免费讲座:美国大学毕业生成功指南- 生活与职涯講座

时间:2015 年2月7日,上午11:00-12:00,活动结束後30分钟现场交流



Bay Echo Association 邀请大学毕业校友,分享如何帮助您的孩子在大学毕业後,拥有成功的生活与职涯。活动讲者毕业於美国知名大学,来自於不同的职业背景与兴趣。

本次活动探讨的议题来自於最近热门的讨论,据统计13% 的18 到28岁的年轻人「上市失败」,意指无法过着成人的自立生活;也有研究指出有些美国菁英大学毕业生因为缺乏经验,使得他们独立思考以及行为的能力受限。


• Heidi Chang, 教学设计︱Stanford 研究所&Wellesley 本科| 入选Wellesley 大学运动名人堂
• Drew Combs, 社区及政治作家 | Harvard法律学院&Columbia 本科 ︱2014 Menlo Park 市议员候选人
• Raymond Shen, 科技业领导者 ︱Stanford 大学博士&Caltech 本科 ︱和夫人环游世界宣传他成立的 “Inspiration From Above” 音乐会
• Min Tan, San Francisco 家庭服务计画辅导总监以及婚姻家庭治疗师︱Purdue 大学博士&上海交通大学本科
• Niandong Wang 创业家 ︱Berkeley 商学硕士&上海交通大学本科︱Berkeley 中国商业协会创办人&Canary 基金会2012, 2013 最高金额募款人

主持人:Niandong Wang

• 为什麽现在就要开始讨论大学以及毕业後的生活?
• 导师及諮詢的重要性
• 为什麽孩子在上大学之前就应该开始计画大学经验?
• 孩子如何在寻找自己的热情丶符合父母期望,以及同侪竞争中取得平衡?
• 孩子应该培养什麽样的经验与心态来准备他们成年後的生活?


名额有限,请竟早RSVP 以免向隅

Dear Parents, 

You are invited to a special, free parent education event co-organized by the Bay Echo Association and the Berkeley Chinese Business Association.
Please find the relevant information here:

EVENT TITLE:  Your Successful Launch from a US College: Tips for Life and Career Coaching   

WHEN:  Saturday, February 7, 2015  from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm with 30 minutes of networking to follow

WHERE:  RSVP here and we will send you a confirmation email for the location


Join Bay Echo Association and the Berkeley Chinese Business Association in a dialogue about how young adults can prepare for a successful launch from college to life and a career. The presenters are accomplished alumni with advanced degrees from top universities, and with diversified professional background and personal interests.

The ideas shared from the panelists will reference recent trends in the news about the 13% of 18-28 year olds in the US who have “failed to launch” as well as newly published work that believes that students attending elite universities sometimes fall prey to experiences stunt their growth as independent thinkers and doers.

Furthermore, if you are a recent immigrant to US – either you had attended the college or graduate school in the US or not – you will find this event meaningful and inspiring on how to nurture your child as the second generation immigrant to survive and thrive better in the US.  Among the panelists, some were born and raised outside US and some were also second generation immigrants. Chinese interpretation will be available onsite.


  • Heidi Chang,  Learning Designer | Stanford (MA) & Wellesley (BA) | Wellesley Athletics Hall of Fame Inductee

  • Drew Combs, Community and Political Writer and Activist | Harvard Law & Columbia University (BA) | 204 Candidate for the Menlo Park City Council

  • Raymond Shen, High Tech Leader | Stanford (PhD) & Caltech (BS) | Travels the world for his co-created “Inspiration From Above” concert with his wife

  • Min Tan, MFT & Counseling Program Director at Family Service Agency of San Francisco | Purdue (Ph.D) & Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ (BS, Accelerated Program)

  • Niandong Wang, Business Development Enthusiast | Berkeley (MBA) & Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ (BS, Gifted Youth Program) | Founder, Berkeley Chinese Business Association & Top fundraiser (2012, 2013), Canary Foundation


  • Niandong Wang

WHAT  (A list of partial topics)
  • Why might it be important to start thinking about college and life after college now?
  • Why is it important to have a mentor or coach?
  • What do young people need to know now to plan for their college experiences?
  • How do young people balance finding their passions, parent expectations, and competition from peers?
  • What experiences and mindsets might help young people to be better prepared for their future as adults?


Limited space. RSVP now before it’s full!

QUESTIONS?   Email Hilaya.Edu@gmail.com  (Subject:  February  Event)

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