推荐一个非常好的 marriage conference May 4-6

It’s a great marriage seminar that we went three years ago and benefited a lot.

所以今年孩子大点了还想再去,婚姻是不断需要经营的,虽然我们可能是别人眼里的模范夫妻, 但总是有需要改进的地方。
I truly believe it will benefit any couple no matter how long you’ve been married. 🙂

Here is detailed schedule info:

There is a 50% group discount for each person registering through the group link: http://www.familylife.com/groups/svca.

一对couple只要$159, 非常便宜哦!

There will be no childcare provided, but I am asking a day care friend (Lawarence/Bollinger) to help us out. I am leaving the kids to her so that we could attend.

Family Life Presents "Weekend to Remember"


Date: May 4-6, 2012
Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport
1333 Bayshore Hwy
Burlingame, CA 94010-1804


Group Name: SVCA




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