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I’m actually quite a thankful person. Not to brag or anything, but that’s a quality I have in me. Now what does being thankful actually mean? well, it means to express gratitude, and to appreciate what really means a lot. I personally, am quite thankful even to the smallest of things. I will cherish each small thing that someone would do for me, which I’d be gladly thankful for. And I’d most gladly to tell what I am thankful for. Continue reading

Sweet as M&Ms--感恩节征文高中组(3)

Sweet as M&Ms

At the sound of the bell, I eagerly run out of the door to begin my daily sprint for front spot in the brunch line.  Like a tunnel-visioned horse, I bolt through the cafeteria doors, grab one of the few remaining peanut butter jelly sandwiches, pay, and nibble slowly at what would be my fuel for the next few hours.  Hurrying to my upcoming club meeting, I am abruptly stopped by my best friend, Michael Munson.  His bouncy gait suggested he was going to ask me for something. Continue reading

Thanksgiving Essay--感恩节征文初中组(2)

Thanksgiving Essay

6th grader

Thanksgiving. When we hear this word, we think of Pilgrims, turkey, and mashed potatoes. However, the most important part of Thanksgiving is being thankful. The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the Pilgrims, who thanked the Native Americans for their help by inviting them to a feast. I am most thankful for my family. Continue reading

Appreciate, Don’t Appropriate--感恩节征文高中组(2)

Appreciate, Don’t Appropriate

12th grader

Thanks to Hollywood, Halloween, fashion magazines and music festivals, many social media users have succeeded in plucking out single aspects of different cultures and sporting them as laughably shoddy fashion statements. Those unfortunate enough to post selfies online are then bombarded with a backlash of angry tweets, blog posts and Facebook commentary armed with the hashtags #culturalappropiation, #microracism and #acculturation. If the skirmish continues, defenders step in and attempt to call the act “cultural appreciation,” which seemingly justifies disenfranchising a heritage symbol of its original historical, religious and, well, cultural value. The screams of cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation along with the logical fallacies and misnomers go on for days and even weeks, until both sides either tire out or stumble upon a new act of cultural appropriation to rage about – whichever happens first. Continue reading

Thanksgiving Reminiscence–感恩节征文高中组(1)

Thanksgiving Reminiscence

9th grader

As I chewed on the juicy gravy-covered turkey leg, one half of my mind focused on the pleasure and aroma of the dinner. But the other half had a much deeper thought: “What does Thanksgiving really symbolize, and why do Americans value this day so much?” After dinner, I sat on the sofa and pondered over the question. My mother asked what was the matter, and I asked her why we celebrate Thanksgiving. Since she was not born in America, she was never taught the historical background of the holiday; but, from its name, she thought it probably meant we give thanks to someone. So when I thought about someone I should be thankful for, my brother ran and jumped on me. Then I had the answer. Continue reading

Know What Has Been Given Before it is Taken–感恩节征文初中组(1)

Know What Has Been Given Before it is Taken

8th grader

All the time at school when Thanksgiving is coming near, they always give activities such as: “What are you thankful for?” Some kids would answer, “family.” But when I answer, I hesitate or reflect to how broken up my family is.

I am a ‘struggling’ teen as you would say. One time after my four hour math tutoring class, I saw my dad intently reading a book. The studious look on his face made me question what he was reading, and when I asked, he held up the book in response, on the title read, “How to Handle Your Struggling Teen.” Why am I a struggling teen? First of all, you should never label your teen in such an egregious way, school is already abolishing most of your teen’s self-esteem. In my opinion, calling your teen a “struggling teen” are words that will be easily mistaken. From what I know, I do not struggle, I know I can get through tough times, but it takes a while for me to heal my own “wounds”. John Green, one of my favorite author, quotes, “You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world, but you do have some say in who gets to hurt you.” Continue reading

Thanksgiving Essay Contest


        Thanksgiving Day: one of the most important American holidays is coming up soon. But in the melting pot of America, many families celebrate Thanksgiving in many different ways. Each one of us, regardless of being a local student or an international student, have our own things to appreciate and be grateful for. We are thankful for parents who may have moved here from a different country, thankful for the diversity of our friends and family, thankful for our unique background or culture that allows us to see life through a special lens. There is always something unique about our ethnic or cultural background that once changed us and moved us deeply. What is it? Who is it? It is always time for us to say “Thank you,” and we should especially give our best wishes during this time of the year.

        In this essay contest, you can write about anything related to the topic–cultural appreciation. You may talk about a special person, a specific experience, or your opinion of Thanksgiving Day. We would love to hear from you and read your unique story.

Submission guidelines:

The essay length may vary from 250 to 600 words.

Please send all questions and submissions at bayecho.org@gmail.com, or contact us at bayecho.org


All middle school and high school students are eligible to participate in this contest. When submitting, please indicate if you are in middle school or high school.

Deadline: Dec. 1st 2014


Middle school category:

First Place ($30 gift card – one winner),
Second Place ($20 gift card – two winners),
Third Place ($10 gift card – five winners)

High school category:

First Place ($50 gift card – one winner),
Second Place ($25 gift card – two winners),
Third Place ($15 gift card – five winners)

Bay Echo Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. It is run by teenagers who strive to bridge the generation gap between parents and teens, and to bridge the gap between cultures with education.

*All entries become property of Bay Echo Association




在本次征文活动中,请围绕主题-对文化相关的感恩-进行作文。体裁不限。提示:你可以描写生活中的一件特殊的事,一个特别的人,也可以围绕“感恩节”进行论述。我们希望可以尽快听到有关你的感恩故事! 谢谢!


提交方法:请将所有成品作文与有关问题发送到 bayecho.org@gmail.com,或登录 bayecho.org 联系我们。





Parent Appreciation Essay

Emily Wang

        Whenever the time, whether it be midnight or late afternoon, I know my mom won’t ever forget me. Wherever I am, in the doctor’s office or in China, I can count on her voice to soothe me and help me be brave. However far I am from home or however disobedient I am, I can trust that she will love me. Anyone else who knows me or takes care of me cannot compare to my mom. I realize, I am a part of her and her life, and whatever she does is always to help me. I wholeheartedly appreciate my mom’s effort. Continue reading


There are many things that my parents go through in terms of pressure and stresses, especially since they are first generation immigrants. Some struggles they face include communication problems, concern for my success, and other problems at work. Continue reading


Parent Appreciation Essay

         My parents. They do so much for me. They provide food, a home, and care for my brother and me. But I take all of this for granted and in return, give them trouble and anxiety. First generation parents, such as my parents suffer even more. My father had to face the tough challenge of learning the American culture, finding jobs, and keeping his traditions alive in their children. Continue reading

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