心灵呼唤 – 看北京心灵呼唤残废人艺术团演出有感

星期四的时候接到朋友J的电话, 说北京心灵呼唤残疾人艺术团来旧金山的演出,问我想不想去。她这么热心的帮助这次活动,我想想支持一下也不错,就买了票带爸妈去看演出。

演出是星期五晚上。整台节目都不错,尤其令人感动的是残疾人艺术团演员们身残志坚的精神和乐观向上的信念。我们和许许多多观众一样,不停地为他们鼓掌。用 我妈后来的话来说,手都拍麻了。直到主持人提醒我们很多的演员生活在无声的世界里,我们的掌声他们是听不见的。陪伴他们舞蹈的音乐声对他们来说也是一片寂 静。他们学习排练这些舞蹈花了一年半的时间,通过把手放在播放音乐的大音箱上感受振动来学习节奏,通过看舞蹈老师的手势来协调动作。对他们来说,短短的一 句问候都要用一个多月的时间才学会发音。。。现场的观众被深深的感动着,这时主持人要求把剧场的灯光都打开,让演员们可以看到观众对他们的回应,现场的观 众们都举起双手,向演员们伸出了大拇指,告诉他们,“你们太棒了!”

回家的路上,我们都有很多的感慨。妈妈说:“本来只是想支持一下,结果自己感受到很多心灵的感动。”我爸说:“我们要珍惜生命,多回归自身,做自己的功课。” 我非常感恩有这样一次机会可以和爸妈分享这些残疾人艺术团演员们带来的生命感悟。

感恩,我们能够得到健康的人身,是多么幸运的事情。古话说“暇满人身最难得”。 每天起床,想到自己还健康的活着,真的是很感恩很满足的事情了。若能常记起这一条,真是会天天生活在感恩的世界里。

平等。这些残疾人员演员们大声说出心里的愿望,他们并不祈求我们的同情。他们希望的是我们的平等对待。通过他们舞台上倾注着激情和汗水的演出,我深深感受 到生命的尊严和平等。灵魂,是完整的,与外貌,肢体,五官,成就无关。我们平时与人相处,太过执着外相,容易浮浅的对人定论和贴标签。而他们的演出,短短 的时间加深了我对存在的领悟和对生命的敬畏。

珍惜。任何事情都在变化。五感,五官,肢体,都有他们衰退变化的规律恶。世间无常,我们感叹他人的残疾时,谁也不能保证自己的一切功能就永远像现在这样健 康。生老病死是世间的必然规律。每一次见证生命的无常就是我们的福报。这些可爱的坚强的演员们,用不健全的身体反而更完整地诠释了生命。我忘了执着,忘了 成见,用像小爱丽丝那样充满惊叹的心态来观摩。我感觉自己的灵魂飞向他们,去触摸那生命的律动。他们在我眼里是带着使命的人。他们用灵魂之舞引来心灵的呼 唤-生命坚强,无限可能,走向内心就是走向光明。能够用健全的感官和身体来提升自己,才是真的珍惜生命。

成功。我们太习惯于这个社会带来的思维定势,成败论英雄。总是在汲汲营营,连生命都变成了一种商品,标价出售。人生不在于抓得一手好牌,也不在于赢得一场 牌局。而在于你能不能把抓到的这手牌打好。在我眼里,这些接受自己的身体的残障,在自己有限的生命中怒放的残疾演员们就是成功的。

回到家里,J 打来电话,问我们节目看得如何,谢谢我们支持。妈妈分享了她的感动。




健康, 快乐, 能量 – 青年成长加强营免费体验课

健康, 快乐, 能量 – 青年成长加强营免费体验课

Come join us to learn about tendencies of our mind, stress management teachniques, and ways to enhance energy. Expecting to experience low impact Yoga, stress releasing breathing teachniques, short guided meditaiton, etc. Event is for 18 years and above.

Sunday Oct 21 4-5pm

Cupertino Center

10601 S De Anza Blvd #105

Cupertino, CA 95014

RSVP: http://secure.artofliving.org/event_details.aspx?event_id=104103

青年成长加强营 Yesplus workshop Oct 13 – Oct 15 放松心灵, 自我成长,提高情商, 开发潜能

青年成长加强营 Yesplus workshop Oct 13 – Oct 15 放松心灵, 自我成长,提高情商, 开发潜能


We believe everyone has an enlightened side, full of confidence, clarity and a sense of belonging. Our workshops provide tangible tools to free the mind of stress, worry and anxiety while helping people move from temporary to sustainable happiness.

Benefits of the workshop:
•Reduce stress
•Strengthen the immune system
•Enhance brain function for greater concentration, focus, and creativity
•Improve interpersonal relationships
•Increase confidence and self-esteem
•Relieve depression and anxiety
•Improve overall health and well-being
•Experience a deep inner peace of mind


1. 減輕壓力(減少可體松(壓力荷爾蒙)
2. 增強免疫系統
3. 減少膽固醇
4. 緩和焦慮與憂鬱(輕度、中度與重度)
5. 增強抗氧化的保護能力
6. 強化腦力(增強心智的專注、寧靜、從緊張興奮的刺激中恢復的復原力)
7. 增強健康、滿足與平和的心靈

声震旧金山 – Yoga Rave 音乐Party

不容错过! 十月十二日周五的晚上来参加旧金山的Yoga rave 音乐派对吧。来自阿根廷的著名乐队 “So What Project” 以其令人激动的音乐和演出,带动年轻人的热情, 绝对别具一格哦!Yoga rave 音乐会火爆南美,纽约,芝加哥,等地。这次来到旧金山,不要错过!

Yoga Rave party http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQw4ADAzAko
Yoga Rave FB: http://www.facebook.com/events/411679092229545/permalink/416233251774129/

Buy Tickets Here: http://yogaraveus.inticketing.com/events/251516
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQw4ADAzAko


九月二十九日青少年领袖峰会 Youth Leadership Summit

IAHV YES! (Youth Empowerment Seminar) is sponsoring the Youth Leadership Summit at the Carry the Vision Conference focused on Peace and Non-Violence.  
Amazing opportunity for High School Students to take a course led by Bill Herman, Visionary and National Director for YES! for Schools  and Learn Concrete Tools to become Empowered Non-Violent Leaders and attend a talk by Dolores Huerta, co-founder of United Farm Workers!  Event is noteworthy in college applications.

Fee:  $10.00   pre-register here (highly recommended) Saturday September 29, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM   Santa Clara University, 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95053


Here is the website:  




Youth Leadership Summit


Carry The Vision is partnering with Yes! for Schools to provide practical strategies to inspire young people to become Empowered Non-Violent Leaders in their community. YES! for Schools believes that Inherent in a stress-free mind are creative solutions to building a culture of peace and non-violence. When a young person takes responsibility to manage their stress in a healthy way, they discover the human values of commitment, compassion, and cooperation. Each young person is a potential leader. They can lead towards compassion, wisdom and fulfillment or they can lead towards violence. The summit will engage youth in experiential activities that re-awaken the values of commitment, responsibility, creativity and team work — qualities inherent in an Empowered Non-Violent Leader. The young people will also hear inspiring words from Dolores Huerta, co-founder of United Farm Workers and participate, with the adults, in a meaningful dialog that allows all to come away with a simple and profound commitment about how they can use the power of nonviolence to overcome violence with their friends, their families and their communities.
This program is geared toward high school age youth.
In order for the youth leaders to be prepared all youth should pre-register here.
The cost for students under the age of 21 is $10 and includes lunch.


Our Organization
The International Association for Human Values is a volunteer based 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting fundamental human values through education, communication and other outreach programs. The organization has received certification as Independent Charities of America’s – Best Charities.  IAHV works in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

Take a breath bay area!

生活的艺术课给许许多多人减压,提升生命能量,释放负面情绪,提升身心灵。生活导师Rajshree 会在六月十五日到六月十八日给硅谷上一次千人大课.

Art of living senior teacher Rajshree Patel were interviewed by Dingding TV. It’s a nice show about health, happiness,
and awareness. Enjoy the TV show:


Rajshree will conduct Art of living course in the Bay area from June
15 – 18. She will give a free intro talk this Thursday night 6/14 in
Santa Clara at 7pm. Please find out details at:


Art of parenting free workshop in Santa Clara, Cupertino and Fremont

Art of Parenting
Learn the root causes of your child’s behavior and learn a few tips to help your child break these behavioral patterns. Understand your child and help them reach their true potential.

As parents you experience moments when our children
-are not confident
-do not listen to us (or talk back to us)
-whine a lot
-act without focus/concentration
-Express strong negative emotions such as aggressiveness, or anger.

This one hour workshop explains how as parents we can equip ourselves to handle such moments in a positive, loving and effective way. Parents will also learn how breathing techniques can help with parenting. We will also discuss about emotional and mental development, nutrition and food choices, the role of music and art, and social interaction.

Events are happening in three cities from Tuesday to Thursday, free admission

Santa Clara:

When: Tuesday, June 12th | 7-8pm

Where :Yoga and meditation center, 2368 Walsh Ave, Santa Clara, CA


When: Wednesday, June 13th | 7:30-8:30pm

Where :555 Mowry Ave Suite C, Fremont, CA 94555


When: Thursday, June 14th | 7-8pm

Where : 10601 S De Anza Blvd #105, Cupertino, CA 95014