AP Computer Science class starts from 02/08/2014 Sunday

一年内完成JAVA programming 并通过 AP Computer Science A exam 不是梦!
春晖教育自2012秋季开始已经推出了很多期一周一次的JAVA programming课程。在2013和2014年春都有针对 AP Computer Science A exam的课程。每年参加AP CS考试的同学都获得了4或5 分的成绩。
今年教授JAVA 和AP CS的老师Victor Chen是Lynbrook Senior。他不仅在Lynbrook的senior 中数理计算机方面,以及leadership 方面都有很高的声誉,他在春晖教育教的Java 课程非常受同学们的欢迎。她对教学有很大的热忱,课堂气氛活跃,和同学互动良好。
欢迎学了JAVA programming,或者正在学校学JAVA 以及computer science的同学报名参加,预备在今年5月考过 AP Computer Science A。
AP Computer Science class will start from 02/08/2014 Sunday

Course Description:

This class will serve to prepare students for the AP Computer Science A exam in May and also covers AP Computer Science AB material (Data Structures). We will cover AP material such as ArrayLists, Big O, Linear/Binary Search, Sorting, and GridWorld. Besides for that, we will cover Data Structures and material needed in USACO like Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Deques, Binary Search Trees, Heaps (Priority Queues), and Recursion. Some Graphics will be covered as well.

Prerequisite: JAVA programming

Address:1340 S De Anza Blvd. Suite 204, San Jose, CA 95129
Contact: 408-366-2204spring.light.edu@gmail.com
Registration: Click HERE. 
Tuition:$600. (or $50 each class)
Referral Credit: Refer-a-Friend – each save $25

AP Computer Science (test date 5/7) 2/8/15-4/26/15 3:00pm-5:00pm $600/12 sessions Sundays
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