
brag sheet & rec letter

美国的孩子一进入最后一年高四就要着手大学申请了,全部申请圣诞节前搞定,来年春天逐步发榜。一般是选择8-10所大学分别申请,包括自己梦寐以求的名校(dream school),理想也现实的学校,以及几所保底的学校。申请过程很繁琐,很多 paper work,因此各种助学机构遍地开花。尤其是在亚裔社区,大家为尽量考取名校都不惜血本。

其中一个环节是请老师和顾问写推荐信(rec letter),可是老师们面对很多学生,学校的顾问要服务上百学生而平时也没多少接触,怎样避免千人一面的程式化推荐信呢?一个普遍的做法是,给顾问和老师写一张 brag sheet,专门吹嘘自己的成就,给推荐信提供素材。这样看来,学会吹牛和推销自己可说是美国孩子必修的功课啊。看看这个吹牛的单子上都有那些条目要填写:



1) Please list the public and private colleges/universities that you will be applying to.

2) For each of the schools listed, please indicate the average GPA and test scores for admissions.

3) Which college is your first choice and why?

4) Describe your educational goals and possible career(s) you envision for yourself.

5) Why do you want to go to college?

6) What are three adjectives that best describe you? Please explain.

7) Which high school courses have you enjoyed most and why?

8) Is your high school record an accurate measure of your ability and potential? If not, why not?

9) How do you spend your time outside of school?


10) Describe your volunteer/community service and approximately how many hours you have completed.

11) What accomplishments are you most proud of?

12) What are you passionate about?

13) Please explain if there are any unusual or personal circumstances that have affected your educational experiences in a positive or negative way?

14) What points or qualities would you like to be included in your letter of recommendation? Responses can include traits from academics, personal life, activities, athletics, community, religious, work experience, special talents, etc.

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