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7/25/15 高中经验分享;科技intern和App;UChicago大学申请;从大学生求职看大学申请专业选择

大学招生的趋势好像年年变,然而,越来越多的大学要求学生是Work hard and work smart。如何体现呢?在硅谷的孩子做出高科技成分的App等成立“短平快”的产品,又能体现出创造性。Ideas从哪里来?如何入手?




快来报名这个周末的讲座吧。区区$20,听两位讲员谈多个话题 :).

Wilson Wang:

高中经验分享; 科技intern和App; 芝加哥大学申请

Peter Tang:


Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

Time: 7/25/15,Saturday, 6:30 to 8:30pm

Contact: 408-366-2204, 408-480-7547, spring.light.edu@gmail.com

Registration: https://goo.gl/2suHjm

Fee: $20/person


Wilson Wang:今年6月毕业于Palo Alto High School. 将入读芝加哥大学。

他于2014年夏在Lackheed Martin做有薪的 technology intern。今年夏受聘一家高科技公司做手机的app。

Wilson 在学完了AP Computer science 之后,自2014年春开始学习写iOS App。刚开始很不容易,但开始了一个以后,又接连做了很多个完全不同类型,不同用途的App。他的一个App在今年已经拿到funding。另一个App正在申请funding的过程中。

Peter Tang:2011年毕业于Lynbrook,以political science 专业申请入学芝加哥大学。入学后学习经济专业,大三开始学习计算机。2015年3月以economics major 和computer science minor毕业。现在在湾区从事高科技工作。


Wilson Wang is a recently graduated senior of Palo Alto High School who will be attending The University of Chicago this fall, majoring in either economics or a science. Some of his achievements include:

  • Physics Olympiad Gold Medal
  • Worked at various tech companies (MyBuys, Lockheed Martin, Studypool)
  • Launched several websites and apps to help Palo Alto Community
  • President (7th-12th grade) of Chess Club
  • AIME 3x, HMMT and CHMMC team awards
  • Numerous science fair awards
  • Piano CM Level 10
What he will be covering:
  • High School Experiences: being shy, introverted and ‘Asian’, dealing with different kinds of people, going outside his comfort zone
  • The importance of empathy and self-awareness
  • How/Why I chose my activities
  • The college application process: lessons learned
  • What (in my opinion) most people in high school don’t pay enough attention to
What students/parents will get out of this workshop:
    • How to differentiate yourself
    • How to get what you want out of high school/life
    • Making connections with people
  • Insight into what top colleges look for in a student
  • A sense of perspective

UC 今年录取因素与案例分析/leadership在UC录取中的分量/如何培养建造争取leadership

讲员的功课成绩无论是GPA,SAT II,ACT,AP,都是学校里最普通,最平均的学生。然而,她却被UC 伯克利录取。今年UCB的录取状况更让许多人跌破眼镜。
有人说UC 只看成绩,不看课外活动。真的是这样吗?正是leadership让Rani打破了UC录取的“框框”。
How to find credible research internship?
How to balance academics and competition and so many leadership positions?
How many APs you have taken. What are those APs, What are the score?
What type of leadership experiences are admission committees looking for?
I would presume quality over quantify matters more. Also, how do you really differentiate when “everyone” is participating in the same leadership activities? Thanks.

How Leadership can get you ACCEPTED

to UCs and Private Colleges

When: Saturday, July 18th from 7:00pm to 8:45pm
Where: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129
Fee: $20/person

Registration: https://goo.gl/cKqdfL

What students/parents will get out of this workshop:

  • How to differentiate yourself as an Asian-American applicant
  • An introduction to the leadership opportunities in middle school and high school
  • Strategies for the application process
  • Tips on how to build yourself up and differentiate yourself as a leadership student
  • How highlight your application and emphasize leadership
  • Insight into how Rani achieved success in leadership opportunities around the world
  • How to make your leadership stand out in your application and get ACCEPTED

Who: Rani Mavram recently graduated from Lynbrook High School and will be attending UC Berkeley this fall. Her plans to pursue Computer Science and Business in her time there. Rani is also a

  • CEO & Founder of Maarifa Interntional
  • Research intern at various labs (i.e. Duke University)
  • President of Lynbrook Red Cross
  • Recipient of the Silicon Valley Red Cross Outstanding Leadership award.  
  • President of Lynbrook Future Business Leaders of America
  • National Western Region & Executive Parliamentarian of Future Business Leaders of America
  • FBLA National finalist
  • Fremont Union High School District Student Board Representative
  • Congressman Mike Honda Student Advisory Council Vice Chair
  • Intra District Council Representative
  • H&R Block Student Ambassador
  • Siemens Science Semifinalist
  • Recipient of the Beth Fleig Memorial Award

What he will be covering:

  • Internships/Jobs
  • Arts (drama, dance, drawing, etc.)
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Science opportunities
  • Sports
  • How to succeed in your leadership endeavors
  • How to use your leadership to get accepted

Seats are limited and fill up very quickly. Register soon!

7/11晚讲座Getting to a High Place with a Small Ladder

Getting to a High Place with a Small Ladder

--A New Perspective on College Entrance --

Are you scrambling to make the most of your last school year before college applications?

Are you discovering that it’s hard to find research projects?

Did you not get into or are you worrying about getting into prestigious summer programs?

Do you want to get into dream colleges but have very limited resources?



以上Joey都没有,但却有机会被加州理工CalTech 以及不少其他名校录取。他是如何利用身边的资源的?又是如何进行时间管理的?CalTech以往是不太给像King’s Academy 这样的学校“名额”的,他如何让CalTech 青睐?来听听Joey的分享吧。

Register now : https://goo.gl/cKqdfL

Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

Time: July 11th, Saturday 7:00-8:30pm.

Fee: $30/person. $50/two family members

Contact: 408-366-2204spring.light.edu@gmail.com

Whether it’s from finding research projects or internships, preparing for math or science contests, forming clubs or non-profit organizations, or of course, preparing for the rapidly approaching SAT/ACT/SAT2/AP tests, you start (or maybe continue) to feel the pressure of reaching one of those distant, “glorious” Ivy League schools.

If you have already overcome the hurdles of junior year, the description above may sound strikingly familiar to you. If you have not yet reached that point, you may be feeling like buckling up for the ride ahead. This seminar can help anyone from middle to high school.

Speaker: Joey Hong is a recent graduate of The King’s Academy–a small private Christian school, and an incoming freshman at Caltech. If you were to skim through his college application, you would find that his high school experience was actually quite different from that of public school students.

Activities: The King’s Academy is unlike the notable public schools of Lynbrook, Monta Vista, and others around here, and therefore, he was raised in a very different academic environment. These are several things that he did in high school:

  • Founder of school’s math club and physics club
  • Participant in math and physics competitions
  • Volunteer work in math and programming instruction
  • Web-development  intern
  • Independent STEM research project

High School Reflection: How does your high school environment affect the college application experience? Can you have a successful college process without overwhelming yourself with stress? These are questions Joey can answer without hesitation.

  • High School is about discovering yourself, NOT molding yourself into the perfect college applicant.
  • You can get into college WITHOUT fixating on finding the perfect extracurricular activities.
  • You DON’T need to sacrifice all balance and fun for academic achievement.

In the presentation, he will be covering my own high school journey, and analyzing the things he did to get me to this point. he will discuss the impact of my school and how it made the college application process different. Furthermore, he will also be going over the things he believe he should have done differently.


宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania )是一所著名的私立研究型大学,八所常青藤盟校之一。她有哪些特点?她的文化,核心理念,院系专业特点?她的大学招生标准?怎样可以有效申请?

去年我们邀请了一位进入UPenn 的Lynbrook高中毕业的学生分享了如何進入世界排名第一的商学院 「Wharton!」 本周六,春晖教育的姜老师将为您对UPenn深度全面解析。

湾区的许多高中都是以STEM数理上很强。许多学生以数学或科学竞赛在大学录取中胜人一筹。其实美国教育非常重视文科。许多著名学府都要求理工学生修1/3 的人文科学。假如在众多优秀的华人理工学生中你的文科也能亮丽耀眼, 无论申请理工人文类,那么一定会有更多名校对你青睐。

怎么才能以文科或者文理兼备中胜出呢?今年被UPenn录取的Jeffrey Yang将会通过现身说详细地向伱介紹如何将学生人文方面的才能发挥出来,並在大学录取中脱颖而出。有问必答。


Want to learn how a focus on writing and the humanities can lead to acceptances from the nation’s top schools and promising career opportunities? Jeffrey Yang, a recent graduate from Lynbrook High School who will be studying English at the University of Pennsylvania, shares his experiences as a student of the humanities in a STEM-focused school and the secrets to his academic success.

Register now at https://goo.gl/IKLPCH

Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

Time: June 27th, Saturday 7:00-8:30pm.

Fee: $30/person. $50/two family members


Jeffrey Yang

  • Admitted to the University of Pennsylvania, Dartmouth College, NYU (Stern School of Business), the University of California Berkeley, and the University of California Los Angeles

  • Design Editor of the Epic, Lynbrook’s Student Newspaper

  • Prose Editor and Production Manager of Vertigo, Lynbrook’s Student Literary Magazine.

  • 3-Time Gold Key winner in the Scholastic Art and Writing competition in Flash Fiction category

  • 3-Time Silver Key winner for the Scholastic Art and Writing competition in Short Story category

What he will be covering:

  • Tips to success in academics and standardized testing

  • How to get involved in club leadership

  • The college application process and misconceptions about it

  • Writing the college essay

  • Opportunities for the humanities in and outside of high school

  • Creative writing competitions/camps

What parents/students will get out of the workshop:

  • An insider’s look of a student’s path through high school into college

  • How to differentiate yourself in the college application process

  • How to succeed at academics and extracurriculars while maintaining a balanced lifestyle

  • Tips on how to maximize the high school experience

  • How to best help as parents

周六6月20日讲座:普林斯顿大学录取深入解析分享/How To Be a Well-Rounded Student

普林斯顿大学在各种排名中历来名列前茅,是许多学生的理想大学. 不少看来超级强的学生竟然会被其错过。Jessica看起来是个成绩不错的普通学生,但却成了一个幸运儿。

每一所录取了Jessica 的私校都给她的贺信中提到她是一个全面发展的学生Well-Rounded Student。什么是Well-Rounded Student?怎么成为一个Well-Rounded Student?

请来参加明天的讲座。讲座的前半部分,由今年Lynbrook 毕业的Jessica将详细为您分享她高中的生活以及申请普林斯顿大学的过程。有问必答。



All of the colleges which admitted her gave her the same reason:

 “A Well-Rounded Student”

What is well-rounded? 


Register now : CLICK HERE.

Address: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

Time: June 20th, Saturday 7:00-8:30pm.

Fee: $30/person. $50/two family members

Contact: 408-366-2204spring.light.edu@gmail.com

Who: Jessica Zheng is a recent graduate of Lynbrook High School who will be attending Princeton University this fall as a BSE Computer Science major. She has extensive experience in science/computer science, community service, and visual arts. Some of her achievements include:

  • Accepted by MIT, Princeton, Columbia, Carnegie Mellon SCS, UPenn, and Cornell
  • Columbia Likely Letter and Egleston Scholar Designation (benefits such as $10K Stipend for research — around a dozen incoming students receive this designation)
  • Cornell Likely Letter
  • Girls Who Code summer program, interned at eBay, developed an Android app with over 3K downloads
  • Founded a non profit organization that uses artwork to teach special needs individuals life skills
  • Web and Media Chair of Team HBV at the Stanford Asian Liver Center (leading 40+ high school chapters)


  • Her overall experience in high school and college admissions
  • Academics in high school and course selection
  • Taking advantage of opportunities
  • Finding extracurricular activities that fit each individual
  • Leadership in clubs and organizations
  • The college application process, especially as a prospective CS major
  • What she think worked for her
  • The important role of family support

What you will get out of this workshop:

  • How to balance schoolwork and extracurriculars
  • How to find activities that are meaningful to you, and how to pursue them
  • How parents can help their children
  • Relevant advice and insight into the application and admissions process
  • What does being well-rounded mean, and why can it help a CS/STEM applicant


My Journey to Medical School

a seminar for high-school AND college students

Do you or your child have an interest in the medical profession?

Our seminar will share tips and secrets on

how to maximize your potential for getting into medical school!

Allen will be sharing his experiences from high school through college, highlighting what he did at each step of the way to set up his success in reaching medical school. Through this seminar you will learn:

  • How to gauge whether or not medicine is right for you
  • What high-schoolers can do to prepare themselves for a healthcare career
  • Career options in the healthcare industry.
  • What to do in college to prepare for medical school
  • The difference between DO and MD
  • Taking a gap year off?
  • How to succeed in medical school
  • What role parents can play during high school and college.


Time: 7:00 to 8:30pm, Saturday, 6/6/2015

Location: 1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

Contact: 408-366-2204, spring.light.edu@gmail.com

Fee: $10/person

Registration: https://goo.gl/Luba3C


We hope to see you there!


Our speaker, Allen Zeng, is a current medical student at Midwestern University, Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine.

  • Lynbrook class of 2009
  • UC Davis class of 2013, BS in Neurobiology/Physiology/Behavior, minor in Psychology
  • Academic research on HIV
  • Biopharmaceutical research with MedImmune
  • Alumnus of Sigma Mu Delta Pre-medical Fraternity
  • Volunteer experience at the UC Davis Medical Center
  • Emergency Room Scribe at Sutter General/Memorial, Mills-Peninsula Health Services
  • AZCOM class of 2018



时间:2015年5月24日7:00 to 8:30pm
地点:1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129

4/25/15 如何发掘艺术天分,成功准备艺术作品集


从GPA和SAT上看,Brian在他的高中是个极为普通的亚裔学生。从他憨厚的表情,他也是一位极为平常的学生。他上初中的Art课时,才意识到自己喜欢艺术。9年级的选课,因为知道很难选到最热门的Art I,他学的是drafting。到11年级,他竟然可以说服老师让他直接上Art 3的课。

他从11年级开始准备他的Art portforlio时,还没什么主意。在完全没有私人绘画老师private art teacher的情况下,他仅仅受教于自己高中的艺术老师,完成了有创意的作品集,以至于得到了所有他所申请的艺术院校的录取。 Continue reading



学术诚信通常定义为避免抄袭、欺骗、伪造资料或者其它方式的不诚实的学术行为。许多学生认为,将学术诚信视为为最高标准去追求,在这个资讯共用如此无所不在的时代里甚至有点老套。如医药和工程领域从业者保持了高标准的道德和诚信是由于非常明显的实际原因; 公众需要能够信任的专家。然而,这些标准并未被视为一个理想而被人们所渴望; 他们该领域的成员需要考虑的最起码的要求。根据定义,医生的工作必须是医治别人,不要对他们造成伤害。一名违反了希波克拉底誓言,通过故意,造成不必要的伤害的医生就不能再履行他或她作为医疗专家的角色。同样地,一名学生的角色是基于他或她自己的研究来进行工作。违反了学术诚信的准则会带来直接的破坏作用。



1. “但是这甚至不关乎我的专业!”


2. 如果这项任务没有完成,我就必须要重修整门课。




隨著春天的到來,又是計劃暑假活動的時候了,您會發現,孩子們正在感到心煩意亂,不像學年開始的時候那麼充滿活力。這裡有五個提示,可以幫助您的兒女們專心致志,完美地結束該學年。 Continue reading

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