最近问道两个高中12年级的学生有没有考过AMC,回答竟然是“AMC 是什么?电影院吗?”

在Cupertino附近的几所高中,数学老师会要求所有的学生每年参加AMC,美国数学竞赛。不论成败,只要考了,就给credit。所以几乎所 有的学生都会每年考。凡是学生参加考试多的学校 ,考过AMC,到AIME 和USAMO的学生也就相对比较多。也有很多高中,一年里没有一人去参加的。很多时候,不是某些高中的学生考不出,而是不知道有这样的考试,或者不懂得去 准备。能够考过AMC 对申请大学无疑是一个加分,对孩子的数学以及分析问题解决问题的能力也是很大的激励和提高。

Yale  的大学申请表上,在报告SAT,ACT的成绩下面紧接着是问 AMC 10, AMC 12, 以及AIME 的考试年月和分数。

Caltech 不问AMC 10, 但同样要AMC 12, 以及AIME 的考试年月和分数。

MIT的招生官Matt McGann说“When submitted, we do consider AMC/AIME scores. As to what extent they positively impact the application, there’s no way to quantify it, though, like anything else, good stuff is good.”

The AMC 12 covers high school mathematics, and is for students in high school who are under 19.5 years of age.

The AMC 10 covers mathematics normally associated with grades 9 and 10 and is for students under 17.5 years of age who are not enrolled in grades 11, 12 or equivalent.

Both contests are given in a convenient 75-minute interval, is 25 questions in length, with approximately 12 questions in common to both contests. The AMC 10 and AMC 12 are administered in schools in February.

USAMO 不是仅靠努力就可以做到的,但AMC是勤奋加努力可以达到了。

春晖教育开了课, AMC 10 /12 Contest Preparation 数学竞赛班招生 老师背景很强,您的孩子报名了吗?


The AMC 10 covers mathematics normally associated with grades 9 and 10. To challenge students at all grade levels, and with varying mathematical skills, the problems range from fairly easy to extremely difficult. Approximately 12 questions are common to the AMC 10 and AMC 12. The AMC 10 assumes knowledge of elementary algebra; basic geometry knowledge including the Pythagorean Theorem, area and volume formulas; elementary number theory; and elementary probability. What are excluded are trigonometry, advanced algebra, and advanced geometry. We recommend students study prior year copies of the AMC 10 contest and solutions. You can purchase a CD from the AMC with all the previous decade’s contests to see what the AMC 10 contest is like.

The AMC 12 covers the high school mathematics curriculum, excluding calculus. To challenge students at all grade levels, and with varying mathematical skills, the problems range from fairly easy to extremely difficult. Approximately 12 questions are common to the AMC 10 and AMC 12.

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