zt:美大学公布早申请录取数据 哈佛录取率创4年新低

美大学公布早申请录取数据 哈佛录取率创4年新低

  从上周开始,美国大学陆续公布了2015年早申请录取(Early Decision,简称ED)数据。哈佛今年早申录取977人,录取率创四年来新低;申请斯坦福大学人数逾七千人,为有史以来最多;杜克大学、布朗大学、达特茅斯学院录取率有所增长。 Continue reading








  Ulrich Boser,这个中心参与撰写这份报告的高级研究员表示,该数据与最近电影里经常出现的学校生活犹如高压锅一样的形象不符。尽管有压力的孩子肯定多多少少的存在,Boser说但是“大部分地区的美国学生的学校作业都不是很多。” [转自天道留学


School is too easy, students report

Millions of kids simply don’t find school very challenging, a new analysis of federal survey data suggests. The report could spark a debate about whether new academic standards being piloted nationwide might make a difference.

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2014-2015 season of the USA Computing Olympiad

As in past years, the USACO is planning several on-line programming contests this season (we will be running four contests instead of the usual six in order to give our staff time for upgrades in our infrastructure and training systems).  The schedule is as follows: Continue reading

Springlight 2014 AIME Course Introduction

Math competitions are highly valued for
  1. Colleges: Many top schools like MIT, Caltech, and Yale ask for scores.
  2. Job Interviews: Many top companies ask math questions as a test of number sense and basic skills.
  3. Creative problem solving: Math competitions are one of the only tools that allow students to practice ways of solving complex “unbreakable” problems and fosters these skills for real world work.
Be prepare for the math competitions for
AMC 10 A/12 A –Tuesday, February 3, 2015
AMC 10 B/12 B — Wednesday, February 25, 2015
AIME I — Thursday, March 19, 2015
AIME II — Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Springlight 2014 AIME Course

early to receive 10% discount
Instructor: Andrew Cui
Contact information: 408-366-2204, spring.light.edu@gmail.com
Fee: $800 (10% off if register and pay by Nov. 1st).
Registration HERE .
Drop the check to SpringLight’s office or pay online via paypal or quickpay to the account spring.light.edu@gmail.com
Small group 4 to 10 students. Private lessons and smaller groups also available, inquire for more details.
Friday, 7:00 to 9:00pm, Nov. 7th, 2014 to Mar. 13th, 2015 (total 16 sessions. no class on Nov. 28th, Dec. 26 and Jan. 2)
1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129
For Whom?
This AIME course is aimed at those students with AMC 10/12 scores of 100+ to students who have scored around 5 on the AIME.
This class will focus mostly on building strong basics in the four main pillars of Combinatorics, Number Theory, Geometry, and Algebra before moving on to general problem solving strategies and tips.  The goal is for students to obtain the mental agility required to tackle these complex problems and hopefully get them within and past range of qualification for the USAMO and USAJMO, or around 9 problems.
This course will be organized in the following three parts: Basics, Supplementals, Problem Solving Strategies.
Days 1-4: Combinatorics, Number Theory, Geometry, and Algebra
Days 5-12: Supplemental topics like trigonometry, some complex number methods, and graph theory will be covered with backing from the ArtOfProblemSolving books and other resources.
Days 13-16: The class will focus on how to target the mid-range problems of 6 to about 12 and what strategies are needed to get a handle and a good direction to start solving these problems.
Course Objectives
  1. Improve student scores by working on both fundamental theorems and ideas as well as problem solving strategies.
  2. Foster creative problem solving strategies
  3. Make the USA(J)MO!!!
Focus on basic concepts and essential knowledge before moving on developing the skills and intuition to find and pursue good lines of attack for complex problems.
The instructor does not plan to give any official homework for the class, instead, students are expected to complete all of the previous 20+ AIME contests, which is over 60 hours of practice. He is open to questions on any previous AIME, and will be happy to go over “homework”. The reason for this is that many students have completed the previous AIME contests so they are not the best class materials, but they are still the best practice by far, and should be completed by anyone seriously considering passing the AIME.


Instructor: Andrew Cui
Andrew Cui is the top senior at Lynbrook High school  with experience teaching Mathcounts classes at Miller Middle and has done extensive tutoring through Lynbrook’s STARR program as well SpringLight.
In addition he has performed well on multiple math and science contests. He is also an officer of Lynbrook’s math club.

• USAMO 2014 (top 266 in nation)
• USAJMO 2013 (top 231 9th and 10th graders in nation)
• AIME 2011-2014 top score of 11 (354th in nation by score)
• USAPHO silver 2014
• BAMO 2nd place 2011 HM 2012
• SCVMA – Santa Clara Valley Math

10th Place Calculus(2014)
 1st Place Pre-Calculus (2013)
6th Place Algebra II (2012)

Finally, Andrew has taken 8 AP’s including all three Physics, Calc BC, and Computer Science with all 5’s.












US News专业排名不等于就业专业排名


文理学院Liberal Arts College与综合大学混合排名


  1. 下面是具体各行业的大学排名 (美国大学排名)
  2. 金融(Finance Professionals)
  3. 宾夕法尼亚大学 University of Pennsylvania
  4. 耶鲁大学 Yale University
  5. 乔治城大学 Georgetown University
  6. 普林斯顿大学 Princeton University
  7. 哥伦比亚大学 Columbia University
  8. 纽约大学 New York University
  9. 杜克大学 Duke University
  10. 哈佛大学 Harvard University
  11. 康奈尔大学 Cornell University
  12. 达特茅斯学院 Dartmouth College
  13. 圣母大学 University of Notre Dame
  14. 维克森林大学 Wake Forest University
  15. 维拉诺瓦大学 Villanova University
  16. 波士顿学院 Boston College
  17. 卫斯理学院 Wellesley College
  18. 阿默斯特学院 Amherst College
  19. 布朗大学 Brown University
  20. 里海大学 Lehigh University
  21. 莱斯大学 Rice University
  22. 卡耐基梅隆大学 Carnegie Mellon University
  23. 麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  24. 罗格斯大学 Rutgers University-New Brunswick
  25. 埃默里大学 Emory University
  26. 北卡罗来纳州大学教堂山分校 UNC at Chapel Hill
  27. 密歇根大学 University of Michigan

投资银行(Investment Banking)

  1. 乔治城大学 Georgetown University
  2. 宾夕法尼亚大学 University of Pennsylvania
  3. 耶鲁大学 Yale University
  4. 杜克大学 Duke University
  5. 哥伦比亚大学 Columbia University
  6. 普林斯顿大学 Princeton University
  7. 纽约大学 New York University
  8. 卫斯理学院 Wellesley College
  9. 康奈尔大学 Cornell University
  10. 达特茅斯学院 Dartmouth College
  11. 哈佛大学 Harvard University
  12. 阿默斯特学院 Amherst College
  13. 布朗大学 Brown University
  14. 波士顿学院 Boston College
  15. 埃默里大学 Emory University
  16. 圣母大学 University of Notre Dame
  17. 芝加哥大学 The University of Chicago
  18. 明德学院 Middlebury College
  19. 莱斯大学 Rice University
  20. 密歇根大学 University of Michigan
  21. 范德堡大学 Vanderbilt University
  22. 弗吉尼亚大学 University of Virginia
  23. 加州大学伯克利分校 University of California, Berkeley
  24. 西北大学 Northwestern University
  25. 南卫理公会大学 Southern Methodist University
  1. 宾夕法尼亚大学 University of Pennsylvania
  2. 密歇根大学 University of Michigan
  3. 哈佛大学 Harvard University
  4. 纽约大学 New York University
  5. 康奈尔大学 Cornell University
  6. 乔治城大学 Georgetown University
  7. 斯坦福大学 Stanford University
  8. 加州大学伯克利分校 University of California, Berkeley
  9. 西北大学 Northwestern University
  10. 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 The University of Texas at Austin
  11. 凤凰城大学 University of Phoenix
  12. 北卡罗来纳州大学教堂山分校 UNC at Chapel Hill
  13. 埃默里大学 Emory University
  14. 弗吉尼亚大学 University of Virginia
  15. 圣母大学 University of Notre Dame
  16. 罗格斯大学 Rutgers University-New Brunswick
  17. 宾州州立大学 Penn State University
  18. 华盛顿大学 University of Washington
  19. 圣何塞州立大学 San Jose State University
  20. 哥伦比亚大学 Columbia University
  21. 迈阿密大学 Miami University
  22. 杨百翰大学 Brigham Young University
  23. 明尼苏达大学 University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
  24. 杜克大学 Duke University
  25. 雪城大学 Syracuse University


会计(Accounting Professionals)

1.维拉诺瓦大学 Villanova University
2. 圣母大学 University of Notre Dame
3. 波士顿学院 Boston College
4. 里海大学 Lehigh University
5. 埃默里大学 Emory University
6. 南加州大学 University of Southern California
7. 费尔菲尔德大学 Fairfield University
8. 圣塔克拉拉大学 Santa Clara University
9. 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 UIUC
10. 维克森林大学 Wake Forest University
11. 北卡罗来纳州大学教堂山分校 UNC at Chapel Hill
12. 雪城大学 Syracuse University
13. 本特利大学 Bentley University
14. 巴克内尔大学 Bucknell University
15. 佛罕大学 Fordham University
16. 耶希瓦大学 Yeshiva University
17. 加州大学伯克利分校 University of California, Berkeley
18. 杨百翰大学 Binghamton University
19. 里奇蒙大学 University of Richmond
20. 马里兰洛约拉大学 Loyola University Maryland
21. 圣十字学院 College of the Holy Cross
22. 马里兰大学帕克分校 University of Maryland College Park
23. 威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 University of Wisconsin-Madison
24. 威廉玛丽学院 The College of William and Mary
25. 麻省大学阿默斯特分校 University of Massachusetts, Amherst

软件开发(Software developers)

1.卡耐基梅隆大学 Carnegie Mellon University
2. 加利福尼亚理工学院 California Institute of Technology
3. 康奈尔大学 Cornell University
4. 麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
5. 普林斯顿大学 Princeton University
6. 加州大学伯克利分校 University of California, Berkeley
7. 华盛顿大学 University of Washington
8. 杜克大学 Duke Univeristy
9. 密歇根大学 University of Michigan
9. 斯坦福大学 Standford University
11. 加州大学洛杉矶分校 UCLA
12. 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 UIUC
13. 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 The University of Texas at Austin
14. 布朗大学 Brown University
15. 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 University of California, San Diego
16. 哈佛大学 Harvard University
17. 莱斯大学 Rice University
18. 宾夕法尼亚大学 University of Pennsylvania
19. 亚利桑那大学 University of Arizona
20. 哈维姆德学院 Harvey Mudd College
21. 德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校 The University of Texas at Dallas
22. 圣何塞州立大学 San Jose State University
23. 南加州大学 University of Southern California
24. 圣路易斯华盛顿大学 Washington University in St. Louis
25. 罗彻斯特理工学院 Rochester Institute of Technology

创业公司软件开发(Software Sevelopers at Startups)

1.斯坦福大学 Stanford University
2. 麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3. 布朗大学 Brown University
4. 普林斯顿大学 Princeton University
5. 加州大学伯克利分校 University of California, Berkeley
6. 卡耐基梅隆大学 Carnegie Mellon University
7. 哈佛大学 Harvard University
8. 康奈尔大学 Cornell University
9. 哥伦比亚大学 Columbia University
10. 弗吉尼亚大学 University of Virginia
11. 马里兰大学帕克分校 University of Maryland College Park
12. 加州大学洛杉矶分校 UCLA
13. 罗切斯特理工学院 Rochester Institute of Technology
14. 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 University of California, San Diego
15. 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 UIUC

媒体(Media Professionals)

 1.纽约大学 New York University
2. 霍夫斯特拉大学 Hofstra University
3. 杜克大学 Duke University
4. 霍华德大学 Howard University
5. 西北大学 Northwestern University
6. 雪城大学 Syracuse University
7. 昆尼皮亚克大学 Quinnipiac University
8. 佛罕大学 Fordham University
9. 耶鲁大学 Yale University
10.布朗大学 Brown University
11. 康奈尔大学 Cornell University
12. 哥伦比亚大学 Columbia University
13. 罗格斯大学 Rutgers University-New Brunswick
14. 宾夕法尼亚大学 University of Pennsylvania
15. 乔治城大学 Georgetown University
16. 乔治华盛顿大学 The George Washington University
17. 迈阿密大学 University of Miami
18. 东北大学 Northeastern University
19. 南加州大学 University of Southern California
20. 伊萨卡学院 Ithaca College
21. 马里兰大学帕克分校 University of Maryland College Park
22. 哈佛大学 Harvard University
23. 宾州州立大学 Penn State University
24. 德拉华大学 University of Delaware
25. 加州大学洛杉矶分校 UCLA


 1.卡内基梅隆大学 Carnegie Mellon University
2. 视觉艺术学院 School of Visual Arts
3. 创意研究学院 College for Creative Studies
4. 设计艺术中心学院 Art Center College of Design
5. 华盛顿大学 University of Washington
6. 斯坦福大学 Stanford University
7. 灵林艺术设计学院 Ringling College of Art and Design
8. 辛辛那提大学 University of Cincinnati
9. 萨凡纳艺术设计学院 Savannah College of Art and Design
10. 圣何塞州立大学 San Jose State University
11. 罗德岛设计学院 Rhode Island School of Design
12. 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 The University of Texas at Austin
13. 雪城大学 Syracuse University
14. 俄勒冈州立大学 Oregon State University
15. 旧金山艺术大学 Academy of Art University
16. 普瑞特艺术学院 Pratt Institute
17. 帕森斯设计学院 Parsons School of Design
18. 德拉华大学 University of Delaware
19. 康奈尔大学 Cornell University
20. 加州大学洛杉矶分校 UCLA
21. 波士顿大学 Boston University
22. 佐治亚理工学院 Georgia Institute of Technology
23. 宾州州立大学 Penn State University
24. 休斯顿大学 University of Houston
25. 密歇根大学 University of Michigan

美國200所大學2014年春天起将測試大學畢業生就業能力 — CLA+



專家說,這種大學學習評估測驗(Collegiate Learning Assessment,CLA),根據一套標準,為重要的思考技能提供客觀評分,學生也能藉此向雇主自我推銷。



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路透社周四刊登题为《透视硅谷创业圈:出身很重要》(Insight: In Silicon Valley start-up world, pedigree counts)的评论文章称,虽然硅谷号称“只看能力,不看背景”,但在实际运作过程中,人脉和出身却在创业过程中发挥着至关重要的作用。尽管硅谷也出现过乔布斯这种平民出身的业界大亨,但这其实这能算是例外,绝非常态。换句话说,这些创始人要么在大型科技公司担任过要职,要么曾经任职于人脉深厚的小公司,要么已经有过成功的创业经历,要么出身于三大名校之一:斯坦福、哈佛和麻省理工。中文由新浪科技思远翻译。




风险投资家本·霍洛维茨(Ben Horowitz)资助过成百上千白手起家的创业者,但要让他列出其中最令人瞩目的一个,他还是毫不犹豫地说出一个名字:克里斯蒂安·格奥尔基(Christian Gheorghe)。

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Bill Gates和他妈妈的介绍 The Incredible Benefits of Introducing Others

Until recently, I didn’t know that Bill Gates might owe a chunk of his early success to his mom. It turns out that Mary Gates sat on the United Way board along with John Akers, who became IBM’s CEO. Mary suggested to Akers that IBM did not sufficiently appreciate some of the smaller firms in the computer industry, and eventually IBM started taking proposals from such firms, among them the fledgling Microsoft firm.

Mary Gates is an example of the best type of person you can engage: someone who already has a valuable network of his or her own. At the same time, you also want to help people who are just starting out; what goes around comes around.

Think of yourself as a talent scout. Never stop watching for people who might mesh in a good way with others whom you know.

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[世界日报]共同核心課程 明年全州採用


加州在2010年採用數學與英語的全國新標準,2014年將於州內全面實施。共同核心(Common Core)標準被稱為美國教育歷史上影響最深遠的嘗試,實施之後,將徹底改變學校的教學與對學生的評定,更注重判斷思維與分析,不再依賴如今以考試為基礎的教學模式。

「Ed Trust West」執行主任拉曼納森(Arun Ramanathan)接受新美國傳媒訪問時表示,儘管新課程成功與否仍取決於學區、公眾對改變的預備是否完善,共同核心標準是值得歡迎的改變,特別是對加州特殊需求學生。



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