2011年暑假的中国之旅 – 开文的感受(日记)

(2011-06-22 06:42:28)



                              《Back To China Again》
                                              By Kevin Chen


 My first days in China were filled with nostalgia.


  The initial steps I took when I exited that Air Canada plane onto that Shanghai terminal reminded me of all the memories I had of China: the humidity, scorching heat, and the advent of knowing that I’d only be seeing Chinese people for the next one and a half months.


  It was exciting. It has been about three years since I last visited China, and I was anxious to see how my extended family has changed and how they have not.


  My first hours in China were boring. We waited for my father to arrive from his United Airlines flight, a restless three hour sit that my sister, mother, and I barely endured. My sister and I then just walked around, and bought our very first taste of China in three years: the sweet and cooling taste of Iced Red Tea. Ah yes, it was refreshing to get back in the hang of things.


  A few hours later,we arrived at my mother’s side’s house, and quickly my sister and I were spoiled. We didn’t know what to do amidst all of the love that was spilled onto us. We were fed like royalty, and treated like it too. At first we were uncomfortable, at least I was, but then I just accepted it and explained it away as just their way of being hospitable. We loved their love.


  Over the course of the next few days, we shopped around, bought trinkets, bartered, and stood inspecting the gaudy Chinese fashion in front of us. The women there were much more “fobby”, with bands and all dolled up to look like the Japanese models, it seemed like. It was also fun having people discover that we weren’t natives from local city, instead we were from America. It was hard to conceal this truth; our Chinese accent was so heavy with English. We were still able to barter prices down, though, no matter how American we were.


  We also had a family dinner the other day, and Emily and I were quick and excited to drink some white wine. We didn’t get drunk; however we got buzzed enough to make the night a pretty interesting one. After the dinner, we visited more extended family, and Emily and I came to the conclusion that our family was pretty freaking awesome.


  That concludes my experiences from last 3-4 days.


   To be continue…
















   到达中国的第一个小时无聊至极。我们先到达机场,不得不等待随后抵达机场的父亲,因为他乘坐的飞机是美联航空公司的航班,要比我们晚到三个小时。妈妈、妹 妹和我疲劳困顿,我们勉强支撑这难捱的三个小时,最后,我和妹妹只好在机场闲逛了一大圈,买了两瓶冰红茶。它口味偏甜,清凉可口。这是我三年以后重踏这块 土地,品尝到的第一口中国味道。是啊,这种令人耳目一新的体验还在后面呢。


   几个小时的路途颠簸,我们终于到达了外公外婆家。很快地,我和妹妹就被爱的潮水淹没了。我们不知道如何面对这样的局势,似乎他们要倾囊所有, 把所有关爱都像阳光雨露撒满我们全身。他们像喂猪一样让我们吃这吃那,好像我们在美国过着忍饥挨饿的日子。所有的事情都宠爱有加,类似如此。起初,我们不 舒服,至少我感觉很别扭,但是马上我就能接受了,并且理解为这是中国亲人热情好客的方式。We loved their love


  在回来之后的几天里,我们去附近的商场随便逛逛,买小饰品,小杂货,感受着中国式的时尚、华丽和繁荣。在这里,女性的装扮非常“Fobby”,零零碎碎的 花边蕾丝,挎着名牌皮包,打扮得花枝招展,不仔细看,还以为是日本人或者韩国人。很有趣的是,人们很快就能够发现我和妹妹不是本地人。也难怪,这是无法隐 瞒的事实。我们一开口讲中国话,就不得不掺杂着美语俚语,口音很重。不管是美国人还是中国人,我们照样讨价还价买东西,这个好像不分地域和种族。


   回来后,我们参加了亲人为我们设的晚宴。我和爱美丽很开心。入乡随俗,我们尝试喝了一些白酒,居然没有喝醉。宴会热热闹闹的,我们穿插其中,插科打诨,给 长辈敬酒,说些祝福吉祥的话,让宴会变得更加有趣和热烈。吃过晚饭,我们又去亲戚家拜访姑叔伯婶,吃着水果聊天讲话。我和爱美丽得出结论:我们的家庭真是freaking(他妈的)太棒了













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