

许多高中的9年级通常是上生物,10 年级上化学。如果11年级上AP 化学的话,物理要么等到12年级,要么就没有机会学了。事实上,在一些私利高中,也有不少公立高中,物理是9年级就可以上。其实,无论在台湾还是中国大陆,都是先学物理,后学化学的。对数学程度好的孩子,8年级完全可以开始学物理。

美国物理奥林匹克USAPhO的比赛内容基本上是物理的AP 的内容,没有偏和怪的题型。虽然每个高中生都有资格参加比赛,全国每年参赛的学生都不多。如果要准备并希望得到名次,尽早学习物理就很重要了。机会都在自己手里掌握着。


我们特地开基础物理班,内容主要概括Honor Physics 和 AP Physics B。招收没有物理基础的学生。

It is a concern for many parents with regards to the limitation of taking science classes at public high schools including some private high schools.

Due to the restriction that a student can only take one science class per school year, students would typically take Biology at 9th grade and Chemistry at 10th grade. If they take AP Chemistry at 11th grade then there are only two options left for the Physics course: either taking Physics at 12th grade or simply do not take any Physics course at their high school. Physics is one of the required courses when student entering a College and majoring in Engineering or Science, therefore, many high students are seeking outside help for taking Physics class.

This is not the case in many private high schools or a few public high schools. In those schools, students can take Physics even at 9th grade. As matter of fact, education system in Mainland China and in Taiwan believes that taking Physics at earlier high school years will strongly enhance the student’s Mathematic skills as well as provide good science discipline training. Therefore, students in Mainland China and in Taiwan always take Physics first before taking Chemistry or Biology.

One of the high school Physics competitions is the America Olympiad competition (USAPhO). Most of the content of the USAPhO are based on Physics AP content. Very good understandings of basic concepts enables students achieve higher performance on USAPhO. However, not many student sign up for the USAPhO competition even though it is open to all the high school students. It is important to start early, take the Physics course as soon as you are ready. Study and prepare for the once a year USAPhO!

We, Spring Light Education, offer a fundamental Physics class. It is equivalent to Honor Physics and AP Physics B. For those students who want to participate next years USAPhO, we will offer USAPhO competition class after two sessions of the fundamental physics class. And for those students who are not interested in participating USAPhO, the fundamental will prepare you for the AP Physics or SAT II Physics subject test.

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