



1799 Winchester Blvd. Campbell, Ca 95008


On the first Saturday of the month, Hector Moreno, Jr. and Associates will be available for FREE legal advice and assistance relating to family law, criminal law, personal injury and civil/religious liberty issues. This service is available to anyone in need. First come, first served, from 8:00am to noon in the Koinonia Koffeehouse. For more information: 408-370-1500.


申请大学助学金的表 The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) 最早可以递交是在每年的一月一日。不少大学要求学生在1月递交。截止日期是6月30日,或春季班结束日,也许会更早。  有的州要求在2月中,有的州要求在3月初作为拿到州奖助学金state grant money的截止日期。也有的州是先到先得,直到钱掏空。有的大学设立很早的截止日期。申请早的学生容易拿到助学金。

然而,FAFSA 中要问到的许多税务问题是无法在一月就能报税报得出来的。



1/ 通常1098, 1099 and W-2 forms在二月初才能收到. ( IRS 要求寄出这些表的截止日期是1月 31日.)


2/ 有的报税者,要延长报税日的4月15日到十月15日。

朋友,请不要等到报完税才递交FAFSA。你可以先用估计的数字来填写,以后等报完税再改错。 注意,请 check the “will file” box. 这样,教育部会在四月发给你email 提醒你在报完税后更新FAFSA 的内容。

估算可以根据这一年的最后一张工资单以及财务公司和银行brokerage/bank account statements. 你可以参照去年的税表,不要忽略一些很主要的收入来源. 但是,不要用去年的税表代替今年的来填写. 提供的收入数据要尽可能准确。

如果你报完税不更新FAFSA,你的 FAFSA可能会被选中要提交各种证明,包括各种文件来证明你填写的各种数据。有的大学会验证30%的表,有些大学甚至会验证所有的表。




石榴很好看,也很好吃,但就是吃起来很麻烦:去皮,去籽,把汁一粒粒吸下。今天带了一篮子石榴去妈妈成长班,一位姐妹说,可以连籽一起吃的,而且籽的营养价值也很高。下午回家后就上网查了查,果不其然。(见虚线下)咱就用blender 打汁,很好喝啊。

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Building Relationships through Family Fun. 快乐家庭--青少年的家庭建立和谐关系活动

teenager和父母的沟通永远是个令人头痛的话题。中国人,美国人都一样。在Campbell 的Home Church 从9月开始,每月一次Youth United的活动非常生动活泼,提供了一个青少年和父母都能敞开分享自己的想法的机会,收到了很好的效果。

下周日的主题是Building Relationships through Family Fun。通过亲子游戏来加强亲子沟通和关系。




 时间:11/13/2011 9:00am

地点:1799 Winchester Blvd, Campbell, CA

             Omega Room









2. 美国公民和美国公民结婚。配偶之间没有赠与税和遗产税的问题。

3. 美国公民和非美国公民结婚。美国公民给他或她非公民的配偶转移资产的话,要付赠与税或遗产税。


赠与税有两种给法:一是每年的。现在(2009-今)每年每人可赠与每一个人的免税额是1.3万(2008年是1.2万),不限接受人的人数,不限总赠与额。时间限于calendar year。二是一生的。一个人一生总总赠与额是1百万。






我 们中国人早年来美国留学或亲属移民来到美国,从无到有,从最初的读书到学位,拿身份,创业。成家立业后,不少人又回国创业,所谓海龟。他们在海外开始投资 置产等等。有人成了公民,有人坚守绿卡。随着中国经济的发展,越来越多的先富起来的国人到美国投资置产。每一种身份,国税局制定的税法都有所不同。

我 们都知道美国的法律很多很细,可以说是五花八门,要非常的小心。在中国,父母打孩子一耳光,警察不会理的;在美国,却是犯罪。在中国,随便送人多少钱,没 人会关心;在美国,一年给别人的钱超过一万三(2009年至今),超过部分是要交税的,而且是赠与的人付税。不论你是不是美国公民,只要你的脚踏上了美国的土 地,就要遵守美国的法律。不了解,谈不上遵守。一不小心,就会赔了夫人又折兵,陷入美国税法的陷阱里。



一下转自California Life & Health Insurance Guarantee Association

What happens when my insurance company goes out of business?
In most cases, a guarantee association will continue coverage as long as premiums are paid or cash value exists. It may do this directly, or, most often, it may transfer the policy to another insurance company. In any case, policyholders should continue making premium payments to keep their coverage in force.
How is policy coverage determined?
Coverage is determined by California law and policy language at the time the guarantee association is activated to provide protection (when the member insurer is found to be insolvent and ordered liquidated by a court). In light of changes in the law and the dramatic variations in policy language, the association cannot make statements regarding coverage of a specific policy unless it is a policy with a company for which the association has been activated to provide protection.
What is the California Life & Health Insurance Guarantee Association?
The California Life & Health Insurance Guarantee Association is an association of all insurance companies licensed to sell life insurance, health insurance, and annuities in California. Created by state law, it provides limited protection to policyholders when an insurance company licensed in California to sell life insurance, health insurance, and annuities becomes insolvent.
What protection do I have if my life or health insurance company becomes insolvent?
The Guarantee Association provides LIMITED PROTECTION of your life, health, and annuity benefits if, at the time your insurance company becomes insolvent, you are a California resident policyholder, or if you are the beneficiary, assignee, or payee of such policyholder regardless of your residency.
What kinds of insurance policies does the Guarantee Association protect?
Life insurance policies, health insurance policies, and annuity contracts are protected subject to certain conditions and limitations.
How is protection provided?
Protection can be provided in several different ways. For example, the Guarantee Association may provide coverage directly. Or, a financially sound insurer may take over the insolvent company’s assets and policies, and assume responsibility for continuing coverage and paying covered claims. In some situations, the Guarantee Association may work with other state guarantee associations to develop an overall plan to provide protection for the insolvent insurer’s policyholders. The amount of protection provided, and when you receive it depend on the particular arrangement worked out for handling the insolvent insurer’s obligations.
What kinds of plans, policies, and benefits are not protected by the Guarantee Association?
Policies sold by insurers not licensed to do business in California; policies issued by medical, health, or dental care service corporations; managed care plans; self-insured employer plans; fraternal benefit society insurance certificates; policy benefits the insurer does not guarantee–for example, the non-guaranteed portion of a variable life insurance contract sold by prospectus, or benefits for which the individual has assumed the risk; guaranteed interest rate yields that exceed the rate specified by the California Life & Health Insurance Guarantee Association Act; most unallocated annuity contracts; and charitable gift annuities. Other less commonly known types of insurance policies, and certain types of benefits provided under insurance policies or annuities are also not protected. If you are unsure if your policy is protected you should contact your insurer.
Are covered life insurance and annuity policies fully protected?
No. The maximum amount of protection for which the Guarantee Association may become liable for life insurance and annuity policies is as follows: Life insurance death benefit protection: 80% of the policy death benefit up to a maximum of $250,000; Life insurance net cash surrender and net cash withdrawal values: 80% of the policy value up to a maximum of $100,000; Present value of annuity benefits including net cash surrender and net cash withdrawal values: 80% of the present value up to a maximum of $100,000. Life insurance benefits including net cash surrender and net cash withdrawal values, and annuity benefits including net cash surrender and net cash withdrawal values are subject to interest rate adjustments. Generally, interest rate reductions are made when an insolvent insurer promised a rate of interest in excess of that provided for in the California Life & Health Insurance Guarantee Association Act. The maximum total amount the Guarantee Association will provide for any one individual for life insurance and annuity coverage is $250,000, even if that individual is covered by multiple life insurance policies and annuities.
I have a $250,000 life insurance policy. If I die after my insurance company becomes insolvent, what will my beneficiary receive?
Your beneficiary will be entitled to receive protection from the Guarantee Association in an amount up to $200,000 (80% of $250,000).
The cash surrender value of my life insurance policy is $135,000. If my company becomes insolvent, how much will be protected?
You will be entitled to receive protection from the Guarantee Association in an amount up to $100,000 (80% of $135,000 or $108,000, then reduced to the maximum benefit of $100,000). Interest rate adjustments could further reduce the amount you are entitled to recover.
If I bought three annuities each worth $100,000 from a company that becomes insolvent, how much is protected?
Only $100,000–that is the maximum amount protected by the Guarantee Association for all annuities you purchased from a single insurer.
My spouse and I each have an annuity contract worth $75,000. Does the $100,000 limit apply to us jointly?
No. The limit applies to you and your spouse separately. You and your spouse would have combined total protection of up to $120,000. Each spouse receives up to $60,000 (80% of $75,000). Interest rate adjustments could further reduce the amount you are entitled to recover.
Is my claim against the insolvent insurer affected by the Guarantee Association?
Yes. If you receive benefits from the Guarantee Association, you are deemed to have assigned your rights under the covered policy to the Guarantee Association to the extent of benefits received. The Guarantee Association may require an assignment of such rights prior to providing benefits to any person. The law provides that the Guarantee Association is a creditor of the insolvent insurer to the extent of assets attributable to covered policies. Also, the Guarantee Association has the right of subrogation, and the other equitable and legal remedies available to the policyholder.
Does the Guarantee Association protect my Individual Retirement Annuity (IRA)?
Yes. Assuming all other conditions are met, it is protected up to the limit set for an annuity.
Are covered health insurance policies fully protected?
No. The health insurance protection for which the Guarantee Association may become liable shall be the contractual obligations for which the insurer is liable or would have been liable if it were not an insolvent insurer, up to a maximum benefit of approximately $200,000. This maximum limit is subject to increase or decrease based upon changes in the health care cost component of the consumer price index. Again, some health insurance, like that provided by managed care organizations and associations, is not protected by the Guarantee Association.
I have life and health insurance coverage through my employer. Am I protected?
If your employer bought a group life or health insurance policy covering you from an insurer licensed in this state, then you are protected up to the limits described above. If you belong to a "self-insured" health plan–meaning your employer, not an insurer, provides the coverage through what is called an "ERISA plan," or a self-insured plan, you are not protected by the Guarantee Association.
How will I know if my life or health insurance company has become insolvent?
You will receive official notification from the Department of Insurance of the insurer’s state of domicile if the Insurance Commissioner or a court declares your insurance company to be insolvent.
How long will I have to wait to receive the protection provided by the Guarantee Association?
The Guarantee Association will endeavor to provide protection as promptly as possible. Delays are sometimes necessary to sort out the affairs of the insolvent insurer. As a result, you may have to wait several months before receiving the protections provided by law.
Where does the Guarantee Association get the money to provide this protection?
No tax dollars are used to provide this protection. The law authorizes the Guarantee Association to assess all life and health insurance companies licensed to do business in California for the funds necessary to provide the protection.
Does it matter where I live?
The Guarantee Association limits protection to policy owners who are residents of California at the time the insurance company becomes insolvent. However, it does not matter where the payees or beneficiaries live.
What if I move to another state after buying insurance?
Generally speaking, the Guarantee Association of the state in which the policy owner lives at the time the company becomes insolvent provides protection. Although all 50 states plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have Guarantee Associations, the amount of protection may vary. If you move to another state, you should contact the Department of Insurance or Guarantee Association in that state for more information.
I am a resident of California and I have a policy issued by an insurance company that is not licensed in California. Will I receive protection if this insurance company becomes insolvent?
The Guarantee Association only protects policies issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in California. You may, however, be entitled to receive protection from the Guarantee Association located in the insolvent company’s home state. You should contact the Department of Insurance or Guarantee Association in that state for more information.
How can I find out if my company is licensed in California?
Call the Department of Insurance at 1-800-927-HELP begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-800-927-HELP      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-800-927-HELP      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-800-927-HELP      end_of_the_skype_highlighting, or 213-897-8921 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              213-897-8921      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              213-897-8921      end_of_the_skype_highlighting from the Los Angeles area. The Department maintains records of all insurance companies licensed to do business in the state.
Why hasn’t my agent or company told me more about the Guarantee Association?
Insurers and agents are prohibited by state law from using the existence of the Guarantee Association to sell, solicit or induce the purchase of any form of insurance. This is because the protection is limited, and in some cases there is no protection at all. The existence of the Guarantee Association, therefore, is not and should not be a substitute for your prudent selection of an insurance company that is well managed and financially stable.
How can I get more information about the Guarantee Association?
The purpose of this website is to help you understand the general nature and conditions of life, health, and annuity policy protection provided by the Guarantee Association. It is only a summary, however, and if you have any questions that are not answered here, you may contact the Guarantee Association or the Department of Insurance: California Life & Health Insurance Guarantee Association, PO Box 16860, Beverly Hills, CA 90209-3319; California Department of Insurance, Consumer Communications Bureau, 300 South Spring Street, South Tower, Los Angeles, CA 90013. The intent of this website is to explain briefly, in non-technical language, how the Guarantee Association provides protection to policyholders in the event their insurance company becomes insolvent. This website does not attempt to describe every aspect of Guarantee Association coverage, and some exceptions and limitations may not be described. For a definitive statement of the laws governing the Guarantee Association, you must refer to the California Life & Health Insurance Guarantee Association Act. The Act can be found in California Insurance Code section 1067 et. seq. If there is any inconsistency between this website and any applicable law, then such law will control.


医疗改革对HSA,FSA, HRA, MSA 帐户的影响。

How health care reform is changing health care spending accounts 

The health care reform law is affecting the following health care spending accounts:

  • Health care flexible spending account (FSA)
  • Health reimbursement arrangement (HRA)
  • Health savings account (HSA)
  • Archer medical savings account (MSA)  Continue reading

蓝十字公司Anthem Blue Cross 十月一日要涨价。



1. 医疗技术的发达而带来的可能的高的费用。

2.医疗服务费的inflation 超出了其他经济指数的inflation。





介绍一种 加州的 低保费 对中等收入家庭的 孕期 保险计划 AIM.

The AIM Program is low-cost health care coverage for pregnant women. Their newborns may be covered by the Healthy Families Program. AIM is for middle-income families who don’t have health insurance and whose income is too high for no-cost Medi-Cal. AIM is also available to those who have health insurance if their deductible or co-payment for maternity services is more than $500. If you are enrolled in AIM, your baby is eligible for enrollment in Healthy Families unless your baby is enrolled in employer-sponsored insurance or no-cost Medi-Cal.

