AIME 的考试年月和分数。

Caltech 不问AMC 10, 但同样要AMC 12, 以及AIME 的考试年月和分数。

MIT的招生官Matt McGann说“When submitted, we do consider AMC/AIME scores. As to what extent they positively impact the application, there’s no way to quantify it, though, like anything else, good stuff is good.”

The AMC 12 covers high school mathematics, and is for students in high school who are under 19.5 years of age.

The AMC 10 covers mathematics normally associated with grades 9 and 10 and is for students under 17.5 years of age who are not enrolled in grades 11, 12 or equivalent.

Both contests are given in a convenient 75-minute interval, is 25 questions in length, with approximately 12 questions in common to both contests. The AMC 10 and AMC 12 are administered in schools in February.

USAMO 不是仅靠努力就可以做到的,但AMC是勤奋加努力可以达到了。

春晖教育开了课, AMC 10 /12 Contest Preparation 数学竞赛班招生 老师背景很强,您的孩子报名了吗?


The AMC 10 covers mathematics normally associated with grades 9 and 10. To challenge students at all grade levels, and with varying mathematical skills, the problems range from fairly easy to extremely difficult. Approximately 12 questions are common to the AMC 10 and AMC 12. The AMC 10 assumes knowledge of elementary algebra; basic geometry knowledge including the Pythagorean Theorem, area and volume formulas; elementary number theory; and elementary probability. What are excluded are trigonometry, advanced algebra, and advanced geometry. We recommend students study prior year copies of the AMC 10 contest and solutions. You can purchase a CD from the AMC with all the previous decade’s contests to see what the AMC 10 contest is like.

The AMC 12 covers the high school mathematics curriculum, excluding calculus. To challenge students at all grade levels, and with varying mathematical skills, the problems range from fairly easy to extremely difficult. Approximately 12 questions are common to the AMC 10 and AMC 12.

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