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【校园之旅:公立大学大哥大 加大伯克利】

今年去参加了伯克利每年一度的开放日,叫 Cal Day,人满为患,热闹非凡。伯克利人对UC Berkeley 自称 Cal,源于当年加大球队 California 的缩写,那时候加大别无分店,伯克利就是加大,加大就是伯克利,如今加大已经开了10所分校,成为公立大学的巨无霸,这个简称(比UCB的简称更常见)却沿用至今。

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随着5月1日来了又走了,除了少数还在等待名单(waiting list)上的,美国高中毕业生应该都已经知道自己去哪里上大学。2013年度大学申请季节也告结束。回顾大学申请的过程,我想经历过的人都不会很快忘记。几家欢乐几家愁,历来都是这样,但今年的情况似乎是愁的比欢乐的多了不少。有些被认为有冲大藤实力学生的连一个小藤也没有;有些被认为稳进伯克利,UCLA的被两个都拒绝。如果说是“血流成河”可能太夸张,但想进好学校越来越难是不争的事实。 Continue reading

大学生谈他们的大学生活(八): Harvard University (another one)

(又:我寒假见过这孩子,聪明过人,却非常谦和,他share他的成长经历给我,第一,boyscot 对他帮助很大,第二,妈妈从小就很放手,让他有充分的自由成长空间。看他最后一句:Also, I like to tell people that Harvard students are actually quite normal!
What is the name of the institution you attend and what year are you currently at the school? Additionally, please provide any information pertaining to your relevant background i.e. high school, ethnicity and gender. All of your answers to the questions below will greatly help parents with prospective students separate the reality from myth of different colleges.
Harvard University ‘14
Male, Asian-American, born and raised in the US
Bayeare High ‘10

大学生谈他们的大学生活(六):Yale University

What is the name of the institution you attend and what year are you currently at the school? Additionally, please provide any information pertaining to your relevant background i.e. high school, ethnicity and gender. All of your answers to the questions below will greatly help parents with prospective students separate the reality from myth of different colleges.
Yale University, Class of 2014 (freshman)
Bayarea High School
Chinese-American, Female


What is the name of the institution you attend and what year are you currently at the school? Additionally, please provide any information pertaining to your relevant background i.e. high school, ethnicity and gender. All of your answers to the questions below will greatly help parents with prospective students separate the reality from myth of different colleges.
Past Education: bayarea high school. Asian. Male. Harvard Class of 2014.

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大学生谈他们的大学生活(四):The University of Chicago

这是BayEcho的Teenager做的一个社会调查,The University of Chicago 的新生的心声:
What is the name of the institution you attend and what year are you currently at the school? Additionally, please provide any information pertaining to your relevant background i.e. high school, ethnicity and gender. All of your answers to the questions below will greatly help parents with prospective students separate the reality from myth of different colleges. Continue reading




刚过去的这个圣诞节,BayEcho Association的Teenager们为了让BayEcho的家长们更深刻的了解美国大学生活,揭开那些“神秘”的面纱,老大面向他的同学做了一个社会调查,让大学生们谈谈他们自己的大学生活和感想,老大共寄给我了7个这学生的回答,里面谈学校,谈drug,谈喝酒,谈大学和中学的比较,我自己看完后很多感想。我会一个一个把学生的回答都贴出来,让家长们对这些大学的内幕了解一番。


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[世界日报]性侵舉報處置 55大學被查


被調查的大學既有公立也有私立,包括規模龐大和公立的俄亥俄州立大學、安娜堡密西根大學和亞利桑納州立大學,也有伊利諾州的諾克斯(Knox)學院、賓州的Swarthmore學院,和華府的美國天主教大學等私立學校。教育部表示,將對被調查的學校隨時做出說明,如有必要將公布調查細節。 Continue reading


许吉如是清华大学2010级本科国际班学生,曾到哈佛大学本科生院开展为期一年的交流学习。本文是她完成哈佛春季学期学习后所写的交流总结,其中心得感悟,值得深思。 Continue reading

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